"nije loše, zar ne?" Ja inače volim shuffle, igram sve svoje dobitke ovde jer je odličan i pouzdan sajt, nisam proveo vreme na boljem sajtu, zajednica je jednostavno dobra, ima sve potrebne servise, nadam se da će shuffle postojati još dugo, a druga stvar je ovaj airdrop, pa, to je brutalna ideja, ko god da je smislio, vrlo dobra stvar
Postoji mnogo nedeljnih, dnevnih, mesečnih instant povraćaja novca, a da ne pominjemo da sada svaki viši nivo dolazi sa velikom nagradom i sada je dobijamo čak i ako pišemo za podršku od srebra.
ali postoji strimer na Rubenu kome verujem, preporučio mi ga je, pa bih želeo da mu se zahvalim odavde.
"not bad, right?" i love shuffle by the way, i play all my winnings here because it's an excellent and reliable site, i haven't spent any time on a better site, the community is simply good, it has all the necessary service providers, i hope shuffle will be around for a long time, and the other thing is this airdrop, well, it's a brutal idea, congratulations to whoever came up with it, it's a very good little thing
There are a lot of weekly, daily, monthly instant cashbacks, not to mention that now every level up comes with a big reward and now we get it even if we write to support from silver.
but there is a streamer on Ruben who I trust, he recommended it to me, so I would like to thank him from here.