Probao sam ovaj kazino zbog preporuke prijatelja.
Verzija kazina veb stranice ima jednostavnu navigaciju i intuitivno je lako pronaći kategorije koje često preferirate, osećao sam se kao kod kuće, tako da je za mene to plus. Pokušao sam da igram nisko, kao što sam to često činio sa bilo kojim nepoznatim kazinom. Izgubio sam nekoliko puta, ali većina puta je bila pobeda, a onda, kada sam odlučio da prekinem i povučem se, bilo je iznenađujuće lako, morao sam da čekam nekoliko sati na to. Moji prijatelji kažu da sam imao sreće jer je podrška tada bila prisutna ili je to možda zbog male sume - idk.
Ali svideo mi se i definitivno ću pokušati ponovo
Tried this casino because of friends recommendation.
The website casino version has a simple navigation and it's intuitively easy to find the categories you often prefer, I felt like home, so for me it's a plus. Tried to play low, as I often so with any unfamiliar casino. Lost a few times, but most times is was winning and then, when I decided to stop and withdraw it was surprisingly easy, I had to wait a few hours for it. My friends say I was lucky as the support was there at that time or maybe it's because of the small sum - idk.
But I loved it and will definitely try again