Igrač iz Njemačke je u nekoliko navrata pokušao blokirati svoj račun. Nažalost, svi upiti su ignorirani. Žalba igrača uspješno je riješena.
The player from Germany has tried to block his account on several occasions. Unfortunately, all the enquiries were ignored. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
Igrač iz Njemačke je u nekoliko navrata pokušao blokirati svoj račun. Nažalost, svi upiti su ignorirani. Žalba igrača uspješno je riješena.
Casino Robet247 i Casino 1bet (koji su također dio dobavljača) i Casino 18bet ignorirali su moj zahtjev za blokiranje računa zbog ovisnosti o kockanju i zato bih mogao nastaviti gubiti novac.
Mogu dokazati da danima šaljem e-poštu svim 3 dobavljača.
Sve uplate su išle preko Netellera "Shark 77 Limited". Međutim, drugi operater je operator na Robet247 i 1bet. Na 18betu bio sam zabranjen istog dana. Ali i dalje sam mogao prenijeti sredstva na Robet247 i 1bet putem Netellera (u Shark77 Limited).
Molim za pomoć u rješavanju slučaja. Kazino piše:
"Dajemo sve od sebe da otkrijemo i spriječimo kupce da otvaraju naknadne račune tijekom razdoblja samoisključenja. Iz tog razloga vas molimo da nas kontaktirate ako dođe do promjena u vezi s vašim osobnim podacima."
Trebali ste samo pročitati moje e-mailove i odgovoriti.
Šta mogu uraditi?
Casino Robet247 and Casino 1bet (also part of the provider) and Casino 18bet ignored my request to block my account due to gambling addiction and therefore I could continue to lose money.
I can prove that I have been sending emails to all 3 providers for days.
All payments went through Neteller to "Shark 77 Limited". However, another operator is the operator at Robet247 and 1bet. At 18bet I was banned the same day. But I was still able to transfer funds to Robet247 and 1bet via Neteller (to Shark77 Limited).
I ask for your assistance in solving the case. The casino writes:
"We do our best to detect and prevent customers from opening subsequent accounts during the self-exclusion period. For this reason, we ask that you contact us if there are any changes regarding your personal information."
You should have just read my emails and responded.
What can I do?
Das Casino Robet247 und das Casino 1bet (gehört auch zum Anbieter) und das Casino 18bet haben meine Anfrage zur Sperrung meines Kontos wegen spielsucht ignoriert und deswegen konnte ich weiter geld verlieren.
Ich kann nachweisen, dass ich seit Tagen E-Mails an alle 3 Anbieter übermittelt habe.
Alle Zahlungen gingen über Neteller an "Shark 77 Limited". Als Betreiber steht aber bei Robet247 und 1bet ein anderer Betreiber. Bei 18bet wurde ich am gleichen Tag gesperrt. Aber trotzdem konnte ich bei Robet247 und 1bet weiter über Neteller (an Shark77 Limited) Gelder überweisen.
Ich bitte um Ihre Unterstützung bei der Lösung des Falles. Das Casino schreibt:
"We do our best to detect and prevent customers from opening subsequent accounts during the self-exclusion period. For this reason, we ask that you contact us if there are any changes regarding your personal information."
Dabei hätten Sie einfach nur meine E-Mails lesen sollen und reagieren müssen.
Was kann ich tun?
Dragi Grillz520,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema.
Možete li proslijediti svu e-poštu ili snimke zaslona koji pokazuju da ste poslali zahtjeve za zatvaranje računa? Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru . Jeste li u tim zahtjevima naveli koliko dugo želite da vaš račun bude zatvoren i jasno naveli razlog zašto?
Provjerio sam odjeljak Odgovorno igranje na web lokaciji i evo što sam pronašao https://robet247.com/fi/responsible :
Ako vjerujete da imate problema s kockanjem ili se jednostavno želite prisilno odmoriti od igre, Robet247 vam daje moć da se trajno isključite iz igre. Ako se odlučite trajno izuzeti, bit će vam zabranjeno klađenje na našoj web stranici. Sve što trebate je kontaktirati naš tim za korisničku podršku. "
Da li je ovo support@robet247.com adresa e-pošte na koju ste poslali e-poštu?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Grillz520,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Could you please forward all the emails or screenshots showing that you have sent requests for your account’s closure? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Did you specify in those requests for how long you wish your account to be closed and clearly stated the reason why?
I have checked the Responsible Gaming section on the website, and this is what I found https://robet247.com/fi/responsible:
If you believe you have a gambling problem or just wish to take an enforced break from gaming, Robet247 gives you the power to permanently exclude yourself from playing. If you choose to exclude yourself permanently, you will be banned from betting on our site. All you need to do is contact our Customer Care team."
Is this support@robet247.com the email address you have sent your emails to?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Uvijek me zapanji koliko brzo reagirate. Super !!!!!!!!!! Bilo da dobijem povrat novca ili ne, vi radite dragocjen posao. Prvo najljepše hvala.
Rado ću vam poslati kopiju e-maila na petronela.k@casino.guru. Molim vas da moj slučaj ostane povjerljiv. Puno puno hvala!
I am always amazed at how quickly you react. Great!!!!!!!!!! Whether I get a refund or not, you're doing valuable work. Thank you very much first.
I will be happy to send you a copy of the email to petronela.k@casino.guru. Please keep my case confidential. Many many thanks!
Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt, wie schnelle Sie reagieren. Großartig!!!!!!!!!! Egal ob ich eine Rückerstattung erhalte oder nicht- Sie tun einfach wertvolle Arbeit. Ganz herzlichen Dank zunächst.
Ich sende ihnen eine Kopie die E-Mail gerne an petronela.k@casino.guru. Bitte behandeln Sie meinen Fall vertraulich. Vielen herzlichen Dank!
Hvala vam puno, Grillz520, na lijepim riječima i prosljeđivanju relevantne e-pošte.
Razumijem da ste poslali e-poštu u nekoliko kazina koja, vjerujete, pripadaju Shark 77 Limited. Provjerio sam MGA licencu za gore spomenutu kompaniju i ovo sam pronašao https://www.authorisation.mga.org.mt/verification.aspx?lang=EN&company=7f68201f-7199-4768-8245-da024094c329&details=1 .
Prema našim informacijama, Casino Robet247 ima drugog vlasnika.
Možete li nas posavjetovati da li ste svoj zahtjev za samoisključenje posebno poslali u kazino Robet247? Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Thank you very much, Grillz520, for your kind words and for forwarding the relevant email.
I understand that you have sent an email to several casinos which, you believe, belong to Shark 77 Limited. I have checked the MGA License for the abovementioned company and this is what I found https://www.authorisation.mga.org.mt/verification.aspx?lang=EN&company=7f68201f-7199-4768-8245-da024094c329&details=1.
According to our information, Robet247 Casino has a different owner.
Could you please advise if you have communicated your request for a self-exclusion to Robet247 Casino specifically? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Dobar dan Petronela,
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama.
Da, također sam svoj zahtjev posebno poslao na robet247. Kronika izgleda ovako:
Nadam se da su ove informacije korisne.
Hello Petronela,
Thank you for the feedback.
Yes, I also sent my request specifically to robet247. The chronicle looks like this:
I hope this information is helpful.
Hallo Petronela,
vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.
Ja, ich habe meine Anfrage auch speziell an robet247 geschickt. Die Chronik sieht wie folgt aus:
Ich hoffe, diese Informationen sind hilfreich.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Iznenađujuće, casino mi sada daje relevantne uplate zurückersattet 🙂 Hvala - slučaj se može zaključiti. Hvala na saradnji!
Surprisingly, the casino has me the relevant payments now zurückersattet 🙂 Thank you - the case can be closed. Thank you for your cooperation!
Überraschenderweise hat das casino mir die relevanten Zahlungen jetzt zurückersattet 🙂 Vielen Dank - der Fall kann geschlossen werden. Danke für Ihre Mithilfe!
Kako je problem uspješno riješen, sada ćemo prigovor zatvoriti kao 'riješen' u našem sustavu. Hvala vam puno, Grillz520, na saradnji i potvrdi, i nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakav problem sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
As the issue has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, Grillz520, for your cooperation and confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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