Igrač iz Kanade optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Nakon dokaza koje je pružio kasino, bili smo prisiljeni odbiti ovu žalbu kao 'neopravdanu'.
The player from Canada has been accused of opening multiple accounts. After evidence provided by the casino, we were forced to reject this complaint as 'unjustified'.
Igrač iz Kanade optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Nakon dokaza koje je pružio kasino, bili smo prisiljeni odbiti ovu žalbu kao 'neopravdanu'.
Deponirao sam bez približno 2850 i osvojio 9000 $ bez ikakvog bonusa. Podnio sam povlačenje. Njihovo Osiguranje me zamolilo da dam svoje dokumente i to sam i učinio. Trebala su im 2 dana, a zatim su rekli da su putem chata s mojim dokumentima sve u redu i moram povući 5000 USD jer je to njihov nedeljni limit. I ja sam to učinio. Ostavljajući 4000 $ da pričekate još tjedan dana da povučete novac. Sad sam dobio e-poštu od njihovog osiguranja, kažu da imam duplicirane račune i da mi je račun zatvoren. Što je velika laž. Nikad nisam imao račun kod njih. Ne plaćaju mi novac koji sam osvojio.
I deposited without approximately 2850 in total and won 9000$ without any bonus. I submitted a withdrawal. Their Security asked me to provide my documents and I did. It took them 2 days and than they said over chat everything is fine with my documents and I have to make a withdrawal of 5000$ as that is their weekly limit. And I did do it. Leaving 4000$ to wait another week to make that withdrawal. Now I received an email from their security they say I have duplicated accounts and my account was closed. Which is a big lie. I never had an account with them. They are not paying me the money I won.
Dragi Lucky_o,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu i proslijedili svu relevantnu komunikaciju i snimke zaslona. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema.
Kontaktirat ćemo casino i zatražiti dodatne dokaze, ali prije nego što to učinite, možete li vas posavjetovati ako, koliko je vama poznato, postoji mogućnost da je neko drugi od članova vaše porodice ili susjeda otvorio račun od istog IP adresa ili uređaj kao vaš?
Možete li nas posavjetovati da li je to bio vaš prvi pokušaj povlačenja u ovom kasinu ili ste u prošlosti primali uplate? Jeste li iskoristili neke promotivne ponude iz ovog kasina u prošlosti?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Lucky_o,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant communication and screenshots. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem.
We will contact the casino and ask for supporting evidence, but, before we do so, could you please advise if, to the best of your knowledge, there’s a possibility that someone else from your family members or neighbours has opened an account from the same IP address or device as yours?
Could you please advise if it were your first withdrawal attempt in this casino or you’ve received payments in the past? Have you redeemed any promotional offers from this casino in the past?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Niko od moje porodice nikada nije otvorio račun. Niko iz susjedstva nema pristup mojoj WiFi mreži. Nikada nisam podigao novac sa ove stranice. Ovo je prvi put da sam se registrovao i pobijedio. Nisam prihvatio nijednu bonus ponudu, jer znam da su pod mnogim ograničenjima. Koristio sam svoj novac. Poslao sam vam snimak zaslona chata uživo od dana prije, gdje je agent rekao da je moj račun u potpunosti potvrđen i da nema problema.
No one from my family ever opened an account on. No one from neighbouring has access to my wifi. I never withdrawed money from this site. This is the first time I registered and won. I did not accept any bonus offers as I know they are to many restrictions. I used my own money. I sent you the screenshot of the live chat from a day before where the agent said himself my account has been fully verified and there are no issues.
Puno vam hvala, Lucky_o, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Martina koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Lucky_o, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Martin who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala ti. Iz mnogih recenzija vidim da su to učinili gotovo svim svojim pobjedničkim kupcima. Treba ih ukloniti sa svih web lokacija. Treba im oduzeti dozvolu.
Thank you. I can see from a lot of reviews that they did this to almost all their winning customers. They need to be taken down from all online sites. Their licence needs to be taken away.
Sad su me ponovo kontaktirali s daljnjim lažovima. Kažu da sam otvorio 4 ili više računa s njima. Ali za to nema dokaza. Naveli su moje IP adrese. Ali očito, jer sam se s ovoga povezao s njihovom stranom. Ali oni trebaju dokazati ova 4 ili više računa gdje su otvoreni sa mojim IP-ovima, mojim informacijama i mojim bankarstvom. Ne znam koji idiot otvara 4 ili više računa na jednoj web lokaciji. Definitivno nisam. Ovi prevaranti i lažni lažovi i dalje se izgovaraju da ne isplate kupcima njihove legalne dobitke.
Now they contacted me again with further lias. Saying I opened 4 or more accounts with them. But no proof for it. They listed my IP's. But obviously, Because I connected from this to their side. But they need to proof this 4 or more accounts where open with my IP's, my information and my banking. I do not know which idiot opens 4 or more accounts with one site. I definitely did not. These scammers and fraudulent liars keep making excuses to not pay the customers their legally winnings.
Pozdrav Lucky_o!
Da li dobro razumijem da je ovaj slučaj isključivo povezan sa sportskim klađenjem? Jeste li igrali i u casino sekciji ili samo sportom?
Kao što možda znate, naš forum Casino.Guru bavi se žalbama samo na online kockarnice. Razumijem da vam mora biti teško, ali nažalost, nemamo dovoljno uvida da preuzmemo ovakvu vrstu pitanja koja se odnose na sportsko klađenje. U vaše ime mogu kontaktirati kasino i pokušati dobiti neke dodatne informacije, ali istovremeno ću biti prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu. Ako vam je prikladno, možemo nastaviti našu komunikaciju putem e-pošte. Moja adresa e-pošte je 'martin.d@casino.guru'. Molimo vas da me obavestite kako želite dalje.
Puno vam hvala na razumevanju.
Hello Lucky_o!
Do I understand correctly that this case is purely related to sports betting? Have you played in the casino section as well, or sports only?
As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to a sports betting. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. My email address is 'martin.d@casino.guru'. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Da 4600 dobitaka dolazi iz njihovog kazina uživo. Osigurao sam vam snimke ekrana. Nigdje nisam rekao da je to samo sportsko klađenje
Yes 4600 of the winnings is from their live casino. I provided you guys with the screenshots. I did not say anywhere that it was only sports betting
Hvala vam na odgovoru, samo sam se htio uvjeriti da smo problem u potpunosti razumjeli.
Želio bih zamoliti SELECT.bet Casino da se pridruži raspravi i pomogne nam u rješavanju ovog slučaja.
Thank you for your reply, I just wanted to make sure that we understand the issue completely.
I would like to ask SELECT.bet Casino to join the discussion and help us resolve this case.
Da, trebali bi mi pružiti neke dokaze o svojoj gluposti. Pogotovo sa sirovim elektroničkim podacima koji pokazuju kada su i sa kojim informacijama (IP, bankarstvo, lični podaci itd.) Ti računi stvoreni i sve transakcije sa svih računa s IP-ovima. Iako sam siguran da imaju sve što je potrebno da se i time manipulira.
Yeah, they should provide me some proof of their nonesense claim. Especially with raw electronic data that shows when and with what information (IP, banking, personal information etc) those accounts were created and all transactions from all accounts with the IP's. Even though I am sure they have everything it takes to manipulate that as well.
Željeli bismo zamoliti casino SELECT.bet da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne reagira u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješen", što će imati negativan utjecaj na ocjenu kasina.
We would like to ask SELECT.bet Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’, which will have negative impact on the casino's rating.
Poštovani gospodine Omed i predstavnici CasinoGurua,
Hvala što ste nas pozvali u ovom slučaju.
Obavijestili bismo obje strane da smo upravo zaključili slučaj s davateljem licence i da su pružene sve potrebne informacije i da je slučaj završen u našu korist.
Izjavu bismo željeli podijeliti e-poštom s jednim od administratora. Molimo vas da nas obavijestite kako bismo mogli proslijediti datoteku.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Casino tim SelectBet
Dear Mr. Omed & CasinoGuru representatives,
Thank you for inviting us in this case.
We would like to inform both parties that we've just closed the case with the licensor and all the necessary information has been provided and the case was closed In our favor.
We would like to share the statement over an email to one of the administrators. Please, let us know so we could forward the file.
Kind Regards,
The SelectBet Casino Team
Želim kontakt davatelja licence i dokaz vaše tvrdnje da imam više računa s vama prevarantima i prevarama.
Samo ljudi poput vas mogu biti toliko glupi i otvoriti više računa, ali ja ne.
Želim dokaz o svim višestrukim računima i svim transakcijama s njih povezanim sa IP-ovima sa kojih su se povezali. Želim elektroničke sirove podatke koji to dokazuju.
Davatelj licence je u kontaktu sa mnom i nigdje nije spomenuo da su stvar riješili s vama lažljivcima i kriminalcima. Oni su izjavili suprotno od onoga što je reklo da im ne odgovarate.
Dakle, navedite nam kontakt vašeg takozvanog davatelja licence s kojim nikada niste imali kontakt, pa ćemo ih moći kontaktirati i pružiti svoj dokaz o vašem lažnom zahtjevu.
Nadam se da ćete svi dobiti poverenje i članove porodice i umrijeti za ovakvu vrstu prevare, prevare i svih ostalih kriminalnih radnji.
I want the contact of the licensor and the proof of your claim that I have multiple accounts with you scammers and fraudulent criminals.
Only people like you can be so dumb and open multiple accounts but not me.
I want proof of all multiple accounts and all transactions from them attached with the IP's they connected from. I want electronic raw data that proofs that.
The licensor is in contact with me and nowhere mentioned that they resolved the matter with you liers and criminals. They stated the opposite that said you are not responding to them.
So provide us the contact of your so called licensor to which you never had contact with so we can contact them and provide my proof of your fake claim.
I hope you all get covid plus your family members and die for doing this kind of fraud, scam and all your other criminal activities.
Dragi Lucky_o,
Dobili smo dokaze od SELECT.bet Casina, koji su nakon naše interne rasprave smatrani dovoljnim da podrže tvrdnje casina. Nažalost, nećemo vam moći dalje pomoći u ovom slučaju.
Međutim, u slučaju da ne biste bili zadovoljni ovom rezolucijom, koju bih potpuno razumio, htio bih predložiti da ovaj slučaj podnesete nadležnom tijelu za izdavanje dozvola. Napokon, oni imaju mnogo bolje mogućnosti i mogućnosti da istraže sve dokaze dostupne u ovom slučaju.
U svakom slučaju, mogu vas uvjeriti da vrijeme koje ste uložili u ovu temu neće biti izgubljeno, jer prije podnošenja službene žalbe organu za licenciranje, morate kontaktirati neovisnog pregovarača, što ste i učinili.
Obavijestite me ako odlučite kontaktirati tijelo za licenciranje i ako je potrebna naša pomoć.
Dear Lucky_o,
We have received an evidence from SELECT.bet Casino, which after our internal discussion, were deemed as sufficient to support the casino's claims. Unfortunately, we will not be able to help you further with this case.
However, in the case, that you would not be satisfied with this resolution, which I'd completely understand, I would like to suggest, that you raise this case to the casino's Licensing Authority. After all, they have much better options and possibilities to investigate all the evidence available within this case.
Anyhow, I can assure you that the time you have invested in this thread won’t be wasted as before filing an official complaint with the Licensing Authority, you need to reach out to an independent negotiator, which you did.
Please let me know if you decide to contact the Licensing Authority and our assistance is needed.
Gdje su dokazi? Na osnovu čega ste zaključili da je to dovoljno? Želim takozvani dokaz. Nemam više računa. Zašto bih? Zašto bi neko otvorio više računa? Kako to za vas ima smisla? Zašto ništa nisu rekli kad sam uplatio 2850 i izgubio do pobjede? Zašto su čekali dok nisam pobijedio? Nisam zadovoljan sa vama, momci, radite ovdje!
Where is the evidence? Based on what did you decide it was sufficient? I want the so called evidence. I do not have multiple accounts. Why would I? Why would anyone open multiple accounts? How does that make sense to you? Why did they not say anything when I made deposits of 2850 and lost until my winning streak? Why did they wait until I won? I am not happy with you guys work here!
Zašto mi ne dostave dokaz? Zatražio sam. Jedino što su mi mogli pokazati bila je IP telefona, moje kućne ip adrese sa kojih sam se prijavio na svoj račun. Ali ništa drugo. To ne dokazuje da imam više računa. Logujem se putem telefona ili WiFi-a, ovisno o tome gdje se nalazim.
Želim dokaz iz sljedećeg:
- Od koje IP adrese su kreirani računi
- S kojim informacijama su otvoreni računi:
- E-mail adresa? Ne mogu se kreirati s istim adresama. Njihov sistem to ne bi dozvolio. Možete ga testirati.
- telefonski broj, telefonski brojevi se takođe ne mogu koristiti više puta
- Dokumenti
- Bankarske informacije
To bi bio dobar početak. Ali prikazivanje IP adresa s kojima sam se prijavio ne znači da imam više računa.
Urnebesno su glupi koliko su ovi prevaranti i lažni kriminalci.
Takođe, molim vas, dostavite mi takozvani dokaz da mislite da je dovoljan.
Why don't they provide me with proof? I requested it. The only thing they were able to show me was my phone IP, my home ip addresses from which I logged into my account. But nothing else. That does not proof that I have multiple accounts. I log in from with my phone or wifi depending where I am.
I want proof from the following:
- From which IP address the accounts were created
- What information the accounts were opened with:
- Email address? They can't be created with the same addresses. Their system would not allow it. You can test it.
- phone number, phone numbers also can't be used multiple times
- Documents
- Banking information
That would be a good start. But showing the IP addresses I logged into my account with doesn't mean I have multiple accounts.
Hilarious how dumb these scammers & fraudulent criminals are.
Also please provide me with the so called evidence that you are thinking is sufficient.
Dragi Lucky_o,
Imajte na umu da nismo u mogućnosti otkriti informacije koje pruža kazino, jer su iz internog sistema kasina.
Kao što sam gore spomenuo, ako niste zadovoljni ishodom ove žalbe, toplo bih vam preporučio da kontaktirate regulatora kasina. Obavijestite me ako odlučite kontaktirati tijelo za licenciranje i potrebna nam je pomoć. Zatim ćemo pričekati odluku regulatora i u skladu s tim presuditi rezultatu žalbe.
Ako odlučite ne kontaktirati tijelo za licenciranje, nećemo imati drugog izbora nego zatvoriti ovu žalbu kao „odbijenu".
Dear Lucky_o,
Please note, that we are not able to disclose the information provided by the casino, because they are from the internal system of the casino.
As I mentioned above, if you are not satisfied with outcome of this complaint, I'd strongly suggest you to contact the casino's regulator. Let me know if you decide to contact the Licensing Authority and our assistance is needed. We will then wait for the decision of the regulator and rule the complaint's result accordingly.
If you decide not to contact the Licensing Authority, we will have no other choice, than close this complaint as 'rejected'.
Ko je regulator kazina? I koliko ste stigli da ovo dalje ne nastavite? Izgleda da radite s njima.
Ne možete otkriti njihove podatke, ali s njima možete otkriti moje podatke?
Zašto sa mnom ne otkrivaju nikakve informacije? Ali platio sam vam da ovdje podnesete ovu lažnu tvrdnju.
Svi žele vidjeti dokaz. Ovdje nema dokaza.
Izgleda da ste i vi korumpirani.
Svi vi kriminalci zaslužujete lijepu smrt.
Who is the casinos regulator? And how much did you get to not further pursue this? Seems like you are working with them.
You cannot disclose their information but you can disclose my information with them?
Why are they not disclosing any information with me? But paid you to make this false claim here.
Everyone wants to see proof. There is no proof here.
Seems like you guys are also corrupt.
All you criminals deserve a nice covid death.
Dragi Lucky_o,
Razumijem vašu frustraciju, ali razlog zašto ne možemo otkriti takve dokaze je jednostavan. Ako bi u bilo kojem sličnom slučaju dokazi bili javno prikazani, bilo koji stvarni prevarant bio bi oprezan u takvoj situaciji i mogao bi ih iskoristiti u svoju korist svojom prevarantskom aktivnošću. Zajedno sa onim što je rečeno u mom prethodnom odgovoru, ovo su razlozi zbog kojih nismo pružili dokaze za kazino. Ovo je uobičajena praksa u bilo kojoj od usluga posrednika treće strane.
Sve odluke koje donosimo u okviru našeg sistema za rješavanje žalbi donose se na osnovu našeg Kodeksa poštenog kockanja, koji možete vidjeti ovdje: https://casino.guru/fair-gambling
Oni su potpuno transparentni i mi stojimo iza svojih odluka. Slobodno možete provjeriti sve naše uspješno riješene slučajeve, uvjeriti se da uvijek pokušavamo pomoći igračima.
Nažalost, u vašem slučaju morali smo stati na stranu kazina zbog dokaza koje su nam pružili.
Budući da se čini očiglednim da ste uvjereni u svoju nevinost, ponudili smo vam mogućnost da kontaktirate tijelo za izdavanje dozvola (regulator) kazina. Ovo je jedina šansa za vas da se posljednji put izjasnite u vezi sa slučajem, jer kao što sam već spomenuo, davatelji licence imaju pravo na veće mogućnosti istraživanja slučajeva. Ako odlučite da ne podnesete žalbu nadležnom tijelu za licenciranje, vaša će žalba biti odbijena.
Želio bih da vas zamolim da se suzdržite od bilo kakvog uvredljivog jezika, u protivnom će vaša žalba biti odbijena i vaš račun odjednom zabranjen.
Dear Lucky_o,
I understand your frustration, but the reason why we can't disclose such proofs is simple. If in any similar case the respective evidence would be publicly displayed, any real fraudulent player would be cautious of such situation and could use it to his advantage with his fraudulent activity. Together with what was stated in my previous response, these are the reasons of us not providing the casino's proofs. This is a common practice within any of the third party mediator services.
All the decisions we make within our Complaint Resolution System are done based on our Fair Gambling Codex, which you can see here: https://casino.guru/fair-gambling
They are fully transparent and we stand behind our decisions. You are free to check all our successfully resolved cases, to see for yourself, that we always try to help the players.
Unfortunately, in your case, we had to stand on the casino's side, because of the evidence they provided us.
Since it seems obvious that your are convinced of your innocence, we offered you an option to contact the casino's Licensing Authority (regulator). This is the only chance for you to make a last stand with the case, because as I previously mentioned, licensors are entitled with more capabilities of researching the cases. If you decide not to raise the complaint to the Licensing Authority, your complaint will be rejected.
I would like to ask you to refrain from any future offensive language, otherwise your complaint will be rejected and your account banned at once.
Nisam tražio da javno pokažem dokaz. Imate moju ema adresu, želim vidjeti njihov dokaz.
Opet čak ni ne govorite koji su dokazi. Šta je to dokazalo? Je li pokazalo koje su informacije korištene na dupliciranim računima? Da li je prikazivao adresu e-pošte, lične podatke, podatke o računu i telefonski broj.
Pokušajte testno otvoriti više računa s istim podacima na njihovoj strani. I pogledajte da li je to moguće. Vidjet ćete da nije.
Ali koji bi bio razlog da neko otvori više računa? Biti pametan? Ima li to smisla za vas?
Opet ne možete otvoriti više računa ni na jednoj strani s istim informacijama. Želim vidjeti koje su informacije potrebne i sa koje ip adrese su računi otvoreni.
Možete mi poslati dokaz na moj privatni e-mail.
Takođe, ko je njihov regulator. Ljudi s kojima sam bio u kontaktu rekli su da nisu.
I did not ask to publicly show the proof. You have my ema address, I want to see their proof.
Again you are not even saying what the evidence is. What did it proof? Did it show what information were used on the duplicated accounts? Did it show the email address, personal information, account information and phone number.
Do a test try to open more than one account with the same information on their side. And see if it is possible. You will see it is not.
But what would be the reason for someone to open multiple accounts? Being smart? Does that make sense to you?
Again you can't open multiple accounts on any side with the same information. I want to see what information needed used and from what ip address the accounts were opened.
You can send me the proof on my private email.
Also who is their regulatory. The people I was in touch said they are not.
Pozdrav Lucky_o!
Prilično sam siguran da su razlozi zašto ne otkrivamo nikakve dokaze koje su pružila kazina jasno saopšteni. Izvinite nas, ali mi te informacije ne otkrivamo ni javno ni nikome drugom.
Ovlašćenje za izdavanje dozvola u kazinu možete kontaktirati putem ove e-adrese: 'žalobi@gaminglicences.com'.
Molimo, ne zaboravite u svoju poruku uključiti sljedeće:
Vaši lični podaci:
Tijelo žalbe mora sadržavati:
Takođe, ne zaboravite priložiti datoteke, slike ekrana ili prepisku putem e-pošte koje dokazuju da ste već pokušali riješiti problem s kasinom. Takođe možete dodatno dodati vezu za ovu žalbu.
Molimo vas da nas obavijestite kada uspješno podnesete žalbu tijelu za izdavanje dozvola i oni će je potvrditi.
Hello Lucky_o!
I am pretty sure, that the reasons why we do not disclose any evidence provided by the casinos were communicated clearly. Excuse us please, but we do not disclose this information nor publicly or to anybody else as well.
You can reach the casino's Licensing Authority via this email: 'complaints@gaminglicences.com'.
Please, do not forget to include the following in your message:
Your personal information:
Complaint body must include:
Also, please, do not forget to attach files, screenshot images or email correspondence, that prove you have already tried to resolve the problem with the casino. You can also provide this complaint's link additionaly.
Please, when you successfully submit your complaint to the Licensing Authority and they will confirm it, let us know.
Ovo je zaista tužno i razočaravajuće što podržavate prevaru i prevaru koju je počinila ova zločinačka organizacija.
Nisam siguran koje su vam dokaze pokazali, ali kakvi god da su ih stvorili.
Do danas nisam dobio nijedan dokaz. Vi čak ni ne komentirate koji dokaz smatrate ispravnim.
Jesu li pokazali koji su lični podaci, koja adresa e-pošte, koji telefonski broj, koji su dokumenti i koja je ip adresa i koji broj računa korišteni prilikom stvaranja ovih računa.
Niste sigurni koliko vam je logično, ali ni na jednoj web lokaciji ne možete stvoriti više računa s istim informacijama. Idi i probaj. Otvorite više računa s istim imejlom i brojem telefona i podacima na svojoj strani.
Vidjet ćete da to nije moguće. Nemojte mi reći da ste vidjeli dokaze. Prikazuju li se na tom računu ista adresa e-pošte i isti telefonski broj? Neeee.
Oni su stvorili te račune s lažnim informacijama.
Ocjena vašeg rada je 0, a vi momci imate istu reputaciju kao ovaj kriminalac sa select.bet.
Vidjet ćete da nisam zadnji kupac koji se bavi prevarom select.bet. I nisam bio prvi. Ovdje sam vidio i druge kupce kako se žale.
Nažalost, niste u mogućnosti spojiti tačke i priznati da su to kriminalci.
Koliko vidim da vi momci radite s njima, ne mogu objasniti kako im možete pružiti podršku u kriminalnim radnjama. Možete zaključiti ovaj slučaj. Oni imaju taj novac. Ali Bog će doći za njima. Nadam se da će ih covid ubiti i njihove porodice. Bog je velik i dat će im kaznu koju zaslužuju.
This is really sad and dissapointing that you are supporting the fraud and scam done by this criminal organization.
Not sure what evidence they showed you but whatever it is they created it.
Till today I did not get any proof. You are not even commenting on what evidence you think looks right.
Did they show what personal information, what email address, what phone number, what documents and what's ip address and what account number, were used when this accounts were created.
Not sure how logical it is to you but on no site you can create multiple accounts with the same information. Go and try it. Open multiple accounts with the same email and phone number and information on their side.
Your will see it is not possible. So don't tell me you have seen evidence. Do those account show same email and same phone number? Nooooo.
They created those accounts with fake information.
The rating of your work is 0 and for me you guys have same reputation as this criminals from select.bet.
You will see I am not the last customer dealing with select.bet fraud. And I was not the first. I have seen other customer on here complaining as well.
Unfortunately you are not able to connect the dots and admit these are criminals.
As far as I see you guys working with them I cannot explain how you can support them on the criminal doings. You can close this case. They have that money. But God will come after them. Hopefully covid kills them and their families. God is great and will give them the punishment they deserve.
Pozdrav Lucky_o!
Nažalost, kao što sam ranije rekao, ne možemo na bilo koji način podijeliti dokaze koje je pružio kasino niti ćemo raspravljati o njihovom sadržaju.
Kao što je prethodno spomenuto, razlozi su u tome što informacije sadrže interne podatke kazina i ako ih otkrijemo javno ili bilo kome - uključujući vas, to može prouzročiti dodatnu štetu u kazinu.
Razumijem vašu frustraciju zbog ove činjenice, ali s tim u vezi ništa ne možemo učiniti.
Još uvijek imate mogućnost da uključite tijelo za licenciranje u kasinu.
U okviru mog prethodnog unosa savjetovao sam kako možete kontaktirati tijelo za licenciranje. Nakon 3 prijedloga s moje strane da to učinite, čini se očitim da ne namjeravate dalje podnijeti žalbu regulatoru kasina.
Da zaokružim ovo, s obzirom na prirodu vaše uvredljive komunikacije, dodanu činjenici da smo iscrpili sve mogućnosti za vašu pomoć, prisiljen sam odbiti ovu žalbu.
U slučaju da kontaktirate regulatora kasina, javite mi tako što ćete mi poslati e-poštu. Moja adresa je: 'martin.d@casino.guru'.
Hello Lucky_o!
Unfortunately, as I said earlier, we can not share the evidence provided by the casino in any way, nor we will discuss the content of it.
As it was previously mentioned, the reasons are that the information contains the casino's internal information and it if we disclose it publicly, or to anyone - including you, it may cause further damage to the casino.
I understand your frustration of this fact, however there is nothing that can be done in this regard.
You still have the option to turn on the Licensing Authority of the casino.
Within my previous entry I advised on how you can reach the Licensing Authority. After 3 suggestions from my side to you on doing so, it seems obvious that you have no intention to raise the complaint further with the casino's regulator.
To round this up, given the nature of your offensive communication added to the fact, that we have exhausted all the options for your help, I am forced to reject this complaint.
In case you would contact the casino's regulator, please let me know by sending me an email. My address is: 'martin.d@casino.guru'.
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