Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka. Nakon detaljnijeg ispitivanja, na kraju smo odbacili ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka. Nakon detaljnijeg ispitivanja, na kraju smo odbacili ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Wibrak,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da je ovo bio vaš prvi zahtjev za povlačenje u ovom kasinu?
Molimo vas da shvatite da je verifikacija KYC računa vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino osigurava da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku. Nijedno od licenciranih kazina ne doživljava KYC olako i možda će trebati nekoliko radnih dana dok se ne završi ovaj temeljiti postupak. Ako su svi podaci tačni, kazino ne bi trebao imati razloga da odgađa vaše povlačenje.
Poslije je sasvim uobičajeno da povlačenje traje nekoliko dana ili čak tjedana da bi se u potpunosti obradilo. To znači da će proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu, posebno ako je to vaše prvo podizanje novca ili ako podižete veći iznos novca. Zato igračima savjetujemo da budu strpljivi i sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon što zatraže povlačenje prije nego što podnesu žalbu. Obavijestite nas je li ovaj savjet bio koristan ili moramo intervenirati. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Wibrak,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please confirm that this were your first withdrawal request in this casino?
Please understand that KYC account verification is a very important and essential process, during which casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. None of the licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take few working days completing this thorough procedure. If all the data is correct, there should be no reason for the casino to delay your withdrawal.
Subsequently, it’s quite usual for a withdrawal, to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account especially if it’s your first withdrawal or you’re withdrawing a bigger amount of money. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint. Please let us know if this advice was helpful or we need to intervene. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Pozdrav, kasino je isplatio, ali tijekom navedenog vremena i dalje savjetujem protiv ovog kasina.
Juče sam položio.
06. septembar 2020.Kupujte na 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100,00 EUR-100,00
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06. septembar 2020. Kupnja na 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100,00 EUR-100,00
Kazino se ne isplati ako se ne kladite.
Problem s tim je što sam htio uplatiti 100 € i dobio sam poruku o grešci da bih trebao kontaktirati banku. Zatim sam ponovo pokušao s porukom o pogrešci, a zatim velikim iznenađenjem 3x 100 €, iako je pisalo da depozit nije moguć.
Sa strane ecopayza sve je bilo u redu, napisali su.
Tada sam pokušao izvući novac igrajući. Sve sam ponovo prokockao, tako da je automat uspostavio više kontakata sa serverom u svakih 10 rundi, što mi se učinilo vrlo čudnim, pa sam prokockao 1500 €.
korisnička podrška ecoPayz
09:51 (prije 1 sat)
Dragi gospodine ****,
Puno vam hvala na vašoj e-pošti.
Detaljno smo ispitali vaš ekoračun i nismo pronašli greške na našoj strani. Imajte na umu da su u skladu sa sljedećom klauzulom naših Uslova korištenja ( https://www.ecopayz.com/de/policies/terms-of-use ) sve transakcije kupovine nepovratne:
"9.6. Prihvaćate i slažete se da su sve kupovine od eMoney-a konačne i nepovratne. Ne možemo izvršiti povrat novca na izabrani račun za plaćanje ili instrument plaćanja nakon što ste zatražili kupovinu od eMoney-a za koju smatrate da je netačno izvršena i da ste pristali u ovom slučaju, međutim, možda ćete moći iskoristiti eMoney u skladu s ovim Uslovima korištenja. "
Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti koje su vam nastale i zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.
Hello the casino has paid out but over the specified time and still I advise against this casino.
I deposited yesterday.
06 Sep 2020Buy at 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sep 2020Buy at 1bet.com EUR fe44d1e0-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sep 2020Purchase at 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
The casino doesn't pay out if you don't bet.
The problem with that is I wanted to deposit 100 € and got an error message that I should contact the bank. I then tried again again an error message then the big surprise 3x 100 € although it said that the deposit was not possible.
On the part of ecopayz everything was ok, they wrote.
I then tried to get the money out by playing I gambled everything again so the slot machine made multiple contacts to the server on every 10 rounds, which I found very strange, so I gambled 1500 €.
ecoPayz customer support
09:51 (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Sir ****,
Thank you very much for your email.
We have examined your ecoAccount in detail and found no errors on our side. Please note that in accordance with the following clause of our Terms of Use ( https://www.ecopayz.com/de/policies/terms-of-use ), all purchase transactions are irreversible:
"9.6. You acknowledge and agree that all purchases from eMoney are final and irreversible. We cannot issue a refund to your chosen payment account or payment instrument after you have requested the purchase from eMoney that you believe to have been incorrectly made and have consented to its execution. In this case, however, you may have the option to redeem eMoney in accordance with these Terms of Use. "
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you and thank you for your understanding.
Hallo das Casino hat ausgezahlt jedoch über der angegeben zeit und dennoch rate ich von diesen Casino ab.
Ich habe gestern eingezahlt.
06 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR fe44d1e0-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
Das Casino macht keine Auszahlung wenn man nicht setzt.
Das Problem dabei ist ich wollte 100€ einzahlen habe eine fehler meldung bekommen das ich die Bank kontaktieren sollte. Ich habe dann erneut versucht wieder eine fehler meldung dann die grosse überaschung 3x 100€ obwohl da stand das es nicht geht mit der einzahlung.
Von seitens ecopayz war alles ok haben die geschrieben.
Ich habe dann versucht das geld raus zuholen durch spielen hab dann alles wieder bezockt dadurch die slotmaschine nahm dabei mehrfach kontakt zu server auf alle 10 runden was ich sehr komisch gefunden habe ich habe somit 1500€ verzockt.
ecoPayz Kundenbetreuung
09:51 (vor 1 Stunde)
an mich
Lieber Herr ****,
Vielen Dank für Ihre Email.
Wir haben Ihr ecoAccount ausführlich untersucht und keine Fehler auf unserer Seite festgestellt. Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass gemäß der folgenden Klausel unserer Nutzenbedingungen (https://www.ecopayz.com/de/policies/terms-of-use) alle Einkaufstransaktionen unumkehrbar sind:
"9.6. Sie erkennen an und stimmen zu, dass alle Käufe von eMoney endgültig und nicht umkehrbar sind. Wir können keine Rückerstattung an das von Ihnen gewählte Zahlungskonto oder Zahlungsinstrument veranlassen, nachdem Sie den Kauf von eMoney, den Sie als fälschlicherweise getätigten ansehen, angefordert und der Ausführung zugestimmt haben. In diesem Fall könnten Sie jedoch die Möglichkeit haben, eMoney gemäß diesen Nutzungsbedingungen einzulösen."
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen enstanden sind, und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.
Dragi Wibrak,
Da li dobro razumijem da je kazino isplatio sredstva, kao što ste naveli u svojoj prvoj rečenici? Da li je problem riješen?
Dear Wibrak,
Do I understand it correctly that the casino has paid out the funds, as you have stated in your first sentence? Is the problem solved?
Poštovani, glavni problem je riješen, ali tri puta je rezervirano 100 € umjesto 100 €
6. rujna 2020.Kupujte na 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100,00 EUR-100,00
06. septembra 2020.Kupujte na 1bet.com EUR fe44d1e0-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100,00 EUR-100,00
06. septembar 2020. Kupnja na 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100,00 EUR-100,00
Hello the main problem is solved but three times 100 € was booked instead of 100 €
6 Sept 2020Buy at 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sep 2020Buy at 1bet.com EUR fe44d1e0-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sep 2020Purchase at 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
Hallo das haupt problem ist gelöst jedoch wurde dreinmal 100€ eingebucht stat 100€
6 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR 48292a54-f061-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR fe44d1e0-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
06 Sept 2020Kauf bei 1bet.com EUR b44132c7-f060-11ea-b468-c86000be378a 06-09-2020 100.00 EUR-100.00
Bojim se da ne možemo puno učiniti za vas otkad ste uložili svoja sredstva. Obavijestite me ako postoje neke dodatne informacije koje sam previdio, u suprotnom, bojim se da ću biti prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru i razumijevanju.
I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you since you have played your funds. Let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, otherwise, I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
Dragi Wibrak,
Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Molimo vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ako vam je potrebna pomoć ili pomoć, u protivnom ćemo odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Wibrak,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance or help, otherwise, we will reject your complaint.
Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija odbijamo ovu žalbu neosnovano. Žao nam je što vam nismo mogli pomoći s ovim, ali nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakav problem s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint us unjustified. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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