Zdravo Moj problem sa kladioničarom Shuffle.com pojavio se 14. februara 2025. kada sam se registrovao na platformi, što je bio moj prvi i jedini nalog ovde.
Deponovao sam iznos od 1190 USDC i nakon 39 opklada registrovanih na računu došao sam do iznosa od 6997 USDC. Kada sam dostigao ovaj balans, izvršio sam povlačenje preko svog kripto novčanika, u iznosu od 2000 USDC, i došlo je odmah.
Nakon još 2-3 opklade primetio sam da je moj nalog ograničen. Tada sam želeo da podignem sva sredstva sa računa pa sam napravio još 2 povlačenja. jedan od 4400 USDC i drugi od 597 USDC koji do danas nisam dobio. Pojavljuju se u mojoj istoriji transakcija, ali ne mogu da ih otkažem i nisu ih odobrili.
nakon što sam kontaktirao podršku za ćaskanje, shvatio sam da moram da završim KIC verifikaciju, što sam uradio istog kalendarskog dana. Iako u podešavanjima mog naloga izgleda da su moji dokumenti verifikovani, obavešten sam da su oni zaduženi za ručnu verifikaciju dokumenata. Njihovi odgovori su automatski i uopšte nisu na temu. Njihov odgovor se ponavlja i glasi:
„Molimo da ostavite neko vreme našem timu za usklađenost sa KIC-om da ručno pregleda dokumente koje ste dostavili. Iako ne možemo da pružimo tačnu procenu kada će ovaj proces biti završen, kontaktiraćemo vas kada bude završen ili ako nam budu potrebne dodatne informacije." ;
„Nažalost, ne možemo da obezbedimo ETA jer nemamo nadzor nad opterećenjem tima za usklađenost. Kontaktiraćemo vas kada se pregled završi ili ako budu potrebne bilo kakve dodatne informacije.";
„Vaš zahtev je prosleđen našem timu za usklađenost na pregled. Javićemo vam se čim budemo imali novosti. Hvala na strpljenju."
Zaista ne znam zašto je potrebno toliko vremena da se verifikuje i zašto ne žele da isplate moj dobitak, pa vas molim da pogledate moj slučaj i pokušajte da mi pomognete, bio bih vam zahvalan.
Čekam vaš odgovor i spreman sam da učitam sva tražena dokumenta.
Pozdrav, Alinee
Hello . My problem with the Shuffle.com bookie appeared on February 14, 2025 when I registered on the platform, being my first and only account here.
I deposited the amount of 1190 USDC and after 39 bets registered on the account I reached the amount of 6997 USDC. When I reached this balance I made a withdrawal through my crypto wallet, in the amount of 2000 USDC, and it came instantly.
After placing another 2-3 bets I noticed that my account was limited. At that time I wanted to withdraw all the funds from the account so I made 2 more withdrawals. one of 4400 USDC and the second of 597 USDC which I have not received to this day. They appear in my transaction history, but I cannot cancel them and they were not approved by them.
after contacting the chat support I understood that I had to complete the KYC verification, which I did on the same calendar day. Although in my account settings it appears that my documents are verified, I was informed that they are in charge of manually verifying the documents. Their answers are automatic and are not at all on topic. Their answer is repetitive and is as follows:
"Please allow some time for our KYC compliance team to manually review the documents you have submitted. While we cannot provide an exact estimate for when this process will be completed, we will reach out to you once it is finished or if we require any additional information." ;
"Unfortunately, we can't provide an ETA as we do not have oversight of the Compliance team's workload. We will reach out to you once review is concluded or if any additional information is required.";
"Your request has been forwarded to our compliance team for review. We’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update. Thanks for your patience."
I really don't know why it takes so long to verify and why they don't want to pay my winnings so please take a look at my case and try to help me, I would be grateful.
I am waiting for your response and I am ready to upload all the documents requested.
Regards, Alinee
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