Prijavio sam se na Shuffle 27. januara i uplatio 0,1 btc. Zatim sam nastavio da igram i uložio ukupno $57,634 (90% na kazino i 10% na sport) i uspeo sam da podignem svoj balans na 0,177 btc. Zatim sam želeo da zatražim (delimično) povlačenje 29. januara. Odbijeno je i od mene je zatraženo da predam KIC, što sam uspešno i uradio. Ali nakon toga još uvek nisam mogao da zahtevam povlačenje jer je moja funkcija povlačenja blokirana. Kada sam pitao zašto, počeli su da postavljaju razna pitanja o tome da li imam više naloga i kako sam čuo za Shuffle. Odgovorio sam da imam samo jedan nalog, ali imam prijatelja koji je igrao u Shuffle-u i on mi je rekao za sajt. Ja i neki prijatelji imamo grupu aplikacija u kojoj razgovaramo o svim vrstama stvari i s vremena na vreme preporučujemo kazina koji još uvek prihvataju nemačke kupce (jer mnogi ovih dana više ne prihvataju Nemce, što usput rečeno je takođe ono što vaš sajt kaže o Shuffleu ali nemaju Nemačku kao zabranjenu zemlju u svojim terminima, čudno....). Nakon njegove preporuke, proverio sam Bitcointalk forum i nakon čitanja dobrih komentara odlučio sam da se pridružim nekoliko dana kasnije. Shuffle je rekao da im je sumnjivo što sam se pridružio nekoliko dana nakon što je moj prijatelj imao poslednje povlačenje, ali je logično da ljudi preporučuju sajtove tek nakon što su uspešno primili svoja sredstva.
Shuffle to jednostavno kaže zato što smo ja i moj prijatelj iz istog regiona (živimo oko 15 km jedno od drugog) i zato što volimo iste igre (uglavnom Plinko i Keno, pa smo zato zaista igrali iste igre, ali šta je tako čudno u vezi s tim? mnogi prijatelji dele iste hobije ili preferencije) moramo biti ista osoba. Međutim, ovo je veoma nejasna pretpostavka i potpuno netačna. Tretiraju me kao da sam ista osoba kao i moj prijatelj, i konfiskuju mi sva sredstva, ne samo dobitke već čak i depozit! Smatram da je ovo veoma nepravedno jer sam jasno podneo svoja dokumenta u KIC-u. Takođe, nikada nisam koristio VPN, nikada nisam uzeo bonus na depozit i sve kockanje je vršeno sa moje kućne IP adrese, na mom laptopu koji nikada nisam delio ni sa kim, a takođe ne delim novčanik sa svojim prijateljem očigledno, imamo svoj sopstvene finansije jer smo potpuno odvojeni ljudi.
Osećam se bespomoćno što mogu sami da odluče da tretiraju mene i mog prijatelja kao istu osobu kada postoji samo nejasna pretpostavka da 2 osobe iz istog regiona moraju biti ista osoba.
Da sam koristio istu IP adresu, ili VPN, ili isti kripto novčanik za deponovanje, onda bi imali slučaj, ali ništa od svega ovoga!
Nema razloga da se oduzimaju sredstva, a kamoli da se oduzima čak ni moj depozit! Molim vas pomozite mi da ovde ostvarim pravdu i da mi barem vratim depozit. Spreman sam da uradim video verifikaciju da dokažem da sam ja osoba koja je navedena na mom podnetom ličnom dokumentu.
Ako je potrebno, takođe dozvoljavam CasinoGuru-u da nezavisno proceni da li su moja IP adresa, jedinstveni ID za laptop i novčanik koji su korišćeni za moj depozit isti kao oni koje koristi moj prijatelj. Shuffle može da podeli sve ove detalje sa vama na zahtev. Ovo radim jer znam 100% siguran da to nije slučaj. Nadam se da možete da mi pomognete jer je 0.1btc mnogo novca za mene i da mi se oduzme depozit je nešto što mi se nikada nije dogodilo.
Neki snimci ekrana su otpremljeni kao prilozi
I signed up at Shuffle on Jan 27th and deposited 0.1btc. I then went on to play and wagered a total of $57,634 (90% on casino and 10% on sports) and I managed to build up my balance to 0.177btc. I then wanted to request a (partial) withdrawal on Jan 29th. It was rejected and I was asked to submit KYC, which I did succesfully. But after that I could still not request a withdrawal as my withdrawal function has been blocked. When I asked why, they started to ask all kinds of questions about if I have multiple accounts and how I heard about Shuffle. I answered that I have only one account but I do have a friend who played in Shuffle and he was the one who told me about the website. Me and some friends have an app group in which we discuss all kinds of things and from time to time recommend casinos who still accept German customers (cause many these days don't accept Germans anymore, which by the way also is what your site says about Shuffle but they do not have Germany as a forbidden country in their terms, weird....). After his recommendation I checked Bitcointalk forum and after reading good comments I decided to join a few days later. Shuffle said they find it suspicious that I joined a few days after my friend had his last withdrawal but it's only logical that people only recommend sites after they successfully received their funds.
Shuffle is simply saying that because me and my friend are from the same region (we live about 15km from each other) and because we like the same games (mostly Plinko and Keno, and therefore we indeed played the same games, but what is so weird about that? many friends share the same hobbies or preferences) we must be the same person. However, this is a very vague assumption and totally untrue. They are treating me as if I am the same person as my friend, and are confiscating all my funds, not only winnings but even the deposit! I find this very unfair as I clearly submitted my own documents at the KYC. Also, I never used a VPN, never took a deposit bonus and all gambling was done from my own home IP, on my own laptop which I never shared with anyone and also I do not share a wallet with my friend obviously, we have our own finances as we are completely separate people.
I feel helpless that they can just decide on their own to treat me and my friend as being the same person when all there is is a vague assumption that 2 people from the same region must be the same person.
If I had used same IP-address, or a VPN, or the same crypto wallet to deposit from, then they would have a case but none of this all!
There is no reason to confiscate funds, let alone confiscate even my deposit! Please help me get justice here and at the very least get my deposit returned. I am willing to do a video verification to prove that I am the person that is listed on my submitted ID document.
If neccessary, I am also allowing CasinoGuru to independently judge if my IP-address, laptop unique ID and wallet used to make my deposit are the same as the ones used by my friend. Shuffle can share all these details with you upon request. I do this because I know 100% sure this is not the case. I hope you can help me because 0.1btc is a lot of money for me and to have a deposit confiscated is something that has never happened to me.
Some screenshots have been uploaded as attachments
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