Hej Nik hvala na odgovoru!
- Moj nalog je verifikovan proverom stanja 28. februara. Koji je poslednji nivo verifikacije na Shuffle-u.
- Kazino nije pružio nikakve dokaze o višestrukim računima koji su mi jednostavno poslali sledeće:
Zdravo, prema uslovima korišćenja usluge platforme:
Dozvoljeno vam je da imate samo jedan Shuffle nalog. Ako pokušate da otvorite više od jednog Shuffle naloga, svaki ili svi takvi nalozi mogu biti blokirani, suspendovani ili zatvoreni, a svi iznosi pripisani tim računima će biti zamrznuti i mogu biti oduzeti. Ako shvatite da ste otvorili više od jednog registrovanog Shuffle naloga, morate nas odmah obavestiti putem e-pošte na .
- Odmah nakon što sam završio verifikaciju živosti, poslata mi je ova poruka. Nakon toga sam napravio novu kartu da bih pitao o tome i sreo sam se sa istim copi and paste. To je prikazano u transkriptu 4 i 5 koji sam ranije priložio.
Hey Nick thanks for the reply!
- My account was verified with liveness check on February 28th. Which is the last level of verification on Shuffle.
- The casino did not provide any evidence of the multiple accounts they simply sent me the following:
Hello, as per Terms of Service of the platform:
You are permitted to have only one Shuffle Account. If you attempt to open more than one Shuffle Account, any and all such accounts may be blocked, suspended or closed, and any sums credited to those accounts will be frozen and may be deducted. If you realise that you have opened more than one registered Shuffle Account you must notify us immediately by email at support@shuffle.com.
- Immediately after I completed the liveness verification I was sent this message. Following that I created a new ticket to ask about it and I was met with the same copy and paste. This is shown in Transcript 4 and 5 which I attached before.
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