Igram dugi niz godina i nikada nisam osetio nemoć koju osećam sada. Kad sve treba da olakša i objasni papire koji se šalju u okviru važećeg zakonodavstva, tu su kompanije koje daju svakakve informacije, a drugi poput Sisal kome sam već poslao 7 selfija (normalan sam, ali nisam toliko ružan), pisanja poslao velikim slovima jedne nedelje, sledeće nedelje sam poslao pogrešno jer je bilo malim slovima, sledeće nedelje ne pisano na kompjuteru, rukopisom, sledeće nedelje ništa nije vredno onoga što ste poslali. Korisnička pomoć pomaže klijentu, a ne stavlja sve moguće pogotke zbog čega dani prolaze a da se ne vidi rešenje. Sisal ne voli ovaj selfi? Šta da radim, da ga izvadim radeći stoj na rukama? Juče mi je jedna mlada dama, jadnica mora da je imala crveno lice od stida, rekla da nedostaje samo bankovni papir, poslao sam joj ga posle 5 minuta, ona mi je dala ok da sam primila mejl i danas su mi poslali još jedan mejl od Sisal zahtevajući osmi selfi i još jedan papir već poslat pre 10 dana. To je očajno.
I have been playing for many years and I have never felt the impotence that I feel now. When everything should facilitate and explain the papers to be sent within the current legislation, there are companies that provide all kinds of information, and others like Sisal to which I have already sent 7 selfies (I am normal, but not so ugly), writings sent in capital letters one week, the next week I sent it wrong because it was in lower case, the next week not in writing on a computer, in handwriting, the next week nothing is worth what you sent. Customer assistance is helping the customer, not putting all the possible hits making days go by without seeing a solution. Sisal doesn't like this selfie? What do I do, take it out doing a handstand? Yesterday a young lady, the poor thing must have had a red face with embarrassment, told me that the only thing missing was a bank paper, I sent it to her after 5 minutes, she gave me the ok to have received the email, and today they sent me another email from sisal demanding an eighth selfie and another paper already sent 10 days ago. It's desperate.
Llevo muchos años jugando y nunca he sentido la impotencia que siento ahora. Cuando todo deberia facilitar y explicar lis papeles a enviar dentro de la legalidad vigente, hay empresas que facilitan todo tipo de informacion, y otras cimo Sisal a la que ya llevo 7 selfies enviados (soy normal, pero no tan fea), escritos enviados en mayuscula una semana, a la siguiente semana lo envie mal porque era en minuscula, a la semana siguiente no por escrito con ordenador, de puño y letra, a la semana siguiente no vale nada de lo que has enviado. Asistencia al cliente es ayudar al cliente, no ponerle todas las pegas posibles haciendo transcurrir los dias sin que veas una solucion. Este selfi no le gusta al de Sisal? Que hago, me lo saco haciendo el pino? Ayer ya una señorita que la pobre debia tener la cara roja de verguenza, me indico que solo faltaba un papel bancario, se lo envie a los 5 minutos, me dio el ok de haber recibido el email, y hoy me envian otro correo de sisal exigiendome un octavo selfi y otro papel ya enviado hace 10 dias. Es desesperante.
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