NaslovnaPritužbeSnatch Casino - Dobici igrača su delimično zaplenjeni.
Snatch Casino - Dobici igrača su delimično zaplenjeni.
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650 €
Snatch Casino
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 10/10/2024
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pre 4 meseci
The player from Germany had redeemed a reload bonus of €97.48 and a loyalty bonus of €50, successfully wagering both and making €900. However, €650 was deducted, with only the loyalty bonus being acknowledged, despite documentation showing otherwise. Customer support had been unable to assist. The casino's bonus terms indicated that bonuses had a set expiration period. Since the reload bonus had expired before the wagering requirements were completed, the complaint was rejected.
Igrač iz Nemačke je iskoristio bonus za ponovno punjenje od 97,48 evra i bonus lojalnosti od 50 evra, uspešno uloživši oba i zaradivši 900 evra. Međutim, oduzeto je 650 evra, uz priznavanje samo bonusa lojalnosti, uprkos dokumentaciji koja pokazuje drugačije. Korisnička podrška nije mogla da pomogne. Uslovi bonusa kazina su ukazivali da bonusi imaju određeni period isteka. Pošto je bonus za ponovno učitavanje istekao pre nego što su ispunjeni uslovi za klađenje, žalba je odbijena.
Dobio sam bonus za ponovno punjenje od 97,48 € i bonus lojalnosti od 50 €. Iskupio sam oboje u isto vreme i uspešno ih založio. Napravio sam 900 € od toga, ali 650 € je skinuto sa mog računa iako sam uložio oba bonusa. U obzir se uzimao samo bonus lojalnosti. Navodno je prihvaćen samo bonus od 50€ sa maksimalnom isplatom od 250€, što je potpuna glupost. Sve sam dokumentovao, ali korisnička podrška ne može da mi pomogne…
I received a reload bonus of €97.48 and a loyalty bonus of €50. I redeemed both at the same time and wagered them successfully. I made €900 out of it, but €650 was deducted from my account even though I wagered both bonuses. Only the loyalty bonus was considered. Supposedly, only the €50 bonus with a maximum payout of €250 was accepted, which is complete nonsense. I have documented everything, but customer support cannot help me…
Ich habe ein reload bonus in höhe von 97,48€ und ein treuebonus von 50€ bekommen beide, gleichzeitig eingelöst, beide erfolgreich gewagert. Daraus 900€ gemacht mir wurden 650€ abgezogen obwohl ich beide gewagert habe, wurde nur der Treuebonus berücksichtigt. Angeblich wurde nur der 50€ bonus mit einer maximalen Auszahlung von 250€ anerkannt, was totaler quatsch ist. Ich habe alles dokumentiert der kundensupport kann mir nicht weiterhelfen…
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju.
Možete li molim vas da objavite snimak ekrana vaše istorije bonusa ovde u ovoj temi?
Da li je kazino objasnio zašto je uzet u obzir samo jedan bonus? Molimo vas da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina i sve druge dokaze . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Lvke.44,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely.
Could you please post a screenshot of your bonus history here in this thread?
Did the casino explain why only one bonus was considered? Please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino and any other supporting evidence to Alternatively, you can post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Deponovao sam i izgubio ukupno 650 € tokom vikenda.
U nedelju sam aktivirao bonus za ponovno punjenje i bonus lojalnosti.
Obojica su uspešno prokockali i na kraju osvojili 900 evra. Odeljenje za računovodstvo Snatch kazina oduzelo je 650 evra sa mog računa na osnovu toga što sam osvojio samo novac od bonusa za lojalnost i samim tim dobio samo 250 evra.
Nekoliko puta sam pisao korisničkoj podršci i objasnio da to ne može biti istina jer sam se oba puta definitivno kladio. Tada su samo rekli da je bonus za ponovno punjenje slučajno istekao...
Šaljem slike ispod, možete videti snimak ekrana dok koristim bonus za ponovno učitavanje
se kockao
I deposited and lost a total of €650 over the weekend.
On Sunday I activated a reload bonus and a loyalty bonus.
Both gambled successfully and won €900 in the end. The Snatch Casino accounting department deducted €650 from my account on the grounds that I had only won the money from the loyalty bonus and therefore only got €250.
I wrote to customer support several times and explained that this couldn't be true because I was definitely wagering both times. They then just said that the reload bonus had expired by chance...
I am sending pictures below, you can see a screenshot while I use the reload bonus
was gambled
Ich habe am Wochenende insgesamt 650€ eingezahlt und verspielt.
Am sonntag habe ich dann ein reload bonus und ein Treuebonus aktiviert.
Beide erfolgreich gewagert und am ende 900€ gewonnen, mir wurden von der Buchhaltung vom snatch casino 650€ abgezogen mit der Begründung, ich habe das geld nur beim treuebonus gewonnen und kriege deshalb nur 250€.
Ich habe dem kundensupport mehrmals angeschrieben und erklärt dass das nicht sein kann da ich definitiv beide am wagern war. Daraufhin meinten sie nur dass der reload bonus dann zufällig abgelaufen sei…
Anbei sende ich Bilder unteranderem sieht mab ein Screenshot während ich den reload Bonus
Pomešao sam imena, nije aktiviran bonus za ponovno punjenje, već je aktiviran i založen subotnji bonus osiguranja, ali nije priznat, samo bonus lojalnosti.
Snatch kazino mi je sada platio 250 evra, i još uvek drži 650 evra i odbija da mi ih isplati.
Hello Kristina,
I mixed up the names, it wasn't the reload bonus that was activated, it was the Saturday insurance bonus that was activated and wagered, but it wasn't recognized, only the loyalty bonus.
The Snatch Casino has now paid me €250, and is still holding on to the €650 and refusing to pay it out to me.
Hallo Kristina,
ich habe die Namen vertauscht nicht der reload Bonus wurde aktiviert sondern der Saturday insurance Bonus war das der aktiviert und gewagert wurde ,aber nicht anerkannt wurde sondern nur der Treue Bonus.
Das Snatch Casino hat mir mittlerweile 250€ ausgezahlt, und weiterhin die 650€ einbehalten und weigern sich mir die noch auszuzahlen.
Dakle, pregledao sam celu žalbu i verujem da je kazino dao jasno objašnjenje zašto samo vaši dobici od bonusa lojalnosti ispunjavaju uslove za povlačenje. Nažalost, mnogi bonusi dolaze sa datumom isteka, a ako uslovi klađenja nisu ispunjeni u određenom vremenskom okviru, bonus se obično automatski otkazuje. To znači da nećete imati pravo na bilo kakav akumulirani saldo pre isteka bonusa. Nakon pregleda bonusa i uslova bonusa u kazinu, čini se da svi bonusi imaju određeni period isteka, obično 24 sata ili 10 dana nakon aktivacije.
Pošto je kazino isplatio dobitke od drugog i prvog bonusa je istekao pre nego što ste uspeli da ispunite uslove klađenja, bojim se da ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za vas. Mogu samo da vam preporučim da uvek proverite uslove i uslove za bonus pre nego što aktivirate bilo koji bonus, tako da možete da izbegnete sličnu situaciju u budućnosti.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
So, I reviewed the whole complaint and I believe the casino has provided a clear explanation regarding why only your winnings from the loyalty bonus are eligible for withdrawal. Unfortunately, many bonuses come with an expiry date, and if the wagering requirements are not met within the designated timeframe, the bonus is typically canceled automatically. This means that you would not be entitled to any accumulated balance prior to bonus expiration. After reviewing the casino’s bonuses and bonus terms, it appears that all bonuses have a set expiration period, usually 24 hours or 10 days after activation.
Since the casino paid winnings from the second bonus and the first one expired before you managed to complete the wagering requirements, I am afraid that there is not much we can do for you. I can only recommend that you always check the bonus T&Cs before you activate any bonus, so you can avoid a similar situation in the future.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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