Od igrača iz Švicarske zatraženo je da dostavi dodatne dokumente za KYC, čak i ako je račun verificiran u prošlosti. Čak i ako smo pretpostavili da je problem riješen, bez potvrde igrača, bili smo prisiljeni odbiti ovu žalbu.
The player from Switzerland was prompted to provide additional documents for the KYC, even if the account has been verified in the past. Even if we assumed that the issue has been resolved, without a confirmation from the player, we were forced to reject this complaint.
Od igrača iz Švicarske zatraženo je da dostavi dodatne dokumente za KYC, čak i ako je račun verificiran u prošlosti. Čak i ako smo pretpostavili da je problem riješen, bez potvrde igrača, bili smo prisiljeni odbiti ovu žalbu.
Pozdrav, već sam isplatio nekoliko puta. sada su željeli provjeriti dokumente u iznosu od 1.810 CHF. Ok, pošaljem ličnu kartu s prednje i stražnje strane, prihvaćen sam. sada izvod iz banke sa transakcijom od vas i od januara. Pa, poslao sam soagr u PDF-u kako sis želi, a oni to ne prihvaćaju. Danima mi stalno šalju istu izreku. (Pošaljite nam bankovni izvod koji prikazuje transakcije povezane s našom kompanijom za januar.) A sva ostala pitanja su zanemarena, chat uživo mi uvijek šalje iste odgovore i ne odgovara na moje pitanje šta bih trebao osjećati istrgnutim. Uvijek sam ostala pristojna i slala ono što su tražili od mene. Ovo je samo prevara kada je u pitanju više novca gdje morate isplatiti, samo želite da kockam novac, ali ne sa mnom, nisam ovisan o kocki!
Molim vas, pomozite mi da tako nešto nije dozvoljeno, postoje zakoni kojih se svi moraju pridržavati.
Hello, I've already paid out a couple of times. now they wanted the documents to be checked at the amount of CHF 1,810. Oke I send ID from the front and back was accepted. now a bank statement with a transaction on it from you and from january. Well I have sent soagr in PDF as sis wanted and they don't accept it. They keep sending me the same saying for days. (Provide us with the bank statement that displays transactions connected with our company for January.) And all other questions were ignored, the live chat always sends me the same answers and doesn't respond to mine ask what should I feel really ripped off. I have always remained polite and sent what they asked of me. This is just a scam when it comes to more money where you have to pay out, you just want me to gamble the money but not with me, I'm not addicted to gambling!
Please help me something like that is not allowed, there are laws everyone has to adhere to.
Guten Tag ich habe schon paar mal ausgezahlt. jetzt wollten sie bei dem Betrag von 1810 CHF eine Überprüfung von den Dokumenten. Oke ich Sende ID von Vorne und Rückseite wurde Aktzeptiert. jetzt ein Bankauszug, wo eine Transaktion drauf ist von ihnen und von januar ist. Gut habe ich Gesendet soagr in PDF wie sis wollten und sie aktzeptieren es nicht. Sie Senden mir immer den gleichen spruch seit Tagen.(Provide us with the bank statement that displays transactions connected with our company for January.) Und alle anderen fragen wurden ignoriert, der Live Chatt sendet mir auch immer die gleichen Antoworten und reagiert nicht auf meine fragen was soll das ich fühle mich echt verarscht. Ich bin immer höfflich geblieben und habe das gesendet wo sie von mir verlangten. Das ist einfach ein betrug wen es um mehr geld geht wo sie auszahlen müssen, sie wollen nur das ich das geld verzocke aber nicht mit mir, spielsüchtig bin ich nicht!.
Bitte helft mir sowas darf nicht sein es gibt Gesetze jeder muss sich daran halten.
Dragi Guguu,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Dopustite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Možete li potvrditi da je traženi bankovni izvod iz januara poslan u kazino, ali nije prihvaćen? Da li ste dobili savjet u kojem formatu je trebalo poslati? I na kraju, prije koliko vremena je vaš račun prethodno potvrđen?
Na kraju, možete li potvrditi da je osporeni iznos od 10 CHF tačan?
Razumijem da se može činiti puno pitanja, ali sve tražene informacije su ključne ako želimo nastaviti s ovim slučajem. Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Guguu,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please confirm that the requested bank statement from January has been sent to casino but not accepted? Have you been advised in what format it should have been sent? Lastly, how long ago your account was verified previously?
Lastly, could you please confirm that the disputed amount of 10CHF is correct?
I understand that it might seem like a lot of questions, but all the requested information is essential if we wish to proceed with this case. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobar dan nakon dugog naprijed-natrag slanja dokumenata to je na sreću uspjelo, samo mislim da su samo htjeli da prokockam novac jer sam pogriješio 13 puta i poslao iste dokumente sada je upalilo, samo morate ostati u toku jer oni stalno ponavljaju Slao sam pogrešne dokumente dok nije uspjelo
Good afternoon after long back and forth sending of the documents it worked fortunately, I just think they just wanted me to gamble away the money because I was wrong 13 times sent the same documents now it worked you just have to stay tuned because they keep saying I kept sending in wrong documents until it worked
Guten Tag nach langen hin und her senden der dokumente hatt es zum glück geklappt ich glaube einfach die wollten nur das ich das geld verspiele da ich ungelogen 13 mal die gleichen dokumente gesendet habe jetzt hatt es geklappt mann muss einfach dran bleiben da sie immer wieder sagen falsche dokumente habe ich immer wieder eingeschickt biss es funktioniert hatt
Puno vam hvala, Guguu, na ažuriranju. Da li dobro razumijem da je vaš problem riješen? Imam li vaše odobrenje za zatvaranje ove žalbe ili vam još nešto možemo pomoći? Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Thank you very much, Guguu, for the update. Do I understand it correctly that your problem has been resolved? Do I have your permission to close this complaint or there’s anything else we could help you with? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dragi Guguu,
Jeste li primili dobitak? Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo ga odbiti u slučaju da ne ažurirate status vaše žalbe u zadanom vremenskom roku. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Dear Guguu,
Have you received your winnings? We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to update the status of your complaint in the given time frame, we will reject it. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Čak i ako smo pretpostavili da je problem riješen, bez potvrde igrača, bili smo prisiljeni odbiti ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu u bilo kojem trenutku.
Even if we assumed that the issue has been resolved, without a confirmation from the player, we were forced to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
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