Hej Tomas,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Slike su u prilogu. Nemam šta da krijem.
Dakle, da odgovorim na vaša pitanja:
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste deponovali nakon što ste završili besplatne runde koje ste dobili kao bonus, ali pre nego što je ulaganje bonus dobitaka završeno?
Ne, deponovao sam čak i pre nego što sam započeo ovaj bonus i imao sam nešto sredstava u obliku BTC I ETH na svom računu. Ovi besplatni okreti su mi dali iz vedra neba na „Kapijama Olimpa" pragmatičnom igrom. Saopšteni su mi mejlom. Koje još uvek imam i mogu vam dati imejl.
Koliko ste uplatili pored 40 CAD koji je bio na vašem računu u tom trenutku?
U dva odvojena navrata sam deponovao ETH u decembru 2023. u ukupnom iznosu od oko 0,04 ETH
Pored toga, takođe sam deponovao BTC u decembru nekoliko puta pre ovoga.
Iznos BTC-a od 0,001236 kao poslednji depozit.
Nedostaju transakcije u obliku USDT-a koje sam takođe deponovao. Morao bih da proverim svoj novčanik jer sam prilično siguran da postoji još ETH i BTC koji takođe nedostaju. U pogledu vođenja evidencije.
* koliko sam razumeo, Trustdice ne beleži transakcije kada se bonus primeni na depozit iz nekog razloga 🤷🏼♂
Ako sam napravio pogrešne pretpostavke o situaciji, ne oklevajte da me ispravite.
Mislim da niste napravili pogrešnu pretpostavku, ali dozvolite mi da ovo razložim tako da smo na istoj strani. Za svaki slučaj 🤷🏼♂
1 - primljena e-poruka za besplatne okrete od kazina sa promo kodom
2 - unet promo kod. Bonus besplatnih okretaja bez depozita na igranoj igri „KAPIJA OLIMPA".
3 - Osvojite oko 40 USD u BTC-u od besplatnih okretaja (POBEDCI OGRANIČENI NA MAKSIMALNU POBEDU 100 USD)
4 - igrao razne igre, klađenje bonusa na mnoge različite igre od strane mnogih diff provajdera igara koristeći moj sopstveni BTC, a bonus BTC je takođe bio dostupan za korišćenje.
5 - U igri „Richi Hog" osvojite oko 1060 dolara u BTC-u / sa hvalisavim URL-om za deljenje sa prijateljima ili porodicom ili za objavljivanje negde.
6 - dok sam igrao "Aztec *****" pragmatičnom igrom, ne sećam se tačnog naziva igre.
KLAĐENjE JE KOMPLETNO I stanje na računu pada na 40,00 USD
7- raspitivao se o bonusu, objasnio kao i ovde. Manje-više ignorisano.
Ukratko. Bonus FS je dat uz maksimalnu pobedu od 100 dolara i uslove za klađenje na igrici „kapija Olimpa"
Posle FS igramo. Ukupno $40 u BTC-u IZ pobeda u besplatnim okretajima je pripisano na račun kao kazino bonus.
Koristeći stvarna sredstva igrajući razne igre, klađenje je završeno i 1060$ je zaplenjeno u trenutku kada je klađenje završeno.
Moja pritužba je u osnovi da je $1060 osvojeno sa stvarnim sredstvima, što sam takođe u to vreme kladio na bonus dok sam osvojio ovih $1060.
FS = $40 pobeda (maksimalni dobitak $100) apsolutno ne bi trebalo da ima nikakve veze sa onim što se dogodilo nakon toga u smislu pobeda koje potiču od stvarnih fondova ili čak bonus sredstava.
1060$ BTC = osvojeno dok ste igrali igru od strane diff provajdera sa stvarnim sredstvima i kladeći se FS bonusom. Ne bi trebalo da bude konfiskovan jer je to pobeda sa pravim novcem.
Najjednostavnije rečeno: ako kladite bonus na TRUSTDICE-u i osvojite džekpot ili znatan iznos, on će biti zaplenjen jer vaš BONUS ima maksimalan dobitak? Ali bonus je njegov sopstveni element sam po sebi, a ne diktira vaše pobede u fondovima od stvarnog novca.
FS MAKSIMALNA POBEDA – treba da se odnosi samo na stvarne DOBITKE FS…. Ni na šta posle. To je smešno.
Ako pogledate prepisku između mene i agenta za poverljivost... videćete da ona sama sebi protivreči.
Ona mi bezočno kaže „Dobitci od besplatnih okretaja su ograničeni na 0,001 BTC", što je upravo moj Friggen poen. Prokletstvo je frustrirajuće. Zato što dobici na richi hog-u nisu bili besplatni obrtaji niti imaju bilo kakve veze sa bonusom.
Hey Tomas,
Thank you for your response.
Pics are attached. I got nothing to hide.
So to answer your questions:
Do I understand correctly you deposited after you completed the free rounds you received as a bonus, but before the wagering of the bonus winnings was completed?
No, I had deposited prior to even starting this bonus and had some funds in the form of BTC AND ETH on my account. These free spins were given to me outta the blue on "Gates of Olympus" by pragmatic play. They were communicated to me by email. Which I still have and can give you the email.
How much did you deposit in addition to the $40 CAD that was on your account at that point?
In two separate occasions I deposited ETH in December 2023, totalling approx 0.04 ETH
In addition I have also deposited BTC in December a few times before this.
Amount of BTC totalling 0.001236 as the last deposit.
There are missing transactions in the form of USDT that I have deposited also. I’d have to check my wallet because I’m pretty sure there is more ETH and BTC that seems to be missing as well. In terms of record keeping.
* from what I understand, Trustdice does not record the transactions when a bonus is applied to a deposit for some reason 🤷🏼♂️
If I made wrong assumptions about the situation, don't hesitate to correct me.
I don’t think you made the wrong assumption but let me break this down so we’re on the same page. Just in case 🤷🏼♂️
1 - email received for free spins from casino with promo code
2 - promo code entered. Free spins no deposit bonus on game "GATES OF OLYMPUS" played
3 - Win $40 approx in BTC from Free spins ( WINNINGS CAPPED AT $100 MAX WIN )
4 - played various games, wagering bonus requirements on many diff games by many diff game providers using my own BTC and bonus BTC was available for use as well.
5 - On game "Richy Hog" win approx $1060 in BTC / provided with a bragging URL to share with friends or family or to post somewhere.
6 - while playing "Aztec *****" by pragmatic play, I don’t recall the exact game name.
WAGERING IS COMPLETE AND Account balance drops to $40.00
7- inquired about bonus, explained as did here to you. More or less ignored.
In a nutshell. Bonus FS were given with a max win of $100 and wagering requirements on game "gates of Olympus"
After FS we’re played. Total $40 in BTC STEMMING FROM free spins wins was credited to account as casino bonus.
Using real funds playing various games, wagering was completed and the 1060$ was confiscated at time of wagering being complete.
My complaint basically is that the $1060 was won with real funds, which also at the time I was wagering a bonus while winning this $1060.
The FS = $40 win (max win $100) absolutely should have nothing to do with whatever happened afterwards in terms of wins stemming from real funds or even bonus funds.
The 1060$ BTC = won while playing a game by a diff provider with real funds and wagering FS bonus. Shouldn’t be confiscated because it’s a win with real money.
In the simplest of terms: If you are wagering a bonus at TRUSTDICE, and win a jackpot or substantial amount, it will get confiscated because your BONUS has a max win ? But the bonus is it’s own element in on itself, not dictate your real money funds wins.
The FS MAX WIN - should only apply to the actual WINNINGS OF THE FS…. Not to anything afterwards. That’s just ridiculous.
If you check out the correspondence between myself and the trustdice agent… you’ll see that she condradicts herself.
She blantadly tells me " The winnings from free spins are capped at 0.001 BTC" which is exactly my Friggen point. Damn it’s al frustrating. Because the winnings on richi hog were not free spins or have anything to do with a bonus.
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