The player from Ghana had deposited 270 Dogecoin on and increased it to 620 through sports betting and games. After a successful withdrawal of 350 Dogecoin, his account was banned, and he received an email stating it was due to creating multiple accounts. The player denied this and wanted his funds back. The complaint was ultimately rejected by us, as there was no further response from the player to clarify the issue, although the casino team was thanked for their cooperation.
Igrač iz Gane je deponovao 270 Dogecoin-a na i povećao ga na 620 kroz sportsko klađenje i igre. Nakon uspešnog povlačenja 350 Dogecoin-a, njegov nalog je zabranjen, a dobio je e-poruku u kojoj se navodi da je to zbog kreiranja više naloga. Igrač je to negirao i želeo je nazad svoja sredstva. Žalbu smo na kraju odbili, pošto nije bilo daljeg odgovora od igrača koji bi razjasnio problem, iako je kazino tim zahvalan na saradnji.
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