Zdravo, kladim se i u kazinu i u igrama uživo. Jednog dana u kazinu sam osvojio 20.000 evra u jednoj igrici, a sledećeg dana dok sam igrao u kazinu sam bio blokiran i od tada ne mogu da stignem tamo. Imao sam u to vreme nešto oko 25.000 evra i odigrao preko 200 sportskih opklada, svaka po otprilike 15 evra.
Tada sam verifikovan samo sa ličnom kartom i drugim podacima poput fotografije lične karte sa likom, izvoda iz banke, čak i overa lične karte, lica i na PC fotografiji gde je njihov sajt sam je dodatno napravio.
Koristio sam njihove bonuse, ali sam dobio velike i sve ostalo sam koristio bez bonusa. U trenutku otkazivanja nisam aktivirao bonus.
Hello, I bet both in the casino and in live games. One day in the casino I won 20,000 euros in one game and the next day while playing in the casino I got blocked and I haven't been able to get there since. I had something around 25,000 euros at that time and over 200 sports bets played, each for approximately 15 euros.
At that time, I was only verified with my ID card and other information such as a photo of my ID card with my face, bank statements, even verification of my ID card, face and on the PC photo where their website is I made it additionally.
I used their bonuses, but I won big and I used everything else without a bonus. At the time of cancellation, I had not activated the bonus.
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