Poslali su mi e-poštu juče kasno uveče da je moj nalog suspendovan jer je ovo drugi nalog kreiran sa iste IP adrese, poslali su mi e-poštu da će konfiskovati moj dobitak i da će mi vratiti moj depozit. Deponovao sam ukupno 936$ i vratili su mi samo moj poslednji depozit od 98$, da li je to pošteno? Mislim da misle da rade u dobrotvorne svrhe i ja treba da im budem zahvalan? Problem sa ovom veb lokacijom je u tome što ako ne žele 2 ili više naloga sa iste IP adrese, mogu tražiti verifikaciju ID-a čim pokušate da podignete novac, na taj način ćete moći da imate samo 1 nalog jer ne možete da prođete verifikaciju dva puta sa istim ID-om. Ali ne, oni će vam dozvoliti da kreirate onoliko naloga koliko želite, sa zadovoljstvom će vam omogućiti da deponujete onoliko novca koliko želite sa 2. ili 3. naloga, ali kada dođe do povlačenja, blokiraće vas. Ako imate politiku da ne možete da igrate sa 2. ili 3. naloga, zašto mi dozvoljavate da kreiram i deponujem? Zašto ne tražiš verifikaciju lične karte??? Mogli bi vas odmah blokirati kako bi sprečili igranje, ali sada će vam dozvoliti da uložite novac. Oni su užasno društvo, jednom dnevno odgovaraju na moje mejlove, nemaju o mušterijama i pljačkaši su!!! Ne preporučujem ovu veb stranicu nikome! Njihova usluga je užasna !!!
Kristina da li misliš da ja mogu nešto da uradim u ovoj situaciji? Mislim, poslali su mi poštom da su dobici konfiskovani i da će depozit biti vraćen, ali su mi vratili samo poslednji depozit.... zašto samo poslednji? imao sam 6-7 depozita ukupno 936$
They emailed me yesterday late at night that my account was suspended because this was 2nd account created from same IP address, they emailed me that they will Confiscate my winnings and will give me back my deposit. I deposited 936$ totally and they refund to me only my last deposit of 98$, is that's fair ? I mean they think they are doing charity and i should be thankful? The problem with this website is that if they don't wanna 2 or more accounts from same IP address they can ask for ID verification as soon as you try to withdraw the money, that way you will be able to have only 1 account because you can't pass the verification twice with same ID. But no they will allow you to create as many accounts as you'd like, they will happily allow you to deposit as much money as you want from 2nd or 3rd account but when it comes to withdraw they will block you. If you have policy that you can't play from 2nd or 3rd account, why you allow me to create and deposit ? Why you don't ask for ID verification??? They could instantly block you to prevent playing, but now they will allow you to deposit money. They are horrible company, they are answering once a day to my emails, they don't have about customers and they are robbers!!! I don't recommend this website to anyone! Their service is horrible !!!
Kristina do you think I can do anything in this situation ? I mean they mailed me that winnings are confiscated and deposit will be refund but they only refunded my last deposit.... why only last? i had 6-7 deposits totally 936$
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