Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Germany had expressed that his account had been suspended without any reason, with a pending withdrawal of €3,999, even though he had provided all necessary transaction confirmations. The player had requested for the suspension of his account to be removed and his winnings to be paid. However, the player admitted that the deposits he had made were refunded to his bank account. We had concluded that the player was not entitled to winnings accumulated with failed or charged back deposits. Therefore, the complaint was rejected as the player's winnings were not deemed legitimate.
Igrač iz Nemačke je izjavio da mu je nalog suspendovan bez ikakvog razloga, uz čekanje povlačenja od 3.999 evra, iako je dao sve potrebne potvrde transakcije. Igrač je zatražio da se ukloni suspenzija njegovog naloga i isplati njegov dobitak. Međutim, igrač je priznao da su depoziti koje je napravio vraćeni na njegov bankovni račun. Zaključili smo da igrač nema pravo na dobitke prikupljene neuspelim ili naplaćenim depozitima. Zbog toga je žalba odbijena jer se dobitak igrača nije smatrao legitimnim.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Pre nego što nastavimo sa ovom žalbom, možete li pojasniti ko je podneo ovu žalbu?
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear f2oberhausen,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we proceed with this complaint, could you please clarify who submitted this complaint?
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, f2oberhausen. Možete li molim vas da nam kažete na koje igre ste se fokusirali dok je vaš nalog još bio aktivan – slotovi, kazino uživo, sportsko klađenje, itd.? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Pored toga, prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your reply, f2oberhausen. Could you please advise which games you focused on while your account was still active - slots, live casino, sports betting, etc.? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
Additionally, please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Deponovao sam više od 3800 € na svoj račun u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja i iako su transferi bili ispravni, moj nalog je blokiran. Kao rezultat toga, moj advokat se setio upućivanja dok sam čekao više od dve nedelje na pregled od strane vašeg tima. Ovo kašnjenje nije razlog da mi se uskrate moj dobitak, koji je ostvaren između 3:30 i 5:00 časova 28. januara 2024. godine.
Ponovo sam opozvao transfer i trenutno se obrađuje na mom nalogu.
U mom je interesu da raščistim sve nesporazume i da naglasim da sa moje strane nema prevare. Odmah sam kontaktirao Klarnu da objasnim uslovni transfer pošto je moj nalog blokiran nakon jednog dana. Stoga zahtevam da se moj dobitak od 3999 evra odmah vrati na moj račun.
U suprotnom, zadržavam pravo da preduzmem dalje pravne radnje.
Uprkos mojim naporima da lično posetim vašu kancelariju, navedena adresa (kancelarija Lekorpouzier, 12A, kancelarija 103, 3075, Limassol) nije bila tačna i niko nije pronađen.
Već sam predao sve potrebne dokumente za KIC verifikaciju i vaš tim ih je prihvatio.
Tražim da se ovo pitanje odmah razjasni kako bi se izbegao duži pravni spor.
Prenesite moj dobitak na moj račun što je pre moguće.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mohamed A***
Dear Verdecasino team,
I have deposited more than €3800 into my account in the last few weeks and even though the transfers were correct, my account was blocked. As a result, my lawyer recalled the referral as I waited over two weeks for a review by your team. This delay is not a reason to deprive me of my winnings, which were made between 3:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on January 28, 2024.
I have recalled the transfer again and it is currently being processed in my account.
It is in my interest to clear up any misunderstandings and to emphasize that there is no fraudulent behavior on my part. I immediately contacted Klarna to explain the conditional transfer as my account was blocked after a day. I therefore demand that my winnings of €3999 be transferred back to my account immediately.
Otherwise, I reserve the right to take further legal action.
Despite my efforts to personally visit your office, the address provided (Office Lekorpouzier, 12A, Office 103, 3075, Limassol) was incorrect and no one was to be found.
I have already submitted all the required documents for KYC verification and your team has accepted them.
I request that this matter be clarified immediately in order to avoid a lengthy legal dispute.
Please transfer my winnings to my account as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Mohammad A***
Sehr geehrtes Verdecasino-Team,
Ich habe in den letzten Wochen mehr als 3800€ auf mein Konto eingezahlt, und obwohl die Überweisungen korrekt waren, wurde mein Konto blockiert. Infolgedessen hat mein Anwalt die Überweisung zurückgerufen, da ich über zwei Wochen auf eine Überprüfung durch Ihr Team gewartet habe. Diese Verzögerung ist kein Grund, mir meine Gewinne vorzuenthalten, die zwischen 03:30 und 05:00 Uhr morgens am 28.01.2024 erzielt wurden.
Ich habe die Überweisung erneut zurückgerufen, und sie wird derzeit in meinem Konto bearbeitet.
Es liegt in meinem Interesse, Missverständnisse auszuräumen und zu betonen, dass kein betrügerisches Verhalten meinerseits vorliegt. Ich habe sofort Klarna kontaktiert, um die bedingte Überweisung zu erklären, da mein Konto nach einem Tag gesperrt wurde. Ich fordere daher, dass meine Gewinne in Höhe von 3999€ umgehend auf mein Konto zurücküberwiesen werden.
Andernfalls behalte ich mir vor, weitere rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten.
Trotz meiner Bemühungen, Ihr Büro persönlich aufzusuchen, war die angegebene Adresse (Office Lekorpouzier, 12A, Büro 103, 3075, Limassol) falsch, und es war niemand anzutreffen.
Ich habe bereits alle erforderlichen Unterlagen für die KYC-Überprüfung eingereicht, und Ihr Team hat diese akzeptiert.
Ich bitte um eine umgehende Klärung dieser Angelegenheit, um eine langwierige rechtliche Auseinandersetzung zu vermeiden.
Bitte überweisen Sie meine Gewinne so bald wie möglich auf mein Konto.
Večeras ću od svog advokata dobiti sva potrebna dokumenta koja dokazuju da je depozit na moj račun igrača uplaćen preko moje banke. U vreme kada je transakcija izvršena, moj nalog je već bio blokiran u vašem kazinu. Pored toga, podneo sam zahtev svojoj banci za povraćaj položenog novca, koji je trenutno na čekanju.
Želim da istaknem da ću vam uskoro poslati svu potrebnu dokumentaciju. Važno mi je da naglasim da to nikako ne može biti dovoljan razlog da zadržim dobitak koji sam odigrao i osvojio u kazinu.
Ljubazno vas molim da razmotrite moju situaciju i preduzmete neophodne korake da osigurate pravično rešenje ovog pitanja. Uveren sam da će dostavljena dokumentacija dokazati moju nevinost i legitimnost mog dobitka.
Biće mi drago da vam pružim dodatne informacije i radujem se pozitivnom rešenju što je pre moguće.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Verdecasino team,
This evening I will receive all the necessary documents from my lawyer proving that the deposit into my player account was made via my bank. At the time the transaction was made, my account was already blocked in your casino. In addition, I have submitted a request to my bank to recover the money deposited, which is currently pending.
I would like to point out that I will send you all the necessary documents shortly. It is important to me to emphasize that this cannot in any way be a sufficient reason to keep the winnings that I have played and won in the casino.
I kindly request that you review my situation and take the necessary steps to ensure a fair resolution of this matter. I am confident that the documentation provided will prove my innocence and the legitimacy of my winnings.
I would be happy to provide you with further information and look forward to a positive solution as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Sehr geehrtes Verdecasino-Team,
Heute Abend werde ich alle notwendigen Unterlagen von meinem Anwalt erhalten, die belegen, dass die Einzahlung auf mein Spielerkonto über meine Bank erfolgte. Zu dem Zeitpunkt, als die Transaktion durchgeführt wurde, war mein Konto bereits in Ihrem Casino gesperrt. Darüber hinaus habe ich bei meiner Bank einen Antrag auf Rückforderung des eingezahlten Geldes gestellt, der derzeit aussteht.
Ich möchte Sie darauf hinweisen, dass ich Ihnen sämtliche erforderlichen Dokumente in Kürze zukommen lassen werde. Es ist mir wichtig zu betonen, dass dies keineswegs ein ausreichender Grund sein kann, die Gewinne, die ich im Casino erspielt und gewonnen habe, einzubehalten.
Ich ersuche Sie freundlichst, meine Situation zu überprüfen und die erforderlichen Schritte einzuleiten, um eine faire Klärung dieser Angelegenheit sicherzustellen. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass die bereitgestellten Unterlagen meine Unschuld und die Rechtmäßigkeit meiner Gewinne belegen werden.
Für weitere Informationen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und stehe in Erwartung einer baldigen positiven Lösung.
Pišem da bih rešio nedavne probleme na koje sam naišao sa svojim nalogom i kasniju transakciju depozita. Razumem važnost dostavljanja neophodne dokumentacije, ali bih želeo da objasnim okolnosti koje su u vezi sa mojom situacijom.
Nakon konsultacija sa svojim pravnim savetnikom, savetovano mi je da ne podnosim dokumente od vladinih agencija. Umesto toga, priložio sam originalnu fotografiju, snimak ekrana, sa svog mobilnog telefona koji prikazuje transakciju u banci u kojoj sam registrovan. Ova akcija je preduzeta nakon što je moj nalog neočekivano blokiran na Verdecasinu. Kao odgovor na ovo, moj advokat je bio primoran da zatraži povraćaj mojih sredstava putem direktnog faksa, pošto su se pojavile sumnje u pogledu legitimnosti kazina ili njegove namere da obradi povlačenje. Shodno tome, moj nalog je zatvoren i blokiran.
Posedujem sveobuhvatnu evidenciju dvonedeljnih transkripata ćaskanja iz moje komunikacije sa Verdecasino podrškom preko veb-sajta, za koje vreme je moja banka otkazala uplatu i sredstva su uspešno vraćena. Uveravam vas da moja namera nije da komplikujem proces, već da obezbedim neophodan kontekst za vaše razumevanje.
Ljubazno vas molim za pomoć u brzom rešavanju ovog pitanja. Moj advokat je morao da preduzme ove korake kako bi osigurao zaštitu mojih sredstava i verujem da je u najboljem interesu obe strane da se ubrza rešenje. Kao što je pomenuto u mojoj prethodnoj komunikaciji, imam pravo da dobijem neplaćeni iznos od 3.999 evra. Ljubazno vas molim da ovaj iznos obradite na moj račun što je pre moguće.
Cenim vašu pažnju na ovo pitanje i radujem se brzom rešenju. Slobodno me kontaktirajte ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenje.
Hvala na razumevanju.
S poštovanjem,
Mohamed A***
Dear Verdecasino Support Team,
I am writing to address the recent issues I have encountered with my account and the subsequent deposit transaction. I understand the importance of providing necessary documentation, but I would like to explain the circumstances surrounding my situation.
Upon consultation with my legal advisor, I was advised against submitting documents from government agencies. Instead, I have attached a genuine photo, a screenshot, from my mobile phone showing a transaction at the bank where I am registered. This action was taken after my account was unexpectedly blocked on Verdecasino. In response to this, my lawyer was compelled to request the return of my funds through direct fax, as suspicions were raised regarding the legitimacy of the casino or its intentions to process the withdrawal. Consequently, my account was closed and blocked.
I possess a comprehensive record of two weeks' worth of chat transcripts from my communication with Verdecasino support via the website, during which time the payment was canceled by my bank, and the funds were successfully returned. I assure you that my intention is not to complicate the process but to provide the necessary context for your understanding.
I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. My lawyer had to take these steps to ensure the protection of my funds, and I believe it is in the best interest of both parties to expedite the resolution. As mentioned in my previous communication, there is an outstanding amount of 3,999 euros that I am entitled to receive. I kindly request that you process this amount to my account at the earliest convenience.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information or clarification.
f2oberhausen, da li sam dobro razumeo da odbijate da pružite neophodna dokumenta (dokaze o depozitima)? Takođe, da li sam dobro razumeo da ste zahtevali povraćaj sredstava za depozite koje ste dali ovom kazinu?
Hello everyone,
Thank you both for your replies.
f2oberhausen, do I understand correctly that you are refusing to provide the necessary documents (proofs of deposits)? Also, do I understand correctly that you requested chargebacks of deposits you made to this casino?
Pre otprilike dve nedelje, naišao sam na neočekivano i neobjašnjivo zatvaranje mog naloga kod Verdekasina. Ovaj incident me je ostavio duboko zabrinutim i frustriranim, posebno s obzirom na značajna sredstva koja su uključena.
Nakon što sam otkrio iznenadno zatvaranje mog naloga, odmah sam zatražio pravni savet i moj advokat me je savetovao da eskaliram stvar Timu za žalbe. Iako je moj advokat preporučio podnošenje pratećih dokumenata, moram da pojasnim da zbog zabrinutosti za poverljivost i pravnih razloga, ne mogu direktno da pružim dokaze o depozitima. Međutim, napravio sam sliku sa svog telefona, na kojoj su jasno prikazane uplate za depozite u Verdekazinu.
Uz marljive napore mog pravnog savetnika, uspeli smo da povratimo informacije o iznosima plaćenim za depozite koje sam dao u Verdekazinu. Imperativ je da naglasim da je zatvaranje mog naloga dovelo do značajnog kašnjenja u pristupu sredstvima koja sam s pravom osvojio na platformi.
Prema mojoj evidenciji, dobitak iznosi 3.990 evra, koje sam nameravao da podignem pre iznenadnog zatvaranja mog računa. S poštovanjem tražim od Verdekazina da mi odmah dostavi ove dobitke, jer oni s pravom pripadaju meni i stečeni su legitimnim putem.
Razumem da mogu postojati određene procedure i protokoli, ali produženo trajanje zatvaranja naloga bez ikakvog očiglednog razloga je izazvalo nepotrebni stres i neprijatnosti. Pozivam Verdekasino da da prioritet rešavanju ovog pitanja i da mi vrati sredstva koja mi duguju što je pre moguće.
U prilogu možete pronaći sliku koja sadrži jasne dokaze o uplatama sa mog telefona, što bi trebalo da pomogne u verifikaciji depozita koje sam napravio u Verdecasinu.
Cijenim vašu trenutnu pažnju na ovu hitnu stvar i tražim redovna ažuriranja o napretku istrage i rješavanju. Trebate li dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenje sa moje strane.
Topli pozdrav,
Dear Kristina,
Approximately two weeks ago, I encountered an unexpected and unexplained closure of my account with Verdecasino. This incident has left me deeply concerned and frustrated, especially considering the significant funds involved.
Upon discovering the sudden closure of my account, I promptly sought legal advice, and my lawyer advised me to escalate the matter to the Complaints Team. While my lawyer has recommended submitting supporting documents, I must clarify that due to confidentiality concerns and legal considerations, I am unable to provide proofs of deposits directly. However, I have taken a picture from my phone, which clearly displays the payments made towards deposits at Verdecasino.
Through the diligent efforts of my legal counsel, we have managed to recover information regarding the amounts paid for the deposits I made at Verdecasino. It is imperative to highlight that the closure of my account has resulted in a significant delay in accessing the funds I rightfully won on the platform.
As per my records, the winnings amount to 3,990 euros, which I intended to withdraw prior to the sudden closure of my account. I respectfully request Verdecasino to promptly release these winnings to me, as they rightfully belong to me and have been obtained through legitimate means.
I understand that certain procedures and protocols may be in place, but the extended duration of the account closure without any apparent reason has caused undue stress and inconvenience. I urge Verdecasino to prioritize the resolution of this matter and return the funds owed to me as soon as possible.
Please find attached the picture containing clear evidence of the payments made from my phone, which should assist in verifying the deposits I made at Verdecasino.
I appreciate your immediate attention to this urgent matter and request regular updates on the progress of the investigation and resolution. Should you require any further information or clarification from my end.
Molimo vas da shvatite da ovaj dokaz nije dovoljan. Bojim se da ako želite da nastavite sa ovom pritužbom, morate dostaviti dokaze koje traži kazino. Ako to ne učinite, biću primoran da zatvorim ovu žalbu. Hvala na razumevanju.
Please understand that this evidence is not sufficient. I am afraid that if you wish to proceed with this complaint you must provide the evidence requested by the casino. If you fail to do so, I will be forced to close this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Verujem da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Nakon diskusije sa mojim pravnim savetnikom, predloženo mi je da predstavim dokaze o plaćanju kako bih rešio zabrinutost u vezi sa mojim nedavnim transakcijama na vašoj platformi. Međutim, želim da pojasnim da su dotična plaćanja prvobitno izvršena kada je moj nalog bio pod privremenom blokadom. Nakon toga, ove uplate su vraćene na moj račun.
Ljubazno vas molim za pomoć u komunikaciji sa nadležnim odeljenjem kako bismo mi omogućili povraćaj zarade u iznosu od 3.999 evra. Nestrpljiv sam da povučem ova sredstva na svoj račun, donoseći brzo rešenje za ovaj problem. Vaša brza pažnja prema ovom zahtevu je veoma cenjena.
Želeo bih da zaključim ovu žalbu na prijateljski način i verujem da bi brzi povraćaj mog profita bio pravično rešenje. Ako su sa moje strane potrebne bilo kakve dodatne informacije da bi se olakšao ovaj proces, ne ustručavajte se da me obavestite.
Hvala vam na razumevanju i saradnji u brzom rešavanju ovog pitanja. Radujem se što ću dobiti potvrdu o povraćaju sredstava i smatram da je ovaj problem rešen.
I trust this message finds you well. Following a discussion with my legal counsel, it has been suggested that I present evidence of payment to address the concerns related to my recent transactions on your platform. However, I wish to clarify that the payments in question were originally made when my account was under a temporary block. Subsequently, these payments were refunded to my account.
I kindly request your assistance in communicating with the relevant department to facilitate the refund of my profits, amounting to 3,999 euros. I am eager to withdraw these funds to my account, bringing a prompt resolution to this matter. Your prompt attention to this request is greatly appreciated.
I would like to conclude this complaint amicably, and I believe the expedited refund of my profits would be an equitable resolution. If any additional information is required from my end to facilitate this process, please do not hesitate to inform me.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in addressing this matter promptly. I look forward to receiving confirmation of the refund and consider this issue resolved.
Izvinjavam se, ali zašto verujete da imate pravo na dobitke koji su akumulirani neuspelim/povratnim depozitima? U svetu onlajn kockanja to ne funkcioniše ovako. Kazino račun je u osnovi bio bez sredstava i dobici nemaju nikakvu vrednost. Kazina obično ne isplaćuju takve dobitke, a ako i isplaćuju, to se doživljava kao gest dobre volje. Uzimajući u obzir ove i druge detalje koje je kazino pružio, bojim se da nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa ovom žalbom jer ne mislimo da su vaši dobici legitimni.
Uvek možete kontaktirati organ za izdavanje dozvola ako i dalje verujete da ste u pravu, ali je verovatno da će se njihov stav uskladiti sa našim.
Iz navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
I apologize, but why do you believe that you are entitled to winnings that were accumulated with failed/chargebacked deposits? This is not how it works in the online gambling world. The casino account was basically unfunded and the winnings have no value. Casinos usually do not pay out such winnings, and if they do, it is seen as a goodwill gesture. Considering this and other details provided by the casino I am afraid that we are not able to proceed with this complaint as we don't think your winnings were legitimate.
You can always contact the licensing authority if you still believe you are correct, but it is likely that their stance will align with ours.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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