Depozit igrača nije stigao na njegov kazino račun. Žalba je odbijena na zahtjev igrača.
Napravio sam nekoliko depozita, novac nije dodat na moj saldo, a ipak je skinut sa mog bankovnog računa. Požalio sam se preko chata i njihov odgovor je da rade na tome i da moram čekati, sljedeći dan napravim još jedan depozit i opet se isto ponovi, ako dođe do greške ono što treba uraditi je ispraviti ili ga blokirajte da se to ne ponovi. Ne daju rješenja, samo kažu da se treba nadati da stručnjaci rade na tome, ali para nema nigdje.
S druge strane, tražio sam povraćaj 40 eura, dobio sam mejl koji potvrđuje da je moj povraćaj prihvaćen, rekli su mi da će za 2-3 dana biti na mom bankovnom računu. Prošlo je 5 dana, a oni to još uvijek nisu uradili. Ne preporučujem nikome ovaj kazino.
I have made several deposits, the money has not been added to my balance and yet it has been deducted from my bank account. I have complained via chat and their response is that they are working on it and that I have to wait, the next day I make another deposit and the same thing happens again, if there is an error what has to be done is to correct it or block it so that it does not happen again. They don't give solutions, they just say that you have to hope that the experts are working on it, but the money is nowhere to be found.
On the other hand, I have requested a refund of 40 euros, I have received an email confirming that my refund has been accepted, they told me that in 2 or 3 days it would be in my bank account. It's been 5 days and they still haven't done it. I do not recommend this casino to anyone.
He hecho varios ingresos, el dinero no se ha sumado a mi saldo y sin embargo me lo han descontado de mi cuenta bancaria. He reclamado via chat y su respuesta es que estan trabajando en ello y que tengo que esperar, Al dia siguiente vuelvo a hacer otro ingreso y vuelve a pasar lo mismo, si hay un error lo que hay que hacer es subsanarlo o bloquearlo para que no vuelva a pasar. No dan soluciones, solo dicen que hay que espear que los expertos están trabajando en ello, pero el dinero no aparece por ninguna parte.
Por otra parte, he solicitado un reintegro de 40 euros, me ha llegado un mail confirmado que mi reintegro ha sido aceptado, me dijeron que en 2 o 3 dias estaría en mi cuenta bancaria. Han pasado 5 días y todavía no lo han hecho efectivo. No le recomiendo este casino a nadie.
zdravo Antonio,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Videoslots Casino ES. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Koji način plaćanja ste koristili za depozit? Jeste li poslali kazinu potvrdu plaćanja? Kada ste zadnji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello Antonio,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Videoslots Casino ES. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
What payment method did you use to deposit? Did you send the casino the payment confirmation? When was the last time you spoke with the casino and what was it about?
Looking forward to your answer.
Kontaktirao sam kasino prije dva dana, ušao sam sa karticom i potvrdio uplatu, prilikom potvrde na stranici videoslotova pojavila se poruka koja je postavila grešku servera. Novac se ne dodaje na moj saldo već se skida sa mog tekućeg računa.
I contacted the casino two days ago, I entered with a card and confirmed the payment, when confirming on the videoslots page a message appeared that put a server error. The money is not added to my balance but is deducted from my checking account.
Contacte hace dos días con el casino, he ingresado con tarjeta y he confirmado el pago, al confirmar en la pagina de videoslots me ha aparecido un mensaje que ponia error de servidor. El dinero no se suma a mi saldo pero se me descuenta de mi cuenta corriente.
zdravo Antonio,
Možete li, molim vas, obavijestiti da li ste poslali bilo kakvu potvrdu kazinu o vašoj uplati? U ovakvim slučajevima obavezno dajte kasinu dokaz o uplati i najmanje nedelju dana jer treba da pronađu i razlog greške. Obavijestite me do kraja sedmice ako bude bilo kakvih novosti u vezi sa slučajem.
Hello Antonio,
Could you please advise if you have sent any confirmation to the casino about your payment? In cases like these be sure to give the casino a proof of payment and at least a week time as they need to find the reason of the error as well. Please let me know until the end of week if there is any update regarding the case.
Poslao sam bankovne račune u kazino, obavestili su me da je to razlog neuspeha u 3D plaćanju i da njihovi stručnjaci pokušavaju da ga reše, ali ne vidim napredak u rešenju, pošto sam obavešten o greška, ponovo unosim i ponovo se pojavljuje ista greška.
I have sent the bank receipts to the casino, they have informed me that it is due to a reason for failure in 3D payments and that their experts are trying to solve it, but I do not see progress in the solution, since being informed about the error , I make an entry again and the same error occurs again.
Le he enviado al casino los justificantes bancarios, me han informado ellos de que se debe a un motivo de fallo en los pagos 3D y que sus expertos lo están intentando solucionar, pero no veo avances en la solución, ya que estando informados sobre el error, vuelvo a hacer un ingreso y vuelve a producirse el mismo fallo.
zdravo Antonio,
Hvala na ažuriranju. Kao što sam gore spomenuo, svakako im dajte barem tjedan dana da ga obrade i kreditiraju vaš depozit. Također vas molimo da nas obavještavate u slučaju da bi vas obavijestili o bilo čemu novom. Do tada ću vam vratiti tajmer.
Hello Antonio,
Thanks for the update. As I mentioned above, definitely give them at least a week to process it and credit your deposit. Also please keep us updated in case they would let you know anything new. Until then I will set back the timer on you.
Opet sam tražio novac i dugo mi daju, tražio sam podizanje 40€ prije 15 dana i nisam ga dobio, i traže da dokažem da nisam primio, tražio sam da pošalju mi dokaz da su se pretplatili i oni mi kažu ne, da im pokažem izvod sa mog bankovnog računa.
I have claimed my money again and they keep giving me long, I have requested a withdrawal of €40 15 days ago and I have not received it, and they ask me to prove that I have not received it, I have asked them to send me proof that they have subscribed and they tell me no, to show them a statement from my bank account.
He vuelto a reclamar mi dinero y me siguen dando largas, he solicitado una retirada de 40€ hace 15 días y no la he recibido, y me piden que demuestre que no lo he recibido, le he pedido que me envien justificante de que lo han abonado y me dicen que no, que les muestre un estracto de mi cuenta bancaria.
Dragi Antonio,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Antonio,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Odustao sam, odustao sam, često su mi davali idiotske izgovore, neka zadrže novac, tražio sam da se odjavim sa računa i oni su to prihvatili bez problema. Tražio sam podizanje 40 eura prije 15 dana i kažu mi da su mi ih položili na račun, a ništa nisam dobio na bankovni račun. Uplatio sam depozit u kazinu i nisu mi to dodali na saldo, tvrdeći da imaju problema sa provajderom plaćanja, za 2-3 dana bi to riješili, prošlo je 15 dana i rekli su mi isto. Scammers. I sada možete izbrisati tu savršenu reputaciju. Loša usluga za korisnike, loša usluga prihoda, loša usluga plaćanja i loša usluga registracije da biste mogli igrati.
I have given up, I have given up, they often gave me idiotic excuses, let them keep the money, I have requested to unsubscribe from the account and they have accepted it without problems. I have requested a withdrawal of 40 euros 15 days ago and they tell me that they have deposited it in my account, and I have not received anything in my bank account. I have made deposits in the casino and they have not added it to my balance, having claimed that they had problems with the payment provider, in 2 or 3 days they would solve it, 15 days passed and they told me the same thing. Scammers. And now you can delete that perfect reputation. Bad customer service, bad income service, bad payment service and bad registration service to be able to play.
He desistido, me he dado por vencido, me daban seguido excusas idiotas, que se queden con el dinero, he solicitado darme de baja en la cuenta y lo han aceptado sin problemas. He solicitado una retirada de 40 euros hace 15 días y me dicen que me la han ingresado en mi cuenta, y no he recibido nada en mi cuenta bancaria. He realizado depósitos en el casino y no lo han sumado a mi saldo habiendo alegado que tenian problemas con el proveedor de pagos, en 2 o 3 días lo solucionarían, pasaron 15 dias y me decían lo mismo. Estafadores. Y ya podeis borrar eso de reputación perfecta. Mal servicio de atención al cliente, mal servicio de ingresos, mal servicio de pagos y mal servicio de registro para poder jugar.
Želio bih da vas upozorim, da ako vaš depozit nikada nije uplaćen na vaš kazino račun, jedino što možete učiniti je da kontaktirate svog provajdera plaćanja. Oni treba da istraže, ali imajte na umu da je to dugotrajan proces koji traje otprilike mjesec dana. U ovim slučajevima kazino ima vezane ruke. U međuvremenu, toplo bih preporučio da ne deponujete više sredstava dok se problem ne riješi.
Ako se novac izgubi tokom transakcije, proći će neko vrijeme prije nego što bude pripisan na vaš kasino račun.
Međutim, ako ipak želite da zatvorite žalbu, javite nam.
I would like to warn you, that if your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing you can do is to contact your payment provider. They need to investigate, but bear in mind, that it’s a lengthy process which takes approximately one month. In these cases, casino has its hands tied. Meanwhile, I would strongly recommend not to deposit any more funds until the issue is sorted.
If the money got lost during the transaction, it’s going to take some time before it’ll be credited to your casino account.
However if you wish to close the complaint anyway please let us know.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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