Igračica je nezadovoljna ishodom opklade jer joj je to naplatilo više nego što je trebalo. Žalba je zatvorena jer je igrač prestao da odgovara.
The player's dissatisfied with the outcome of the bet as it charged her more than should have. The complaint was closed as the player stopped responding.
Igračica je nezadovoljna ishodom opklade jer joj je to naplatilo više nego što je trebalo. Žalba je zatvorena jer je igrač prestao da odgovara.
Dobar dan, pišem jer sam u subotu 13. birao igru u VulkanVegasu i ispostavilo se da nađem igru 7 knjiga (sedam knjiga) kada uđem u igru primetim da izlazi bet 800 i pokušavam da spusti se na minimum i ne napušta me jer pokušavam vidjeti demo i pojavljuje mi se stranica koja nije pronađena za ono što sam rekao mora biti 800 čileanskih pezosa, tako da sam igra redova rotirao i kada vidim svoju račun mi je naplatio 640 hiljada pezosa i samo ako ne da kada sam rotirao 800 novčića on mi je naplatio ukupno 300 miliona da kupim te novčiće, što pri prvom okretanju nije donelo nikakav profit ako se radi o igri linija jer sa tako visokim saldom se ne dobija profit ako što je veći to više linija, dakle veća je verovatnoća da ćeš pobediti, kada ovo komentarišem korisničkoj podršci kažu mi ne da je igra u redu i da sam izgubio ono što sam spomenuo njima da mi ni u jednom trenutku nisu dali da pročitam na šta se odnosi ovih 800 novčića i t Osjećao sam se prevarenim jer mi nisu dali da vidim igru koju igra, samo se ova koincidencija dogodila kada je zatražio povlačenje sredstava koja su bila obrađena više od nedelju dana i našao sam igru sa malo transparentnih informacija i koji je kasnije magično nestao rekavši da nije bio dostupan kao što je izgledalo sa demo (priložene fotografije) zato se obraćam vama jer kako je moguće da utor za novčiće, da tako kažem, ima tako visok ulog, postoje nema opcija za preuzimanje i da upute nisu dostupne, jer tvrdim da opklada nema jer vrijedi kovanice na što mislim da je očigledno 800 pezosa na koje sam se kladio bilo 800 novčića koji su bili ekvivalentni 640.000 i da kada okrenem 2 puta oni iznose 1,300,000$ i da je ovo ogromna opklada koju nisam znao čak i tako da imam 0 šanse da dobijem... Osećam da je nešto čudno u toj igri, molim vas pomozite mi.
Good afternoon, I am writing because on Saturday the 13th I was choosing a game in VulkanVegas and it turns out that I find the game 7 books (seven books) when I get into the game I notice that bet 800 comes out and I try to go down to the minimum and it does not leave me because I try to see the demo and a page not found appears to me for what I said it must be 800 Chilean pesos, so being a game of lines I rotated and when I see my account it had charged me 640 thousand pesos and only that if not that when I rotated the 800 coins He charged me a total of 300 million to buy those coins, which on the first spin did not yield any profit if it is a game of lines because with such a high balance no profit was obtained if the higher the more lines, therefore the more likely you are to win, when I comment this to the customer support they tell me no that the game is fine and that I lost what I mentioned to them that at no time did they let me read what these 800 coins were referring to and that I felt cheated because they did not he let me see the game he was playing, just this coincidence occurred when he had requested the withdrawal of the funds which had been processed for more than a week and I found a game with little transparent information and that later magically disappeared saying that it was not there available as it appeared with the demo (attached photos) that is why I turn to you because as it is possible that a coin slot, so to speak, has such a high bet, there are no options to download it and that the instructions are not available, because I argue that the bet is the bet does not have because it is worth coins to which I mean that apparently the 800 pesos that I bet were 800 coins that were equivalent to 640,000 and that when turning 2 times they are $1,300,000 and that this being a tremendous bet that I did not know even so I have 0 chance of winning ... I feel that there is something strange with that game please help me.
Buenas tardes escribo porque el día sábado 13 me encontraba eligiendo algún juego en VulkanVegas y resulta que encuentro el juego 7 books ( seven books) al meterme al juego noto que sale apuesta 800 y trato de bajar al mínimo y no me deja por trato de ver el demo y me aparece pagina no encontrada por lo que dije deben ser 800 pesos Chilenos, entonces al ser un juego de lineas di girar y cuando veo mi cuenta me había cobrado 640 mil pesos y solo eso si no que al darle girar las 800 monedas me cobró un total de millón 300 por comprar esas monedas las cuales a la primera girada no arrojó ninguna ganancia si es un juego de lineas porque con un saldo tan elevado no se obtuvo ninguna ganancia si entre mas elevado mas lineas por ende más probabilidades tienes para ganar, al comentarle esto al soporte al cliente me dicen que no que el juego está bien y que perdí a lo que yo les menciono que en ningún momento me dejó leer a que se referían estás 800 monedas y que me sentía estafada porque no me dejó ver el juego que estaba jugando, justo esta casualidad se da cuando había solicitado el retiro de los fondos los cuales llevaban mas de una semana tramitandome y me encuentro con un juego escaso en información poco transparente y que después desapareció mágicamente diciendo que no se encontraba disponible al igual que aparecía con el demo ( adjunto fotos) es por eso que recurro a ustedes porque como es posible que un traga monedas por así decirlo tenga una apuesta tan alta, no de opciones de bajarlo y que las instrucciones no se encuentren disponible, porque yo alego que la apuesta es la apuesta no tiene porque esta valer monedas a que me refiero que al parecer los 800 pesos que aposté eran 800 monedas que equivalían a 640.000 y que al girar 2 veces son $1.300.000 y que esta al ser una tremenda apuesta que no sabia aun así tenga 0 chance de ganar… siento que hay algo raro con ese juego por favor pido me ayuden.
zdravo jessylecaros,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Vulkan Vegas Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete da li je vaš račun već verifikovan i da, od kada tačno? Jeste li pokušali direktno kontaktirati dobavljača igre? Svi okretaji su bili gubitnički?
Imajte na umu da u takvim slučajevima ne možemo mnogo učiniti jer nije bilo tehničke greške koja bi izazvala bilo kakvu neregularnu opkladu, tako da je u osnovi bila legitimna.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello jessylecaros,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Vulkan Vegas Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and is yes, since when exactly? Did you try to contact the game provider directly? All of the spins were losing spins?
Please note that in such cases there is not much we can do as there wasn't any technical error which would cause any irregular bet so it was basically legit.
Looking forward to your answer.
Dear jessylecaros,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
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