Zdravo, hvala na odgovoru.
Iako cenim brigu o bezbednosti slanja sredstava pogrešnoj osobi, sledila bi logika da uplata depozita sa kreditne kartice „pogrešne osobe" tada takođe ne bi bila moguća, niti mogućnost da se prijavite i potrošite taj novac na okretaje.
U svakom slučaju, priroda ovoga nikome nije nova, tako da idemo dalje.
Da odgovorim na vaša pitanja.
Dao sam pasoš, službeni račun/pismo sa imenom i adresom, fotografije kartice koja se koristi za depozit i pozadi i na prednjoj strani. Izvodi iz obe moje banke. Snimak ekrana PaiID transfera koji prikazuje referentni broj te transakcije. Izjava o transakciji tog navedenog transfera obavljena odabirom transfera/debita/kredita u okviru tog izabranog datuma koji, iako na njemu ne stoji moje ime, navodi broj bankovnog računa i dopunio sam izjavom do poslednjeg mogućeg perioda (24. decembra) gde se u toj izjavi navodi moje ime i adresa koja jasno pokazuje vlasništvo nad tim računom.
Dao sam svoj poslednji dokument na verifikaciju pre 2 dana.
Hvala vam što ste se posvetili ovome.
Hi thanks for your response.
Whilst I appreciate the safety concern of sending funds to the wrong person the logic would follow that making a deposit from ‘a wrong persons’ credit card would then also not be possible nor the ability to log in and spend that money on spins.
Anyway the nature of this is not new to anyone so moving on.
To answer your questions.
I’ve provided a Passport, Official Bill/ Letter stating a name and address, photos of card used for deposit both back and front. Bank statements from both of my banks. Screenshot of a PayID transfer showing reference number of that transaction. Transaction statement of that said transfer done by selecting transfer / debit/credit within that selected date which although it doesn’t state my name on it it does state bank account number and I supplemented with a statement reaching to last possible period (24th of Dec) where that statement states my name and address clearly showing ownership of that account.
I provided my last document for verification 2 days ago.
Thank you for attending to this.
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