Izbegavajte ovaj kazino po svaku cenu.
Pre nekog vremena sam se registrovao na Vildfortune-u i povremeno igrao, ali značajne pobede su mi izmicale, sve do nedavno...
Ostvario sam značajnu pobedu u kazinu; međutim, na žalost, nisam završio proces verifikacije sve dok nisam odlučio da povučem svoj dobitak. To ih je dovelo do toga da su neprekidno podizali barijere i odugovlačili proces verifikacije za 8 dana, za šta sumnjam da je bio trik u nadi da ću se razbesneti i otići. To su postigli uznemirujućim zamornim procesom 'pregledanja'. Podneo bih dokumente, a zatim se uključio u ćaskanje uživo da bih zatražio njihov pregled, samo da bih dobio standardni odgovor, „naš KIC tim će pregledati vaše dokumente u naredna 24 sata". Nakon što bi tim pregledao dokument, odbio bi ga BEZ navođenja konkretnih razloga, samo navodeći opšte zahteve navedene na njihovoj veb stranici. Zatim bih ponovio proces: otpremite dokument, sačekajte još 24 sata, da bi ponovo bio odbijen. Na kraju sam bio verifikovan, ali je to samo dovelo do dalje frustracije zbog njihovog lažnog i neefikasnog procesa kada sam pokušao da dovršim svoje zahteve za povlačenje. I postaje još gore – tim za pregled povlačenja ne radi ni vikendom...
Njihova stranica za povlačenje ima „Instant, naknada 0,00 Au$, Min 15 Au$, Maks 6000 Au$" u odeljku gde unosite iznos za povlačenje. Ipak, trebalo mi je dodatnih 5 dana i višestruka odbijanja da konačno shvatim da je maksimum po zahtevu zapravo 1500 dolara. Štaviše, mislio sam da ću staviti u red dva zahteva od 1500 dolara, shvatajući da oni verovatno nameću ograničenje od jednog zahteva dnevno, i nadajući se da će barem jedan biti odobren, dok je drugi ostao na čekanju 48 sati. Ali, u zgodnom zaokretu za njih, odlučili su da ponište oba zahteva.
Ovo je samo zagrebanje površine o tome koliko je Vildfortune sumnjiv; to je bila apsolutna noćna mora. Da se stvari pogoršaju, igrao sam dovoljno da steknem status VIP člana pre nego što sam pokušao da se verifikujem i povučem. Time sam stekao 'menadžera naloga' koji nije pružio apsolutno nikakvu pomoć u ubrzavanju procesa. U stvari, njihov savet nije bio ništa drugo do prazna obećanja poput „kontaktirajte me kada podnesete zahtev za povlačenje i mogu da obezbedim da tim to pogleda u roku od 1 sata" – potpuna glupost.
Steer clear of this casino at all costs.
I registered with Wildfortune some time ago and occasionally played, but substantial wins eluded me, until recently...
I did score a significant win with the casino; however, regrettably, I hadn't completed the verification process until I decided to withdraw my winnings. This led to them continuously erecting barriers and prolonging the verification process for 8 days, which I suspect was a ploy in the hope that I would become exasperated and walk away. They achieved this through an exasperatingly tedious 'review' process. I would submit documents, then engage with live chat to request their review, only to be met with the standard response, 'our KYC team will review your documents within the next 24 hours'. After the team reviewed a document, they would reject it WITHOUT giving specific reasons, merely citing the generic requirements listed on their website. I would then repeat the process: upload the document, wait another 24 hours, only to have it rejected again. Eventually, I was verified, but this only led to further frustration due to their deceitful and inefficient process when I tried to complete my withdrawal requests. And it gets worse – the withdrawal review team doesn't operate on weekends either...
Their withdrawal page boasts "Instant, Fee 0.00 Au$, Min 15 Au$, Max 6000 Au$" under the section where you input your withdrawal amount. Yet, it took me an additional 5 days and multiple rejections to finally grasp that the maximum per request was actually $1500. Moreover, I thought I'd queue up two requests of $1500, understanding they likely impose a limit of one request per day, and hoping that at least one would get approved while the other remained pending for 48 hours. But, in a convenient twist for them, they decided to cancel both requests.
This is merely scratching the surface of how dubious Wildfortune is; it was an absolute nightmare. To compound matters, I played enough to attain VIP member status before attempting to get verified and withdraw. This earned me an 'account manager' who provided absolutely no help in expediting the process. In fact, their advice was nothing but empty promises like, 'contact me when you submit a withdrawal request and I can ensure the team looks at it within 1 hour' – complete nonsense.