Igrač iz Njemačke je blokiran nakon što je osvojio značajnu svotu novca. Na kraju smo zatvorili žalbu kao 'neriješenu' jer kazino nije odgovorio.
The player from Germany was blocked after winning a significant amount of money. We ended up closing the complaint as ‘unresolved’ because the casino failed to reply.
Igrač iz Njemačke je blokiran nakon što je osvojio značajnu svotu novca. Na kraju smo zatvorili žalbu kao 'neriješenu' jer kazino nije odgovorio.
Već sam deponovao 5 cifara u ovom kazinu. Preko streamera sa Twitcha, iz prve ruke imam saznanje (uključujući snimak ekrana) da možete napraviti više depozita sa bonus kodovima od 250% (samo ne dvaput, naravno).
Imao sam 300EUR + 250% bonusa pa sam igrao sa 1,050 EUR. Dao sam opkladu i na kraju sam imao 2.000 EUR. Onda kada sam htio povući 1.000 morao sam čekati da mi to odobri da bih mogao povući ostalih 1.000.
Kad mi je bilo dosadno na jedan dan, otkazao sam prvu isplatu i igrao za 30 eura i osvojio 10.000 eura.
Ista igra: "pokušao" da isplati 1.000 EUR, a onda se kockao sa ostatkom.
Na kraju sam došao do još 34.000 eura.
Imao sam odobrenih prvih 1.000 eura u vrijeme kada su navodno pušteni na isplatu (ali NIKAD mi nisu stigli), a onda sam se prijavio za drugih 1.000 eura.
Dakle, u istoriji je odobreno 1.000 evra i u toku je 1.000 evra i još 34.000 evra.
Odjednom mi je račun zatvoren.
I have already deposited 5 digits in this casino. Through streamers from Twitch, I have first-hand knowledge (including a screenshot) that you can make multiple deposits with the 250% bonus codes (just not twice, of course).
I had a 300EUR + 250% bonus so I played with 1,050 EUR. I made the wager and still had 2,000 EUR at the end. Then when I wanted to withdraw 1,000 I had to wait for it to be approved so I could withdraw the other 1,000.
When I was bored for a day, I canceled the first payout and played for EUR 30 and won EUR 10,000.
Same game: "tried" to pay out 1,000 EUR and then gambled on with the rest.
In the end I came up with another 34,000 EUR.
I had the first EUR 1,000 approved at the time that they were supposedly released for payment (but they NEVER reached me) and then I had applied for the second EUR 1,000.
So, in the history, EUR 1,000 was approved and EUR 1,000 in progress, and another balance of EUR 34,000.
Suddenly my account was closed.
Ich habe in diesem Casino bereits 5 stellig eingezahlt. Durch Streamer von Twitch habe ich aus erster Hand (inklusive Screenshot), dass man mit den 250% BonusCodes auch mehrmals einzahlen darf (nur natürlich nicht doppelt).
Ich hatte einen 300EUR + 250% Bonus und habe demnach mit 1.050 EUR gespielt. Den Wager habe ich geschafft und hatte am Ende immerhin noch 2.000 EUR. Als ich dann 1.000 auszahlen wollte musste ich warten bis diese genehmigt wurden damit ich die anderen 1.000 Auszahlen konnte.
Als ich dann einen tag langeweile hatte habe ich die erste Auszahlung storniert und auf 30 EUR gespielt und 10.000 EUR gewonnen.
Gleiches Spiel: 1.000 EUR "probiert" auszuzahlen und dann mit dem Rest weiter gezockt.
Am Ende bin ich damit nochmal auf 34.000 EUR gekommen.
Ich hatte in der Zeit einmal die ersten 1.000 EUR genehmigt bekommen, dass sie angeblich freigegeben wurden zur Auszahlung (sind aber NIE bei mir angekommen) und hatte dann die zweiten 1.000 EUR beantragt.
Also waren in der History 1.000 EUR genehmigt und 1.000 EUR in Bearbeitung und noch eine Balance von 34.000 EUR.
Auf einmal wurde mein Account geschlossen.
Dragi The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Možete li mi reći da li ste prošli KYC verifikaciju prije nego što je kazino zatvorio vaš račun? Da li ste ranije izvršili uspješne isplate?
Jeste li pokušali kontaktirati kazino u vezi s ovim problemom? Molimo vas da svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina proslijedite na kristina.s@casino.guru (ili je postavite ovdje).
Unaprijed vam hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please advise whether you passed the KYC verification before the casino closed your account? Have you made any successful withdrawals before?
Have you tried contacting the casino regarding this issue? Please, forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru (or alternatively post it here).
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Da, potpuno sam verifikovan i, kao što rekoh, odobreno je prvih 1.000 evra (ali nikada nije stiglo), a drugo je bilo u toku.
Yes, I was fully verified and, as I said, the first EUR 1,000 was approved (but never arrived) and the second was in progress.
Ja ich war vollkommen verifiziert und wie gesagt die ersten 1.000 EUR waren genehmigt (jedoch nie angekommen) und die zweiten in Bearbeitung.
Sljedeće informacije su također važne: NEKOLIKO streamera se poigralo kodovima i isplatilo bez ikakvih problema. I ja imam dokaz za to!
Menadžer za streamere zna da je kazino zabrljao i "navodno" želi da nađe rješenje, ali me svaki dan odgađa!
The following information is also important: SEVERAL streamers have played with the codes and paid out without any problems. I have proof of that too!
The manager for streamers knows that the casino has messed up and "allegedly" wants to find a solution, but I'm put off every day!
Wichtig ist noch folgende Info: MEHRERE Streamer haben mit den Codes gespielt und ohne Probleme ausgezahlt. Auch da habe ich Nachweise für!
Der Manager für Streamer weiß, dass das Casino Mist gebaut hat und will "angeblich" eine Lösung finden nur werde ich jeden weiteren tag vertröstet!
Sjajne vijesti, The_Gamble_Lawyer. Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Awesome news, The_Gamble_Lawyer. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtjev igrača. Primili smo ovu poruku:
"Već nekoliko mjeseci čekam svoj novac. Već sam pristao na prvobitnih 36.000 eura i postignut je dogovor za 15.000 eura.
Od ovih 15.000 EUR, samo 2.000 EUR mi je stiglo od 30. marta 2022!
Uvijek me odgađaju i stalno mi obećavaju da ću primati isplatu svakih 5 dana. Ali to se ponovilo od 20. maja 2022. godine!
Navodno je odobreno 1.000 eura, ali i to je samo lažni status jer se baš ništa ne dešava!
Mogu dokazati svaki dogovor, svako obećanje!
Neki od menadžera su me već blokirali, a bio sam i blokiran u chatu Wild Pharaoh ako sam više puta pitao!"
We've reopened this complaint as per the player's request. We received this message:
"I've been waiting for my money for several months now. I've already agreed to the original EUR 36,000 and an agreement has been reached on EUR 15,000.
Of these 15,000 EUR, only 2,000 EUR have reached me since March 30th, 2022!
I am always put off and repeatedly promised that I will receive a payout every 5 days. But that has happened again since May 20th, 2022!
Supposedly 1,000 euros were approved, but that too is only a fake status because nothing is happening at all!
I can prove every agreement, every promise!
Some of the managers have already blocked me and I was also blocked in the Wild Pharaoh chat if I asked repeatedly!"
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the player’s request. We received this message:
"Ich warte nun seit mehreren Monaten auf Mein Geld. Von ursprünglichen 36.000 EURO bin ich schon entgegen gekommen und man hat sich auf 15.000 EUR geeinigt.
Von diesen 15.000 EUR sind seit dem 30.03.2022 gerade mal 2.000 EUR bei mir angekommen!
Ich werde immer wieder vertröstet und wiederholt wurde mir zugesagt, dass ich alle 5 Tage eine Auszahlung erhalte. Da ist aber nun auch schon wieder seit dem 20.05.2022 passiert!
Angeblich wurden 1.000 EURO genehmigt aber auch das ist nur ein Fakestatus da sich da überhaupt gar nix tut!
Ich kann jede Absprache, jedes Versprechen nachweisen!
Zum Teil wurde ich von den Managern bereits geblockt und auch im Chat bei Wild Pharao wurde ich geblockt beim wiederholten nachfragen!"
Hvala vam puno The_Gamble_Lawyer na vašoj poruci. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much The_Gamble_Lawyer for your message. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Wild Pharao Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi The_Gamble_Lawyer,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Wild Pharao Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Napominjem da se trenutno 1.000 eura oslobađa svakih 1-2 dana. Ali to ne znači da će doći do mene.
Stanje: 8.000,01 EUR
Ulog: 0.00 EUR
Datum Tip Iznos Metod Status
2022-06-17 16:48:50 povući 1000,00 EUR OTKAŽI
2022-06-17 15:16:58 povući 1000.00 EUR Banka Obrađeno
2022-06-16 21:35:20 povući 1000,00 EUR Banka Obrađeno
2022-06-16 10:54:41 povući 1000,00 EUR Banka Obrađeno
2022-05-31 20:55:10 povući 1000,00 EUR Banka Obrađeno
Već sam pre nego što je počela rasprava znao da je odobreno 1.000 evra i uveravan sam NEKOLIKO PUTA da je novac na putu. Ali nikad nije stigao. Dakle, ovo "odobrenje" ne govori apsolutno ništa. Nažalost!
I would like to note that currently 1,000 euros are released every 1-2 days. But that doesn't mean that they will reach me.
Balance: 8,000.01 EUR
Wager: 0.00 EUR
Date Type Amount Method Status
2022-06-17 16:48:50 withdraw 1000.00 EUR CANCEL
2022-06-17 15:16:58 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-06-16 21:35:20 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-06-16 10:54:41 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-05-31 20:55:10 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
I had already before the discussion started that 1,000 EUR had been approved and I was assured SEVERAL TIMES that the money was on its way. But never arrived. So this "approval" says absolutely nothing. Unfortunately!
Ich möchte anmerken, dass aktuell alle 1-2 Tage 1.000 Euro freigegeben werden. Was aber nicht heisst, dass diese auch bei mir ankommen.
Balance: 8,000.01 EUR
Wager: 0.00 EUR
Date Type Amount Method Status
2022-06-17 16:48:50 withdraw 1000.00 EURCANCEL
2022-06-17 15:16:58 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-06-16 21:35:20 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-06-16 10:54:41 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
2022-05-31 20:55:10 withdraw 1000.00 EUR Bank Processed
Ich hatte bereits, bevor die Diskussion losging, dass 1.000 EUR genehmigt wurden und es wurde mir MEHRMALS versichert, dass das Geld unterwegs sei. Ist aber nie angekommen. Also sagt diese "Genehmigung" rein gar nix aus. Leider!
I igra se nastavlja...
Navodno odobreno 5.000 EUR a narednih 1.000 EUR čeka na odobrenje!
Međutim, znam da ako "gazde" to žele, novac će biti na mom računu u roku od sekunde!
Tako je bilo sa prvih po 1.000 evra! Čak i vikendom!
And the game goes on...
Allegedly 5,000 EUR approved and the next 1,000 EUR are waiting for approval!
However, I know that if the "bosses" want it, the money will be in my account within a second!
That's how it was with the first 1,000 EUR each! Even on weekends!
Und das Spiel geht weiter....
Angeblich 5.000 EUR genehmigt und die nächsten 1.000 EUR warten auf Freigabe!
Ich weiß jedoch wenn die "Chefs" es wollen ist das Geld innerhalb von einer Sekunde auf meinem Konto da!
So war das nämlich auch mit den damals ersten jeweils 1.000 EUR! Auch am Wochenende!
Zdravo The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Hvala na ažuriranju. Vidjet ćemo da li će povlačenja proći.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Wild Pharao Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
Hi The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Thanks for the update. We'll see if the withdrawals will get through.
We would like to ask Wild Pharao Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Osim što sam bio blokiran na live chatu i svi kazino Skype kontakti i sva isplate (ukupno 13.000 EUR) su odobreni, ali nikad ni peni nije stigao, ništa, ne!
Except that I was blocked on live chat and all casino Skype contacts and all withdrawals (13,000 EUR in total) were approved but never a penny arrived, nothing, no!
Außer, dass ich im Livechat geblockt wurde und bei sämtlichen Skype-Kontakten des Casinos und alle Auszahlungen (insgesamt 13.000 EUR) genehmigt wurden aber nie ein Cent bei mir ankam, nichts, nein!
Dragi The_Gamble_Lawyer,
Čini se da je kazino u nekoj vrsti problema. Povećan je broj pritužbi uglavnom na povlačenje sredstava. Više puta sam pokušavao da stupim u kontakt sa kazinom, ali bez uspeha. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo toga uraditi bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Problem je u tome što je licenca kazina suspendovana tako da nema ovlaštenja za igre na sreću. Označit ću žalbu "neriješenom" u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promijeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear The_Gamble_Lawyer,
It seems that the casino is in some sort of trouble. There is an increased number of complaints mostly regarding withdrawals. I tried to get in touch with the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from its side. The problem is that the casino's license was suspended so there is no gaming authority to turn to. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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