NaslovnaPritužbeWinDetta Casino - Nalog igrača je blokiran nakon zahteva za povlačenje.
WinDetta Casino - Nalog igrača je blokiran nakon zahteva za povlačenje.
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$12.970 ARS
WinDetta Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 09/03/2024
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pre 11 meseci
The player from Argentina had had trouble withdrawing his winnings from Windetta Casino. After he had deposited and won a small amount, the casino had requested additional documentation for verification. Once these documents were provided, the player's access was blocked due to an alleged gambling addiction. The player had denied this and had reached out to the casino, but had received no response. The casino had eventually paid the player his winnings but had refused to reopen his account, citing suspicions of potential rule violations. Despite the player's plea to the Complaints Team for intervention, the team had stated that the casino had the right to select its customers and the decision was final. The player had been advised to file an official complaint with the casino's licensing authority.
Igrač iz Argentine je imao poteškoća sa povlačenjem novca u kazinu Vindetta. Iako je njegov nalog prvobitno odobren i verifikovan, kazino je zatražio dalju verifikaciju pre obrade njegovog dobitka. Njegov pristup je naknadno blokiran zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, što igrač osporava.
16. avgusta sam napravio nalog u kazinu Vindetta, nalog je odlično aktiviran, dobrovoljno sam poslao neophodnu dokumentaciju na proveru i nakon pola sata sam aktivirao nalog i uspešno verifikovan. Učitao sam novac preko astropai-a, igrao sam ga i izgubio sam ga, zatim sam ubacio još novca preko TRC20 mreže, pripisano mi je, igrao sam, zaradio sam još malo od depozita i tražio da ga podignem, evo počeli su sa onim što su morali da urade verifikaciju plaćanja, tražili su od mene dokumentaciju već traženu u prvom procesu verifikacije naloga, ali bez problema sam im je ponovo poslao, juče u ponedeljak su mi rekli da je potrebno da pošaljem selfi slika sa ličnom kartom koja izgleda bolje, pa sam je opet jasnije slikao i poslao, a danas u utorak sam ustao i pošto mi nisu odgovorili pokušao sam da uđem na nalog i legenda da je račun blokiran zbog zavisnosti od kockanja pojavljuje????, jasno je da ne žele da mi plate moj novac, ali da je ovaj argument o zavisnosti glup. Želeo bih da mi pomognem, molim vas, da povratim svoj novac jer ovaj stav jasno pokazuje da ih nije sramota blokirati račun bez argumenta za nevraćanje ili isplatu. Hvala vam i radujem se što ću vam pomoći. Još jednom frustriran onim što sam mislio da bi bilo mesto za igranje na miru i mogućnost deponovanja i podizanja bez problema, jasno je da to nije slučaj.
Na usluzi. Facundo F****
Vindetta korisnik: PLAIER1233927 (Facundo F****)
e-mail za registraciju. facu****
On August 16, I created an account at the Windetta casino, the account was activated perfectly, I voluntarily sent the necessary documentation to be verified and after half an hour I had the account activated and successfully verified. I loaded money through astropay, I played it and I lost it, then I loaded more money through the TRC20 network, it was credited to me, I played, I earned a little more from the deposit and requested to withdraw it, here they started with what they had to do a payment verification , they asked me for documentation already requested in the first account verification process, but without a problem I sent it to them again, yesterday Monday they told me that it was necessary for me to send a selfie photo with ID that looks better, so I took it again more clear and I sent it, and today Tuesday I got up and since they didn't answer I tried to enter my account and the legend that the account was blocked due to gambling addiction appears????, it is very clear that they do not want to pay me my money, but that this addiction argument is stupid. I would like to help me, please, to recover my money since this attitude makes it clear that they have no shame in blocking an account without an argument for not returning or paying a withdrawal. Thank you and I look forward to helping you. Once again frustrated with what I thought would be a place to play in peace and be able to deposit and withdraw without problems, it is clear that this is not the case.
At your service. Facundo F****
Windetta user: PLAYER1233927 (Facundo F****)
registration email. facu****
El día 16 de agosto me cree una cuenta en el casino Windetta, se activo la cuenta perfectamente, voluntariamente envié la documentación necesaria para ser verificado y al cabo de media hora tenia la cuenta activa y verificada exitosamente. Cargue dinero a través de astropay, lo jugué y lo perdí, luego cargue mas dinero a través de la red TRC20, se me acredito, jugué, gane un poco mas del deposito y solicite retirarlo, aquí empezaron conque habia que hacer una verificación de pagos, me volvieron a pedir documentación ya pedida en el primer proceso de verificación de cuenta, pero sin problema se lo envíe nuevamente, ayer lunes me respondieron que era necesario que envíe una foto selfie con ID que se vea mejor, asi que nuevamente la saque mas nítida y la envié, y hoy martes me levanto y como no me contestaron intento ingresar a mi cuenta y me aparece la leyenda que la cuenta fue bloqueada por adicción al juego????, es muy claro que no quieren pegarme mi dinero, sino que ese argumento de la adicción es una estupidez. Quisiera me ayuden por favor, a recuperar mi dinero ya que esta actitud deja a las claras que no tienen vergüenza en bloquear una cuenta sin argumento para no devolver o pagar un retiro. Gracias y espero ansioso puedan ayudarme. Otra vez frustrado con el que pensé que seria un lugar donde jugar tranquilo y poder depositar y retirar sin problemas, esta a la vista que no es asi.
A su disposición. Facundo F****
Usuario de Windetta: PLAYER1233927 (Facundo F****)
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa VinDetta Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li da nam kažete da li ste bili samoisključeni sa bilo kojom licencom za kockanje ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom? Da li su u kazinu razjasnili kako su došli do zaključka da imate zavisnost od kockanja? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello ffilimon,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with WinDetta Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if you've been self-excluded with any gambling license or any other casino? Did the casino clarify how did they come to the conclusion that you have gambling addiction? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Zdravo Nik, nikada se nisam isključio iz nijednog kazina jer nikada nisam imao problema sa igrom, nikada, kazino nikada ništa nije razjasnio, koraci su bili ovakvi, kreiraj nalog, uspešno prođe verifikaciju, uplati.. . Izgubio sam. ..depozit... zaradio sam malo, tražio povlačenje, tražili su mi dodatnu dokumentaciju za overu povlačenja... i nakon što su mi poslali šta su mi tražili, kada sam hteo ponovo da uđem, nisam mogao i legenda kaže da je korisnik onemogućen zbog zavisnosti od igre???.
Poslednji put kada sam razgovarao sa kazinom bio je da pustim uplatu, poslao sam je i onda se desilo ono što sam rekao, kada je od mene zatražio selfi sa ličnom kartom u ruci.
Ako želite, imam transkript ćaskanja gde mi asistent kaže da imam raspoloživa sredstva za podizanje.
Hvala vam i nadam se brzom rešenju, ne mogu da verujem kako mogu biti tako jednostavni da blokiraju račun sa bilo kojim izgovorom kada samo želim da podignem svoj novac...
Hi Nick, I have never ever excluded myself from any casino because I have never had problems with the game, never, the casino never clarified anything at all, the steps were like this, create an account, successfully pass the verification, deposit... I lost. ..deposit... I earned a little, requested the withdrawal, they asked me for extra documentation to verify the withdrawal... and after sending what they asked me, when I wanted to enter again, I couldn't and the legend says that the user is disabled for addiction to the game???.
The last time I spoke to the casino was to release the payment, I sent it and then what I told happened, when he asked me for a selfie with ID in hand.
If you wish, I have the transcript of a chat where the assistant tells me that I have the funds available to withdraw.
Thank you and I hope for a speedy resolution, I can't believe how they can be so basic to block the account with any excuse when I just want to withdraw my money...
Hola Nick, nunca jamás me he autoexcluido de ningún casino porque nunca he tenido problemas con el juego, nunca, el casino nunca aclaro nada de nada, los pasos fueron así, cree una cuenta, pase exitosamente la verificación, deposite...perdí...deposite... gane un poquito, solicite el retiro, me pidieron documentación extra para verificar el retiro...y luego de enviar lo que me pidieron, al querer entrar nuevamente, no pude y la leyenda dice que el usuario esta deshabilitado por adicción al juego???.
La ultima vez que hable con el casino fue para liberar el pago, la envié y luego paso lo que conté, cuando me pidió una selfi con DNI en mano.
Si lo desean tengo la transcripción de un chat donde el asistente me dice que tengo a mi disposición los fondos para retirar.
Gracias y espero una pronta resolución, no puedo creer cómo pueden ser tan básicos de bloquear la cuenta con cualquier excusa cuando solo quiero retirar mi dinero ...
Hvala vam na prosleđenim mejlovima. Međutim, ne sadrži nikakvu komunikaciju između vas i kazina u vezi sa zatvaranjem naloga ili samoisključenjem. Šta su tačno odgovorili kada ste ih kontaktirali nakon što je vaš nalog zatvoren?
Hello ffilimon,
Thank you for the forwarded e-mails. However, it does not contain any communication between you and the casino regarding the account closure or self-exclusion. What exactly did they respond when you contacted them after your account got closed?
Zdravo Nik, upravo to je problem, nikad mi više nisu odgovorili! Nisu čak ni komunicirali, prosledio sam vam mejl koji je poslat nakon što su mi blokirali nalog, pregledam činjenice, deponovao sam, pitao sam kako da podignem, pomogli su mi vrlo dobro putem ćaskanja, stavili su mi sredstva na raspolaganje da povući (nakon što sam ih stavio u igru i ispunio uslove da povlačenje bude moguće), kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje, tražili su mi dodatnu dokumentaciju putem mejla, poslao sam im je, a onda su mi blokirali nalog, kada sam pisali su pitajući šta se desilo, od njih nikada nije bilo odgovora, zato i započnite ovu žalbu.
Što se tiče vašeg pitanja šta su odgovorili, to je da nisu odgovorili, zato vam nisam poslao ništa od toga, nema komunikacije niti odgovora od njih, samo je račun blokiran sa argumentom zavisnosti od kockanja (?? ). Molim vas da li biste mogli da komunicirate sa kazinom kako bi mogli da se suprotstave ovom besu i obmani.
Pozdrav i čekam brz odgovor
Facundo F*****
Plaier 1233927 od Vindetta
Hi Nick, that's exactly the problem, they never responded to me again! They didn't even communicate, I forwarded you the email sent after they blocked my account, I go over the facts, I deposited, I asked how to withdraw, they assisted me very well by chat, they made the funds available to me to withdraw (after having put them into play and completing the requirements for the withdrawal to be possible), when I made the withdrawal request they asked me for extra documentation by email, I sent it to them, and then they blocked my account, when I wrote asking what happened there was never a response from them, that's why start this complaint.
Regarding your question about what they responded, it is that they did not respond, that is why I did not send you any of that, there is no communication or response from them, only the account blocked with the argument of gambling addiction (??). I ask you please if you could communicate with the casino so that they can stand up against this outrage and deception.
Greetings and waiting for a quick response
Facundo F*****
Player 1233927 by Windetta
Hola Nick, exactamente ese es el problema, nunca mas me respondieron! ni se comunicaron, te reenvio el mail enviado luego que bloquearan mi cuenta, te repaso los hechos, deposité, pregunte como retirar me atendieron muy bien por chat, me pusieron a disposición los fondos para retirar (luego de haberlos puesto en juego y completar los requisitos para que el retiro sea posible), cuando hice el pedido de retiro me pidieron documentación extra por mail, se los envié, y luego me bloquearon la cuenta, al escribir preguntando que ocurrió no hubo nunca mas respuesta de parte de ellos, por eso inicie esta queja.
Frente a tu pregunta sobre que respondieron, es que no respondieron, por eso no te envié nada de eso, no existe comunicación ni respuesta de parte de ellos, solo la cuenta bloqueada con el argumento de la adicción al juego (??). Te pido por favor si podrías comunicarte tu con el casino para que den la cara, frente a este atropello y engaño.
Hvala ffilimon na pojašnjenju. Sada ću proslediti vašu žalbu kolegi Jozefu ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you ffilimon for the clarification. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Prilažem Vindetin zahtev da apsolutno odbacim njene optužbe. i vrati mi moj novac i pusti me da igram.
Prilažem otiske ekrana na kojima možete videti uplate sa mog verifikovanog Astropai naloga, tamo možete videti moje podatke, moj verifikovani nalog itd.
To je apsolutna laž i molim vas da predočite dokaz da su mi poslali mejl sa razlozima zatvaranja 22. avgusta. To se nikada nije dogodilo.
Objašnjenje o razlozima za zatvaranje računa koje prave je neobično (prevara je deponovati da bi igrao i želeo da se povuče...????) i ne razumem kako su došli do zaključka o prevari, ako ja deponovati novac, to je da se kladim sa nadom da ću dobiti, a ako to uradim, nadam se da ću moći da podignem novac, stoga očigledno moram da odigram ono što sam deponovao 3 puta da bih mogao da ga podignem kasnije, kada to uzmem u obzir Osvojio sam mali deo više od onoga što sam položio, ne razumem šta to znači Loše je kladiti se na pobedu, zar nije ABC klađenja??? Zašto se smatra prevarom to što želite da zaradite malo i to povučete? Kako da to uradim ako mi objasnite kako uplaćujem...igram...pobeđujem...i povlačim...Vindeta, objasnite mi???
Očekujem brz odgovor, mora da postoji veoma ozbiljna zabuna da bi me na taj način optužili.
Molim Gurua da pročita moje argumente i analizira ih i da pažljivo pročita Vindetine nejasne i očigledne argumente i da ne objavljuje otiske pošto postoje podaci sa mog Astropai naloga. Hvala vam
Facundo Filimon
ID 25282688
I attach Windetta's request to absolutely reject her accusations. and give me my money back and let me play.
I attach the screen prints where you can see the deposits made from my verified Astropay account, there you can see my data, my verified account, etc.
It is an absolute lie and I ask you to present proof that they sent me an email with the reasons for the closure on August 22. That never happened.
The explanation about the reasons for closing the account that they make is unusual (it is fraud to deposit to play and want to withdraw...????) and I do not understand how they come to the conclusion of fraud, if I deposit money, it is to bet with the hope of winning, and if I do, I hope to be able to withdraw the money, therefore obviously I must play what I deposited 3 times to be able to withdraw it later, when I consider that I won a small part more than what I deposited, I do not understand what it means It's bad to bet to win, isn't it the ABCs of betting??? Why is it seen as fraud that you want to earn a little and withdraw it? How should I do it if you please explain to me, how I withdraw...Windetta, please explain it to me???
I expect a prompt response, there must be a very serious confusion for them to accuse me in that way.
I ask Guru to read my arguments and analyze them please and to read Windetta's vague and obvious arguments carefully and not to publish the prints since there is data from my Astropay account. Thank you
Facundo Filimon
ID 25282688
Adjunto lo pedido por Windetta para rechazar absolutamente sus acusaciones. y que me devuelva mi dinero y me deje jugar.
Adjunto los print de pantalla donde se puede ver los depósitos hechos desde mi cuenta verificada de Astropay, allí se ven mis datos , mi cuenta verificada, etc.
Es absoluta mentira y le pido que presente prueba que me enviaron un mail con las razones del cierre el 22 de Agosto. Eso nunca sucedió.
La explicación sobre los motivos de cierre de la cuenta que hacen es insólita (es fraude depositar jugar y querer retirar...????) y no entiendo como llegan a la conclusión de fraude, si yo deposito dinero, es para apostar con la esperanza de ganar, y si lo hago, espero poder retirar el dinero, por ende obviamente debo jugar lo depositado 3 veces para poder estar en condiciones de retirarlo luego, cuando consideré que gané una partecita mas que lo que deposité, no entiendo que tiene de malo apostar para ganar, no es el abc de las apuestas??? porque se ve como fraude que quiera ganar un poco y retirarlo? Como debería hacerlo si por favor me explican, como deposito...juego...gano …y retiro... me lo explica Windetta por favor???
Espero una pronta respuesta, debe haber una confusión muy grave para que me acusen de esa manera.
Le pido a Guru que lea mis argumentos y los analice por favor y que lea atentamente los argumentos vagos y obvios de Windetta y que no deje publico los print ya que hay datos de mi cuenta de Astropay. Gracias
Informacije o vašem nalogu su detaljno pregledane.
Odeljenje za rizik kazina odlučilo je da izvrši uplatu u iznosu od 12.927 ARS. To je bio iznos koji ste imali na svom saldu u igri u vreme otpisa.
Dana 18.09.23. uplata od 12.927 ARS je uspešno izvršena na vaš USDT kripto novčanik (TBncvBiLEHphg2K8dVVh3B3vNTCNnn52E1).
Potvrdite prijem ovog iznosa.
Vaš nalog ostaje zatvoren zbog sumnje na mogućnost daljeg kršenja pravila našeg kazina. Ova odluka je konačna.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Odeljenje za rizik kazina Vindetta.
Dear ffilimon,
Thank you for the information that you have provided.
Your account information has been reviewed in detail.
The Risk Department of the casino has decided to make the payment in the amount of 12.927 ARS. That was the amount you had on your game balance at the time of the write-off.
On 18.09.23 the payment of 12.927 ARS was successfully made to your USDT Crypto Wallet(TBncwByLEHphg2K8dVWh3B3vNTCNnn52E1).
Please confirm receipt of this amount.
Your account remains closed due to suspicion of the possibility of further violation of the rules of our casino. This decision is final.
Potvrđujem depozit od 12927 na mom nalogu, ali želim da mi vrate nalog i puste me da igram, pošto mi se sviđa kazino i sviđa mi se ta igra i Vindetta grafika posebno. Ne razumem zašto sumnjaju o kojoj pričaju da žele da se klade na pobedu, uvek postoji rizik od gubitka, zapravo nikada nisu spomenuli da sam pre povlačenja gore navedenog izgubio 10 hiljada pezosa igrajući avijatičara, onda kada sam pobedio malo sam hteo da se povučem.
Želim da vrate verifikovani nalog za koji su mi tražili dosta dokumentacije koju sam im poslao bez problema. Ja sam odlična mušterija koja samo želi da igra u ovom kazinu i ako izgubim gubim, ali ako pobedim, želim da mogu da podignem svoj novac bez potrebe za ovom žalbom i ovom birokratijom da bih dobio svoj novac.
Očekujem pozitivan odgovor od kazina, i stavljam se na raspolaganje ako im zatreba druga dokumentacija koja je potrebna da dokaže da greše u mojim namerama i da samo želim da igram...
I confirm the deposit of the 12927 in my account, however I want them to restore my account and let me play, since I like the casino and I like that game and the Windetta graphics in particular. I don't understand why the suspicion they talk about for wanting to bet to win, there is always the risk of losing, in fact they never mentioned that before wanting to withdraw the above I lost 10 thousand pesos playing aviator, then when I won a little I wanted to withdraw.
I want them to restore a verified account for which they asked me for a lot of documentation that I sent them without any problem. I am an excellent customer who just wants to play at this casino and if I lose I lose but if I win I want to be able to withdraw my money without having to make this complaint and this bureaucracy to get my money back.
I expect a positive response from the casino, and I make myself available if they need other documentation that is required to prove that they are wrong in my intentions and that I only want to play...
Confirmo el deposito de los 12927 en mi cuenta, sin embargo quiero que restablezcan mi cuenta y me dejen jugar, ya que me gusta el casino y me gusta ese juego y los gráficos de Windetta en particular. No entiendo porque la sospecha de la que hablan por querer apostar para ganar, siempre existe el riesgo de perder, de hecho nunca nombraron que antes de querer retirar lo antedicho perdí 10 mil pesos jugando al aviator, luego cuando gane un poco quise retirar.
Quiero que restablezcan cuenta verificada para cual me pidieron mucha documentación que les envié sin ningún problema. Soy un cliente excelente que solo quiere jugar en este casino y si pierdo pierdo pero si gano quiero poder retirar mi dinero sin tener que hacer esta queja y esta burocracia para que me devuelvan mi dinero.
Espero una positiva respuesta del casino, y me pongo a disposición si necesitan otra documentación que sea requerida para probar que se equivocan en mis intenciones y que solo quiero jugar...
Kazino ima pravo da odbije bilo kog igrača koga želi sve dok nema neizmirenih iznosa. Pošto je njihova odluka konačna, mogu li vam još nešto pomoći?
Dear ffilimon,
The casino has the right to refuse any player they want as long as there are no unsettled amounts. As their decision is final, is there anything else I can assist you with?
Voleo bih Guruovo objektivno mišljenje o Vindettinim argumentima za sumnju na mene kada samo želim da igram za pobedu i odustajanje. Kao da je to pogrešno. Pošto sam našao zdrav način da igram i da mogu malo da pobedim a da ne padnem u zavisnost, optužuju me za prevaru? I zatvaraju moj račun? Čini mi se skandalozno i svima u očima da jedino što žele je da samo uplatite i ostavite im novac na poklon bez pretpostavke ni minimalnog troška koji uključuje mogućnost da se neki klijenti odmere i malo igraju i nešto dobiju ...
Ne čini li vam se, Guru, u najmanju ruku neetički da kazino tvrdi da, pošto sam igrao i podigao svoj dobitak, zatvara moj račun? Za pokušaj prevare? Kao da je želja za pobedom bila prevara? Čini mi se da ništa ne može da se uradi pošto oni zadržavaju pravo da mi zatvore nalog. Trebalo bi da ovaj nepravedan način postupanja ovog kazina učinite vidljivim, a ne da ga shvatite kao nešto prirodno.
Voleo bih da se zauzmeš da me puste da igram.
I would like Guru's objective opinion on Windetta's arguments for suspecting me when I just want to play win and fold. As if that were wrong. Since I found a healthy way to play and be able to win a little without falling into addiction, they accuse me of fraud? And they close my account? It seems scandalous to me and in everyone's sight that the only thing they want is for you to just deposit and leave them the money as a gift without assuming even a minimum cost that includes the possibility that some clients are measured and play little and win something...
Doesn't it seem to you, Guru, at the very least unethical that a casino argues that since I played and withdrew my winnings, it closes my account? For attempted fraud? As if wanting to win was a fraud? It seems to me that nothing can be done since they reserve the right to close my account. You should make this unfair way of proceeding by this casino visible and not take it as something natural.
I would like you to intercede so that they let me play.
Me gustaria la opinión objetiva de Guru sobre los argumentos de Windetta para sospechar de mi cuando solo quiero jugar ganar y retirar. Como si eso estuviera mal. Como encontré una manera sana de jugar y poder ganar un poquito sin caer en la adiccion, ellos me acusan de fraude?. Y me cierran la cuenta? Me parece escandaloso y a la vista de todos que lo único que quieren que uno solo deposite y les deje el dinero regalado sin asumir ni siquiera un mínimo costo que incluye la posibilidad que algunos clientes sean mesurados y jueguen poco y ganen algo...
No les parece á uds Guru como mínimo poco ético que un casino argumente que como jugué y retiré lo ganado me cierra la cuenta? Por intento de fraude? Como si querer ganar fuera un fraude? Me parece que si bien no se puede hacer nada ya que ellos se reservan el derecho de cerrar mi cuenta. Uds deberían visibilizar esta injusta forma de proceder de este casino y no tomarlo como algo natural.
Veoma mi je žao zbog situacije, ali to implicira da oni samo sumnjaju u vas. To ne mora nužno biti istinito ili značajno, ali kazino ima ovlašćenje da bira svoje klijente. Ako ne žele da vas zadrže kao igrača, imaju pravo da vam uskrate da igrate. To je njihov proizvod i razumno je da odluče kome će ga ponuditi. Nažalost, s obzirom na sve informacije koje imam, nemam izbora nego da odbijem vaš slučaj.
Alternativna opcija je da podnesete zvaničnu žalbu organu za licenciranje kazina. Mogu vam pomoći u ovom procesu, a možete me kontaktirati na dole navedenu adresu e-pošte. Slobodno me kontaktirajte ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć.
I am very sorry about the situation, but it implies that they merely have suspicions about you. It doesn't necessarily have to be true or significant, but the casino has the authority to select their customers. If they don't want to keep you as a player, they have the right to deny you from playing. It is their product, and it is reasonable for them to decide who they offer it to. Regrettably, considering all the information I have, I have no choice but to reject your case.
An alternative option is to file an official complaint with the licensing authority of the casino. I may assist you with this process, and you can reach me at the email address provided below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further assistance.