Nakon što sam igrao i izgubio nešto novca odlučio sam da prestanem da se kockam i zatvorim račun na vindetti.
Saznao sam da na njihovom sajtu nema opcija za zatvaranje računa ili pauzu, ali klikom na dugme „Odgovorno igranje" video sam da postoji informacija da kada želite da zatvorite nalog i imate problema sa kockanjem, samo treba da zapišite imejl njihovom timu za podršku i to je to.
Napisao sam e-mail 28.03.2024 i rekao im da zatvore moj nalog što pre jer ne želim više da se kockam.
Sledećeg dana i dan nakon što sam proverio da li je moj nalog zatvoren, nije.
Mislio sam ok, možda će potrajati. Pre dva dana sam se prijavio i moj nalog još uvek nije zatvoren, takođe NISAM dobio nikakav e-mail odgovor od podrške. Proverio sam i svoje spam foldere, ali ništa!
Onda sam se pre dva dana ulogovao i mogao sam da igram a račun nije zatvoren, igrao sam ponovo i izgubio 1000€.
Nakon toga sam ih ponovo napisao iste noći i I dalje nemam odgovora, nemam odgovora!
Takođe sam tražio od njih povraćaj novca jer mi nisu zatvorili nalog kada sam tražio, ako bi mi zatvorili račun kada su me pitali ne bih više igrao tamo! ALI moj nalog je zatvoren sledećeg jutra (opet, bez odgovora)!
Kontaktirao sam podršku za ćaskanje uživo i dečko, to je najgore iskustvo koje sam ikada imao sa četovanjem uživo (pitao sam da li je bot ili prava osoba)!
Prvi put mi je rekla da sam dobio odgovor od njih pre nekoliko dana, ali NIKAD nisam dobio mejl od njih! Danas sam ponovo kontaktirao podršku uživo i on mi je rekao da moram da sačekam odgovor i da to može da potraje, i da mi još nisu poslali nijedan e-mail i da treba da čekam još!
Nije važno šta ih pitam, jedini odgovor je da samo čekam odgovor! Čekam već 10 dana i NIŠTA!
Pazite da ti prevaranti ne zatvore vaš nalog kada ih pitate, čak i kada je na njihovom sajtu jasno navedeno da samo treba da pošaljete e-mail i zatražite zatvaranje!
Kada kliknete na njihovo dugme za odgovorno igranje, vidite ovo:
Uvek možete kontaktirati naše odeljenje za podršku na i zatražite da ukinete vaš Vindetta nalog... Nakon toga ćemo preduzeti neophodne mere da vas potpuno blokiramo sa našeg sajta...
OVO NIJE ISTINA! Nije ih briga, ne pomažu vam niti odgovaraju! Idite da igrate negde gde imate opcije direktno na sajtu.
After playing and losing some money i decided to stop gambling and close the account on windetta.
I found out there are no options on their site for closing the acc or taking a break, but clicking on the "Responsible Gaming" button I saw there is a information that when you want to close your account and have gambling problems you just need to write down a email to their support team and that ´ s it.
I wrote the E-Mail on the 28.03.2024 and told them to close my account ASAP because I don´ t want to gamble anymore.
The next day and the day after I checked if my account was closed, it was not.
I thought ok maybe it takes a while. Two days ago i logged in and my account was still not closed, also I have NOT got any e-mail response from the support. I checked my spam folders also but nothing!
Then two days ago i logged in and i could play and the acc was not closed, i played again and lost 1000€.
After that I wrote them again the same night and STILL have got NO RESPONSE, no answer!
I also asked them for a refund because they have not closed my account when I asked for, if they closed my acc when asked I would not play anymore ther! BUT my account was closed the next morning (again, no answers)!
I contacted the live chat support and boy, that is the worst experience I ever had with a live chat (i asked if he was a bot or a real person)!
The first time she told me i have got a answer from them a few days ago but I NEVER got a mail from them! Today i contacted the live support again and he told me I need to wait for the response and that it can take a while, and that they have not sent me any e-mails yet and I should wait more!
It does not matter what I ask them the only answer is i should just wait for the answer! I am waiting 10 days now and NOTHING!
Be careful with those scammers not closing your account when you ask them, even when it is clearly stated on their site that you just need to send a e-mail and ask for closing!
When you click on their responsible gaming button this is what you see:
You can always contact our support department at and ask to terminate your Windetta account... After that we will take necessary measures to completely block you from our site...
THIS IS NOT TRUE! They don´ t care, they don´ t help you or answer you! Go play somewhere where you have the options directly on the site.