Osvojio sam bonus dobrodošlice i ispunio sam sve odredbe i uslove i dali su mi $1500 od bonusa. Morao sam da uplatim $200 da bih mogao da se povučem i to sam i uradio. još jedno podizanje od 500 dolara što je već 2.000 dolara i nikad mi ništa nisu dali, samo su mi nadoknadili 200 dolara.
Imam cijeli razgovor, uključujući i pitanje gdje ih pitam kako mogu verifikovati svoj račun da mogu naplatiti svoju zaradu i oni mi kažu da nema potrebe za verifikacijom.

I won the welcome bonus and I fulfilled all the terms and conditions and they gave me $1500 of the bonus I had to deposit $200 to be able to withdraw and I did so I deposited $200 and of those $200 I earned another $500 and I asked for another withdrawal of $500 that is already $2,000 and they never gave me anything they only reimbursed me $200.
I have the entire conversation, including where I ask them how I can verify my account to be able to collect my earnings and they tell me that there is no need to verify.

Gane el el bono de bienvenida y cumpli con todos los terminos y codiciones y me dieron $1500 del bono tenia que depositar $200 para poder retirar y lo hice deposite $200 y de esos $200 gane otros $500 y pedi otro retiro de $500 o sea ya ivan $2,000 y nunca me dieron nada solo me rembolsaron $200.
Tengo toda la conversacion completa, incluso donde les pregunto que como puedo verificar mi cuenta para poder cobrar mis ganancias y me dicen que no hay necesidad de verificar.

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