Kazina sa visokim indeksom sigurnosti obično imaju veliki broj posetilaca i mali broj nerešenih pritužbi. Igrači mogu očekivati da će igrati sigurno i da će prema njima dobro postupati u kazinima sa visokim indeksom sigurnosti.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 20/09/2023
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Igrač je prestao odgovarati
Rezime slučaja
pre 1 godinu
The player from Greece has been blocked without further explanation. The casino explained that the player's payment method had been used to fund two different accounts at the casino. The player provided statements from the dates in question that did not seem to show any transactions made to the casino. However, the casino also provided evidence that the card used was the same one. As there was conflicting evidence and no way to be certain of what had happened, we recommended the player contact the licensing authority and submit a complaint to them. This complaint was closed temporarily while we await the decision of the regulator. We contacted the player at a later date to determine if a decision had been reached by the licensing authority. Unfortunately, there was no response from the player so the complaint was rejected.
Igrač iz Grčke je blokiran bez daljeg objašnjenja. Kazino je objasnio da je način plaćanja igrača korišćen za finansiranje dva različita računa u kazinu. Igrač je dao izjave od dotičnih datuma koje ne pokazuju nikakve transakcije izvršene u kazinu. Međutim, kazino je takođe pružio dokaz da je kartica korišćena ista. Pošto su postojali kontradiktorni dokazi i ne postoji način da se utvrdi šta se dogodilo, preporučili smo igraču da kontaktira organ za licenciranje i da im podnese žalbu. Ova žalba je privremeno zatvorena dok čekamo odluku regulatora. Kasnije smo kontaktirali igrača kako bismo utvrdili da li je nadležni organ za licenciranje doneo odluku. Nažalost, nije bilo odgovora od igrača pa je žalba odbijena.
Otvorio sam svoj račun pre 3 dana. Dobijam veliki iznos i pokušavam da podignem. Ja obavljam sve provere. Osim bankovnog računa. Poslao sam sve informacije KIC-u, ali niko nije odgovorio 2 dana. Jutros sam igrao i odjednom mi se račun zatvorio. Poruka je :zabranjeno od strane administratora. ili : korisnik je onemogućen. Niko ne odgovara na moje imejlove. 3 dana sada.
I open my account 3 days ago. I win a big amount and I try to do a withdrawal. I do all the verification. Except bank account. I sent all the information to KYC but no one reply 2 days now. This morning I was playing and suddenly my account closed. The message was :forbidden by administrator. or : the user is disabled. No one reply to my emails. 3 days now.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Da li sam dobro razumeo da niste dobili nikakvu potvrdu o uspešnoj verifikaciji? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Takođe, da li sam dobro razumeo da kazino nije dao nikakvo objašnjenje u vezi sa blokiranim računom? Ako postoji bilo kakva relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, prosledite je na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear ioannabl1,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do I understand correctly that you have not received any confirmation regarding successful verification? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
Also, do I understand correctly that the casino has not provided any explanation regarding the blocked account? If there is any relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
nakon nadljudskih pokušaja da ih kontaktiram, poslali su mi e-poštu u kojoj su mi rekli da sam prekršio njihovu politiku i da imam duplikat naloga. ovo se nikada nije desilo. pošto sam čitav dan čitao o njihovoj politici, nikada ranije nisam imao nalog ni u ovom kazinu ni u bilo kojoj od iste grupe. Poslao sam bezbroj mejlova, a nikakav odgovor. takođe sam dobio potvrdu verifikacije naloga. u početku . pre nego što pokuša da izvrši prvo povlačenje. Zamolio sam ih da mi pošalju dokaz o drugom računu koji su spomenuli, ali nisam dobio odgovor. u mejlu su rekli da će mi iznos depozita biti vraćen. Ne želim ovaj iznos. želim iznos koji sam osvojio. takođe mislim da sam imao bonus. ali iznos koji sam položio bio je 50 evra. osvojio sam više od 10000.
after superhuman attempts to contact them they sent me an email telling me that I have violated their policy and that I have a duplicate account. this has never happened. because I read about their policy all day, I have never had an account before either at this casino or at any of the same group. I have sent countless emails and no response. also i have received account verification confirmation. at the beginning . before trying to make the first withdrawal. I have asked them to send me proof of the second account they mentioned but I have no response. in the email they said that the deposit amount will be refunded to me. I don't want this amount. i want the amount i won. also I think I had a bonus. but the amount I deposited was 50 euros. i have won more than 10000.
μετά από υπερανθρωπες προσπάθειες επικοινωνίας μου έστειλαν εάν email λεγοντας μου ότι έχω παραβιασει τη πολιτική τους και ότι έχω διπλό λογαριασμό. αυτό δεν έχει συμβεί ποτέ. επειδή όλη μέρα διαβάζω για τη πολιτική τους ,δεν είχα ποτέ ξανά λογαριασμό ούτε σε αυτό το καζίνο ούτε σε κάποιο του ίδιου ομίλου. έχω στείλει άπειρα emails και δεν έχω καμία απάντηση. επίσης έχω λάβει επιβεβαίωση επαλήθευσης λογαριασμού. στην αρχή . πριν προσπαθήσω να κάνω την πρώτη ανάληψη. τους έχω ζητήσει να μου στείλουν αποδεικτικά στοιχεία σχετικά με τον δεύτερο λογαριασμό που ανέφεραν αλλά δεν έχω καμία απάντηση. στο email είπαν ότι θα μου επιστραφεί το ποσό κατάθεσης. δε θέλω αυτό το ποσό. θέλω το ποσό που κέρδισα. επίσης νομίζω είχα μπόνους . αλλά το ποσό που κατέθεσα ήταν 50 ευρώ. έχω κερδίσει πάνω από 10000.
Hvala vam na odgovoru, ioannabl1. Postoji li šansa da je neko iz vašeg domaćinstva ili koji koristi istu IP adresu takođe napravio nalog u ovom kazinu?
Da li ste ranije primili bilo kakvu potvrdu o uspešnoj verifikaciji? Možete li mi to proslediti?
Thank you for your reply, ioannabl1. Is there any chance that someone from your household or using the same IP address has also created an account at this casino?
Did you receive any confirmation regarding successful verification in the past? Could you please forward it to me?
dobro veče kristina Niko nikada nije koristio moju e-poštu ili ovaj kazino. nažalost identifikacija profila je izvršena u okviru sajta. Uploadovao sam dokumente na platformu i validacija je obavljena. Nisam dobio nikakav mejl.
good evening kristina No one has ever used my email or this particular casino. unfortunately the identification of the profile was done within the site. I uploaded the documents to the platform and the validation was done. I have not received any email.
καλησπέρα Kristina. Δεν έχει χρησιμοποιήσει ποτέ κανένας το email μου ή το συγκεκριμένο καζινο. δυστυχώς η ταυτοποίηση του προφίλ έγινε εντός του site. ανέβασα τα έγγραφα στη πλατφόρμα και έγινε η επικύρωση. δεν μου έχει έρθει κανένα email.
Hvala vam puno, ioannabl1, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Adamu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, ioannabl1, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam (adam.m@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da vidim da li mogu da pomognem.
Pozivamo Vinstoria Casino da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Vinstoria Casino,
Igrač je optužen da je registrovao više naloga. Mogu li da vas zamolim da dostavite dokaze za ovo na moju e-poštu, KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello ioannabl1,
I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite Winstoria Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Winstoria Casino,
The player stands accused of having registered multiple accounts. Could I ask you to please provide supporting evidence of this to my e-mail, adam.m@casino.guru?
Detaljne informacije i dokazi o kršenju naših pravila kazina od strane igrača IVANNNAK su poslati na adresu e-pošte koju ste naveli: adam.m@casino.guru
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Adam,
Detailed information and evidence of the violation of our casino rules by the player IWANNNAK have been sent to the email address you specified: adam.m@casino.guru
If you have any further questions, we will always be happy to help you.
Kazino nam je dostavio dokaz da ste izvršili depozit koristeći potpuno istu platnu karticu kao drugi račun registrovan u istom kazinu. Možete li da objasnite kako je to moglo biti tako?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Winstoria Casino for the evidence provided.
Dear ioannabl1,
The casino has provided us with evidence that you have made a deposit using the exact same payment card as another account registered with the same casino. Are you able to explain how this could be the case?
I ja bih voleo da imam ovaj dokaz, molim vas. Potpuno sam siguran da je tako nešto nemoguće. To je prvi nalog koji sam napravio u ovom kazinu, koristio sam svoju karticu. ako je vinstoria casino falsifikovao takve informacije, to je krivično delo i ja ću preduzeti zakonske mere.
I would like to have this evidence too please. I am absolutely sure that such a thing is impossible. It is the first account I made in this casino, I used my card. if winstoria casino has falsified such information, it is a criminal offense and I will take legal action.
θα ήθελα να έχω και εγώ αυτά τα αποδεικτικά παρακαλώ.ειμαι απολύτως σίγουρη ότι κάτι τέτοιο είναι αδύνατον. Ειναι ο πρωτος λογαριασμος που εκανα σε αυτο το καζινο,χρησιμοποιησα εγω τη καρτα μου. εάν το καζινο winstoria έχει παραποιησει τέτοια στοιχεία,είναι ποινικό αδίκημα και θα κινηθώ νομικά.
takođe bih želeo da mi kažete datum uplate na navodni drugi račun. da vam pokažem da takav pokret nije napravljen sa mog računa
also I would like you to tell me a date of a deposit made to the alleged second account. to show you that no such movement has been made from my account
όπως επίσης θα ήθελα να μου πείτε και μια ημερομηνία από μια κατάθεση που έχει γίνει στον υποτιθέμενο δεύτερο λογαριασμό. να σας δείξω ότι δεν έχει γίνει τέτοια κίνηση από το λογαριασμό μου
Ne mogu da podelim dokaze sa vama iz razloga poverljivosti, ali mogu da vam kažem da je depozit na drugi račun uplaćen 03.09.2022.
Možete li nam možda dati izjavu iz tog vremena?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello ioannabl1,
I am unable to share the evidence with you due to reasons of confidentiality, however I can tell you that a deposit was made to the second account on 09/03/2022.
Are you perhaps able to provide us with a statement from that time?
Odgovorio sam na vašu e-poštu, ali ću istu objaviti ovde radi vaše pogodnosti.
Iako vam se zahvaljujem na dokazima koje ste do sada pružili, bojim se da ćemo morati da vidimo cele izjave za periode kada su ovi depoziti napravljeni, a idealno bi bilo da bismo mogli da vidimo sve depozite uplaćene kazinu i sa kog broja kartice.
Razlog za to je da možemo da uporedimo vašu evidenciju za predmetnu karticu sa podacima iz kazina i utvrdimo da li postoji bilo kakvo odstupanje.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello ioannabl1,
I have replied to your e-mail, but I will post the same here for your convenience.
While I thank you for the proofs you have provided so far, I am afraid we will need to see the entire statements for the periods when these deposits have been made, and ideally, we should be able to see any deposits made to the casino and from which card number.
The reason for this is so we can compare your records for the card in question with those of the casino, and determine if there is any discrepancy.
Dobio sam izjavu koju ste poslali i čini se da postoji samo jedna transakcija koja je izvršena tog datuma (9. mart). Možete li pojasniti šta je to transakcija?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello ioannabl1,
I have received the statement you have sent, and it seems that there is only one transaction that was made on the date in question (9th of March). Could you please clarify what that transaction is?
Obaveštavamo vas da će se sva komunikacija i informacije u vezi sa vašim nalogom vršiti samo u toku rasprave o žalbi. Zato što žalbu razmatra samo Odeljenje za rizik kazina.
Molimo vas da za vas obavestite ko ste DIMITRIOS G******.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Ioannabl1,
We would like to inform you that all communication and information regarding your account will be made only in the discussion of the complaint. Because the complaint is considered only by the Risk Department of the casino.
Please inform who you are DIMITRIOS G****** for you.
If you have any further questions, we will always be happy to help you.
Dobro veče. Hvala unapred na odgovoru. sve informacije koje želite mogu vam dati, ali pošto su tražena lična dokumenta nisam želeo da ih objavim. sve što želite mogu vam to proslediti putem e-pošte na bilo koju adresu koju mi date.
Ne poznajem nikog Dimitrija C******.
Good evening. thank you in advance for your reply. any information you want I can give it to you, but since personal documents were requested I did not want to publish them. anything you want I can forward it to you via email to any address you give me.
I don't know anyone Dimitrios C******.
καλησπέρα σας. σας ευχαριστώ για αρχή που απαντήσατε.οποιαδηποτε πληροφορία θέλετε μπορώ να σας την δώσω, αλλά επειδή ζητήθηκαν προσωπικα έγγραφα δεν ήθελα να τα δημοσιεύσω. οτιδήποτε θέλετε μπορώ να σας το προωθήσω μέσω email σε όποια διεύθυνση μου δώσετε.
Mogu li vas uputiti na moje prethodno pitanje o tome kako bi se transakcija za Vinstoria pojavila na igračevoj izjavi, pošto izgleda da nema ničega na datum u pitanju?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all, thank you for your responses.
Dear Winstoria Casino,
Can I please refer you to my previous question regarding how a transaction to Winstoria would appear on the player's statement, as there doesn't seem to be anything on the date in question?
U nastavku predstavljamo dokaze o kršenju naših pravila kazina od strane igrača IVANNNAK.
Oba igrača IVANNNAK i GAVALASZ iz jedne zemlje - Grčke, iz jednog grada Atine, uplate su vršene sa jednog broja bankovnih kartica, to potvrđuju dva izveštaja - podudarnost između brojeva kartica - 100% slučajnost.
Ovaj nalog igrača IVANNNAK smatra se duplikat, prema pravilima našeg kazina.
Takođe, kao što je prethodno navedeno igraču IVANNNAK depozit je vraćen jer je račun duplikat.
Naravno, sada će klijent demantovati informaciju da poznaje korisnika DIMITRIOS GAVALAS, jer želi da dobije svoj dobitak, ali je depozit bankovne kartice bio na dva računa i to je nepobitna činjenica.
Savetujemo kupcu da ne pokušava da zaobiđe sistem provere i da igra pošteno, možda se sam igrač IVANNNAK ne seća da je dao svoju karticu da nekome uplati depozit, ali činjenica kršenja pravila projekta je bila i potvrđeno je.
Činjenica da klijent IVANNNAK kaže da nije položio depozit 2022-03-09 - novac sa bankovne kartice ne može se otpisati dan u danu i to je normalna praksa različitih banaka.
Razmotrili bismo da li bi kartica bila ponovo izdata, primljena vrlo nedavno, ali nije tako. Došlo je do uspešnog depozita na drugom računu (GAVALASZ) sa ovom karticom 09.03.2022.
Naša odluka ostaje nepromenjena, ovaj nalog je duplikat i blokiran je bez mogućnosti povlačenja.
Igrač IVANNNAK može da se obrati regulatornom organu, ali imamo sve dokaze da je postojala činjenica kršenja naših pravila kazina i postoji činjenica da je depozit sa jednog načina plaćanja (jedna bankovna kartica) na dva računa.
Žao nam je ako predstavnici Casino Gurua ne vide činjenice koje jasno pokazuju da su depoziti izvršeni istom bankovnom karticom na prvom GAVALASZ računu.
Molimo predstavnike Casino Gurua da označene snimke ekrana kao privatne.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Adam,
Below we present evidence of violation of our casino rules by player IWANNNAK.
Both players IWANNNAK and GAVALASZ from one country - Greece, from one city Athens, deposits were made from one number of bank card, it is confirmed by two reports - coincidence between numbers of cards - 100% coincidence.
This account of the player IWANNNAK considered as duplicate, according to the rules of our casino.
Also, as previously stated player IWANNNAK deposit was returned because the account is a duplicate.
Naturally, now the client will deny information that he knows the user DIMITRIOS GAVALAS, as wants to get his winnings, but the deposit of the bank card was on two accounts and it is an undeniable fact.
We advise the customer do not try to bypass the system of checking and play honestly, maybe the player IWANNNAK himself do not remember that he gave his card to make a deposit to anyone, but the fact of violation of the rules of the project was and it is confirmed.
The fact that the client IWANNNAK says that he did not make a deposit 2022-03-09 - money from a bank card can not be written off a day in a day and it is normal practice of different banks.
We would consider if the card would be reissued, received very recently, but it is not so. There was a successful deposit on another account (GAVALASZ) with this card on 2022-03-09.
Our decision remains unchanged, this account is a duplicate, and is blocked without the possibility of withdrawal.
Player IWANNNAK can contact the regulatory authority, but we have all the evidence that there was a fact of violation of our casino rules and there is a fact of deposit from one payment method (one bank card) on two accounts.
We are sorry if the representatives of Casino Guru do not see the facts that clearly show that the deposits were made with the same bank card on the first GAVALASZ account.
We ask the representatives of Casino Guru to mark the provided screenshots as private.
If you have any further questions, we will always be happy to help you.
Takođe bih želeo da mi dostavite priznanicu koja pokazuje ceo broj banke za koju se tvrdi da je duplikat. (bez zvezdica)
I would also like you to provide me with a receipt showing the entire bank number that is claimed to be a duplicate. (without the asterisks)
επίσης θα ήθελα να μου παραθέσετε και ένα αποδεικτικό σας που αναγράφεται ολόκληρος ο αριθμός τραπέζης στον οποίο υποστηρίζεται ότι είναι διπλότυπος .(χωρίς τους αστερίσκους)
Ako vaš nalog nije duplikat i nije prekršio pravila projekta, rado ćemo vam isplatiti dobitke.
Agregator nikada ne daje pun broj kartice, ali u tim slučajevima, ako je broj kartice 100% isti, poslaće obaveštenje o tome, jer je to poverljiva informacija iz bezbednosnih razloga.
U ovom slučaju, depoziti su izvršeni na dva računa sa ovom karticom.
Savršeno razumemo vašu frustraciju, ali uvek postupamo striktno po propisima projekta, bez ikakvog garantovanog dokaza ne bismo zatvorili vaš nalog kao duplikat, i ne bismo sve regulisali pravilima.
Ako se ne slažete sa našom odlukom, to je vaše pravo, ali mi smo uvek za fer plej. Možete pokušati da osporite našu odluku i napišete sve kako jeste regulatoru, ali sa naše strane mi ćemo takođe pružiti kompletan paket dokaza sa naše strane koji jasno pokazuje da je bankarska kartica ista, kao i prateći obrazac na račune.
Dear ioannabl1,
If your account was not a duplicate account and did not violate the rules of the project, we would be happy to pay you the winnings.
The aggregator never provides the full card number, but in these cases, if the card number is 100% the same, they will send a notification about it, as it is classified information for security purposes.
In this case, deposits were made to two accounts with this card.
We perfectly understand your frustration, but we always act strictly according to the regulations of the project, without any guaranteed proof we would not close your account as a duplicate, and would not regulate everything by the rules.
If you don't agree with our decision, that's your right, but we're always for fair play. You can try to challenge our decision and write everything as it is to the regulator, but for our part we will also provide a full package of evidence from our side which clearly shows that the bank card is the same, as well as the accompanying pattern to the accounts.
Dajem vam sve garancije da nema transakcije u vašem kazinu sa mog naloga. Ne mogu da razumem šta se desilo. samo ja postojim na ovom nalogu, samo ga ja koristim. verovatno je vaš sistem napravio grešku. sistem banke kako vi razumete ne može biti netačan. Razumem da ne biste postupili proizvoljno, ali uvek ima mesta za grešku. To se dešava u ovom slučaju. Vaša kompanija je kriva. Voleo bih da mi kažete pod kojim ste regulatornim organom kako bih i tamo mogao da vas kontaktiram.
I give you all guarantees that there is no transaction to your casino from my account. I can't understand what has happened. only I exist in this account, only I use it. probably an error has been made by your system. the bank's system as you understand it cannot be inaccurate. I understand that you would not act arbitrarily, but there is always room for error. This is what happens in this case. Your company's fault. I would like you to please tell me which regulatory authority you are under so that I can contact you there as well.
σας δίνω όλες τις εγγυήσεις ότι δεν υπάρχει καμία συναλλαγή προς το καζινο σας από τον δικό μου λογαριασμό. δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω τι έχει συμβεί. στο λογαριασμό αυτό υπάρχω μόνο εγώ,τον χρησιμοποιώ μόνο εγώ. πιθανόν έχει γίνει λάθος από το συστημα σας. το σύστημα της τράπεζας όπως καταλαβαίνετε αποκλείεται να είναι ανακριβές. Αντιλαμβανομαι πως απο τη μερια σας δεν θα δρουσατε αυθαίρετα, αλλα παντα υπαρχει και το περιθώριο λαθους. Στη προκειμενη περιπτωση συμβαινει αυτο. Το λαθος απο τη δικη σας εταιρια. θα ήθελα σας παρακαλώ να μου πείτε ποια είναι η ρυθμιστική αρχή στην οποία υπαγεστε για να απευθυνθώ και εκεί.
Možete dati garancije, ali one neće dati rezultat, jer postoji činjenica depozita sa jedne kartice na dva računa. I to potvrđuju činjenice i mi smo ih dali.
Proverili smo nekoliko puta, a takođe je agregator dao informaciju da je u pitanju ista bankarska kartica.
Naša greška nije tu, nažalost.
Naš stav u vezi sa vašim nalogom ostaje nepromenjen.
Dear ioannabl1,
You can give guarantees, but they will not give the result, as there is a fact of deposit from one card on two accounts. And it is confirmed by the facts and we provided them.
We checked several times, and also the aggregator provided information that it was the same bank card.
Our fault is not here, unfortunately.
Our position regarding your account remains unchanged.
Ali citiram činjenice da informacije koje su mi date ne postoje na mom nalogu! Pored toga, želeo bih da mi date detalje drugog naloga. Dimitrija ******. takođe ne mogu da razumem to pošto da biste uplatili depozit na račun, morate da zapišete ime vlasnika kartice. u podacima koje ste dostavili upisano je ime Dimitris *******. da li se smatra da postoji mogućnost da postoji kartica korisnika i na njoj stoji drugo ime? objasni mi kako se to radi!
But I am quoting facts that the information given to me does not exist in my account! In addition, I would like you to give me the details of the second account. of Dimitrios ******. also I can't understand that since in order to make the deposit to the account, you have to write down the name of the card owner. in the information you submitted, the name Dimitris ******* is written. is it considered that there is a possibility that there is a card of a beneficiary and it states another name? explain to me how this is done!
Μα σας παραθέτω γεγονότα ότι δεν υπάρχουν στο λογαριασμό μου τα στοιχεία που μου δίνεται! επιπλέον θα ήθελα να μου δώσετε και τα στοιχεία του δεύτερου λογαριασμού. του Δημητρίου ******. επίσης δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως εφόσον για να γίνει η κατάθεση στο λογαριασμό,πρέπει να αναγράφετε το όνομα του ιδιοκτήτη της κάρτα. στα στοιχεία που καταθέσατε,αναγράφεται το όνομα Δημήτρης *******. θεωρείται πως υπάρχει περίπτωση να υπάρχει κάρτα ενός δικαιούχου και να αναγράφει κάποιο άλλο όνομα? εξηγήστε μου πως γίνεται αυτό!
molim te reci mi kako možemo da radimo zajedno da bismo dokazali da grešiš. Daću vam svaki traženi dokument.
please tell me how we can work together to prove you wrong. I will provide you with any document requested.
σας παρακαλώ πείτε μου με ποιο τρόπο μπορούμε να συνεργαστούμε για να σας αποδείξω ότι πρόκειται περί λάθους. θα σας παρέχω οποιοδήποτε έγγραφο μου ζητηθεί.
Dobili smo dokaze od vas koji sugerišu da je ista bankovna kartica korišćena za depozit na dva različita računa.
Takođe nam je dostavljen dokaz od igrača u obliku bankovnog izvoda koji pokazuje sve transakcije na iste datume, i čini se da nema nikakve korelacije.
Do sada ste zanemarili da odgovorite na moje pitanje: Kako bi se transakcija izvršena u Vinstoria Casino pojavila na izvodu?
Ovo moramo da znamo kako bismo mogli da uporedimo dokaze koje su dale dve strane i pokušamo da utvrdimo zašto bi moglo doći do neslaganja.
Ako želite, uvek možete da mi pošaljete informacije putem e-pošte. Imajte na umu da, pošto se čini da nema korelacije između dokaza koji su do sada pruženi, ovo moramo dalje istražiti. Ako postoji još nešto što možete da pružite u vezi sa ovim računima, bilo bi mi veoma zahvalno.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Winstoria Casino,
We have been provided evidence from you that suggests that the same bank card has been used to deposit into two different accounts.
We have also been provided evidence from the player in the form of the bank statement showing all transactions on the same dates, and there does not appear to be any correlation.
So far you have neglected to answer my question: How would a transaction made to Winstoria Casino appear on the statement?
We need to know this so we can compare the evidence provided by the two parties and try to determine why there might be a discrepancy.
If you would prefer, you can always send me the information via email. Please understand that because there appears to be no correlation between the evidence provided so far, we need to investigate this further. If there is anything further you can provide regarding these accounts it would be much appreciated.
Za detaljnu proveru informacija sa strane našeg i našeg procesnog centra o depozitima uplaćenim bankovnom karticom (430589******9001), molimo da nam pošaljete izvod iz banke o depozitima koje ste izvršili bankovnom karticom 430589* *****9001 za navedeni period: od 09.03.2022 do 20.01.2023.
Izvod iz banke mora biti tačno u papirnoj formi i potvrđen pečatom vaše banke.
Pošaljite ovaj bankovni izvod na .
Dear ioannabl1,
For the detailed check of information from our and our processing center's side of deposits made with bank card(430589******9001), we ask you to send us your bank statement of deposits made by you with the bank card 430589******9001 for the indicated period: from 2022-03-09 to 2023-01-20.
The bank statement must be exactly in paper form and confirmed by the stamp of your bank.
Please send this bank statement to support@winstoria.com with the subject: Risk Department - Deposits check.
Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact e-mail support@winstoria.com.
Izvod sam poslao za period od 24. februara do 24. maja 2022. godine i čekam da se izda i izvod za 2023. godinu. biće izdata 24. februara 2023. godine
I have sent the statement for the period 24 February to 24 May 2022 and I am waiting for the statement for the year 2023 to be issued as well. it will be issued on 24 February 2023
έστειλα το αντίγραφο κίνησης περιόδου 24 φεβρουαριου έως 24 Μαΐου του 2022 και περιμένω να εκδοθεί και το αντίγραφο κίνησης του έτους 2023. θα εκδοθεί 24 φεβρουαριου του 2023
poslao sam vam kopiju od 24. februara do 24. maja 2022. Banka izdaje e izvod svaka 3 meseca. 24. februara takođe se izdaje e-izjava za 3 meseca od 24. novembra do 24. februara 2023. godine. odmah ću vam poslati
i have sent you the copy from 24 february to 24 may 2022. The bank issues the e statement every 3 months. on February 24, the e-statement of the 3 months November 24-February 24, 2023 is also issued. I will send it to you immediately
σας έχω στείλει το αντίγραφο από τις 24 φεβρουαριου έως 24 μαιου του 2022. Η τράπεζα εκδίδει τα e statement κάθε 3 μήνες. στις 24 Φεβρουαρίου εκδίδεται και το e statement του 3μηνου 24 Νοεμβρίου-24 Φεβρουαρίου του 2023. θα σας το αποστείλω αμέσως
Nema potrebe da klijent dodatno potvrđuje izvode i banku, jer smo dobili dodatnu potvrdu od centra za obradu plaćanja da je uplata izvršena sa ove kartice ili ličnog računa klijenta bankarske kartice.
Dobili smo heš kartice i one su iste u oba slučaja, a verovatnoća greške takvog podudaranja je 0.
Ovo potvrđuje da su depoziti ranije vršeni sa ovog načina plaćanja na prvi račun, a ovaj račun je duplikat.
Možda je klijent prethodno kreirao virtuelnu karticu na svom bankovnom računu, i sa nje izvršio plaćanje, a takve transakcije se ne evidentiraju u izvodu banke na određenoj kartici, već su vezane za bankovni račun.
Ne tvrdimo da je klijent sam izvršio uplatu na prvi račun, da je najverovatnije dao podatke za uplatu. Ali sama činjenica da je heš bankovne kartice 100% garancija da je kartica ista.
Previše je šablona za nas za 2 naloga:
Oba igrača IVANNNAK i GAVALASZ iz jedne zemlje - Grčke, iz jednog grada Atine, uplate su vršene sa jednog broja bankovnih kartica, to potvrđuju dva izveštaja - podudarnost između brojeva kartica - 100% slučajnost. I pored 100% podudaranja na heš bankovne kartice.
Naša pozicija ostaje nepromenjena, a pobeda nije legitimna.
Klijent može da ode kod regulatora ako želi, ali to će biti beskorisno, jer postoji jasno kršenje propisa projekta, što se ne može sakriti.
Depozit se vraća klijentu, sa naše strane sve obaveze prema klijentu su ispunjene u potpunosti.
Dear representatives of the casino guru and ioannabl1,
There is no need for the client to further confirm the statements and the bank, as we have received additional confirmation from the payment processing center that the payment was made from this card or the personal account of the client of the bank card.
We got the hash cards and they are the same in both cases, and the error probability of such a match is 0.
This confirms that deposits were previously made from this payment method on the first account, and this account is a duplicate.
Perhaps the client has previously created a virtual card on his bank account, and made a payment from it, and such transactions are not recorded in the bank statement on a particular card, but are tied to a bank account.
We do not claim that the client himself made the payment on the first account, that he most likely provided the data to make the deposit. But the very fact that the hash of the bank card is a 100% guarantee that the card is the same.
There is too much pattern for us for 2 accounts:
Both players IWANNNAK and GAVALASZ from one country - Greece, from one city Athens, deposits were made from one number of bank card, it is confirmed by two reports - coincidence between numbers of cards - 100% coincidence. And in addition to 100% match on the hash of the bank card.
Our position remains unchanged, and the win is not legitimate.
The client can go to the regulator if he wants, but it will be useless, because there is a clear violation of the regulations of the project, which can not be hidden.
The deposit is refund to the client, from our side all obligations to the client are fulfilled in full.
Još jednom ističem da je vaša tvrdnja pogrešna. detalji koje sam vam poslao su stvarni i nisam učinio ništa loše. Moja banka ne izdaje virtuelne kartice i možete ako želite da to detaljnije ispitate. koristite lažne optužbe samo zato što ne želite da mi nadoknadite štetu .
nema šanse da je došlo do bilo kakvog kretanja i da nije evidentirano u bankarskom sistemu. razumete da govorimo o banci a ne o supermarketu.
Imam neka pitanja da vam postavim.
1. kako to da je uplaćen depozit iz moje banke na 2 različita računa i da je vaš kazino prihvatio drugi depozit?
2. foto dokaz koji ste poslali mogao bi biti jednostavan EKSEL koji bi svako mogao da napravi.
3. Želeo bih da mi kažete pod kojim ste regulatornim organom da bih mogao da se prijavim tamo.
Vaš tretman je u najmanju ruku neprihvatljiv. koristite jeftine izgovore da ne nadoknadite . na vašu nesreću, neću dozvoliti da se događaj tako završi.
dear winstoria casino,
Once again I point out that your claim is wrong. the details I sent you are real and I have not done anything wrong. My bank does not issue virtual cards and you can if you want to look into that further. use false accusations just because you don't want to compensate me .
there is no way that any movement has taken place and has not been recorded in the banking system. you understand that we are talking about a bank and not a supermarket.
I have some questions to ask you.
1. how come a deposit was made from my bank to 2 different accounts and your casino accepted the second deposit?
2. the photo proof you sent could be a simple EXEL that anyone could create.
3. I would like you to tell me which regulatory authority you are under so that I can apply there.
Your treatment is unacceptable to say the least. you use cheap excuses not to compensate . unfortunately for you I'm not going to let the event end like that.
αγαπητό winstoria casino,
Για άλλη μια φορά να σας επισημάνω ότι ο ισχυρισμός σας είναι λάθος. τα στοιχεία που σας έστειλα είναι πραγματικά και δεν έχω κάνει καμία παρατυπια. Η τράπεζα μου δεν εκδίδει εικονικές κάρτες και μπορείτε εάν θέλετε να το ψάξετε περαιτέρω. χρησιμοποιήτε ψευδείς κατηγορίες μόνο και μόνο γιατί δεν θέλετε να με αποζημιώσετε .
δεν υπάρχει καμιά περίπτωση να έχει γίνει κάποια κίνηση και να μην έχει καταγραφεί στο τραπεζικό σύστημα. αντιλαμβάνεστε ότι μιλάμε για τράπεζα και όχι για σουπερ μάρκετ .
έχω να σας κάνω κάποιες ερωτήσεις.
1. πως γίνεται να έχει γίνει κατάθεση από τη δική μου τράπεζα σε 2 διαφορετικούς λογαριασμούς και το καζινο σας να δέχτηκε τη δεύτερη κατάθεση?
2. το αποδεικτικό που στείλατε σε φωτογραφία θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα απλό EXEL που θα μπορούσε να το δημιουργήσει ο οποιοσδήποτε .
3. θα ήθελα να μου πείτε σε ποια ρυθμιστική αρχή υπαγεστε ώστε να απευθυνθώ εκεί.
Η αντιμετώπιση σας είναι το λιγότερο απαράδεκτη. χρησιμοποιείτε φθηνές δικαιολογίες για να μην αποζημιώσετε . δυστυχώς για εσάς δεν πρόκειται να αφήσω το συμβάν να λήξει έτσι.
takođe da vam kažem da čak i da postoji virtuelna kartica, ona ne bi imala isti broj. Verujem da je ovo poznato. tako da je prirodno nemoguće da depozit bude izvršen sa istog bankovnog računa i da nije prošao kroz sistem banke. dobro zna da je to što govoriš neistina.
Želim da nađem svoje pravo i ništa više. Igrao sam u vašem kazinu na svaki legalan način. Ne želim da naškodim vašem poslu na bilo koji način.
also let me tell you that even if there was a virtual card, it would not have the same number. I believe this is known. so it is naturally impossible for a deposit to have been made from the same bank account and not have passed through the bank's system. he knows full well that what you say is untrue.
I want to find my right and nothing more. I have played in your casino in every legal way. I don't want to hurt your business in any way.
επίσης να σας πω πως και στην περίπτωση που ημυπηρχε εικονική κάρτα,δεν θα είχε τον ίδιο αριθμό . αυτό το γνωρίζεται πιστεύω. οπότε είναι φύσης αδύνατον να έχει γίνει κατάθεση από την ίδιο τραπεζικό λογαριασμό και να μην έχει περάσει στο σύστημα της τράπεζας. γνωρίζεται πολύ καλά ότι αυτά που λέτε είναι αναληθή.
θέλω να βρω το δίκιο μου και τίποτα παραπάνω.Εχω παίξει στο καζίνο σας με κάθε νόμιμο τρόπο. δεν θέλω να βλαψω την επιχείρηση σας σε καμία περίπτωση.
Dodatna potvrda i dokazi o kršenju naših kazino pravila od strane igrača IVANNNAK su poslati na adresu e-pošte koju ste naveli: adam.m@casino.guru
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Adam,
Additional confirmation and evidence of the violation of our casino rules by the player IWANNNAK have been sent to the email address you specified: adam.m@casino.guru
If you have any further questions, we will always be happy to help you.
Zdravo svima, prihvatite moje izvinjenje zbog kašnjenja u odgovoru.
Dodatni dokazi su primljeni i pregledani.
Poštovani ioannabl1,
Dokazi koje je pružio kazino zaista sugerišu da je ista kartica korišćena za plaćanje na oba računa. Nažalost, ne mogu ovo da podelim sa vama iz razloga poverljivosti.
Međutim, ovo nije u korelaciji sa dokazima koje ste dali, a kazino još uvek nije odgovorio na moje pitanje o tome kako bi transakcija sa njima bila prikazana na vašoj izjavi.
Stoga bih vam preporučio da kontaktirate autoritet za licenciranje kazina (Antillephone NV) i da im podnesete žalbu. To možete učiniti ovde: KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
Obavestite me kada to učinite, a ja ću ovu žalbu privremeno zatvoriti sa statusom „čeka se odluka regulatora".
Kada donesu odluku, ponovo ćemo otvoriti ovu žalbu i postupiti u skladu sa tim.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all, please accept my apologies for my delay in replying.
The additional evidence has been received and reviewed.
Dear ioannabl1,
The evidence provided by the casino does indeed suggest that the same card has been used to make payments to both accounts. Unfortunately, I am unable to share this with you for reasons of confidentiality.
However, this does not correlate with the evidence provided by you, and the casino still has not responded to my question regarding how a transaction with them would show on your statement.
Therefore, I would like to recommend that you contact the licensing authority of the casino (Antillephone N.V.) and submit a complaint to them. You can do so here: complaints@gaminglicences.com
Please let me know when you have done so, and I will close this complaint temporarily with the status "waiting for the regulator's decision".
Once they have reached a decision, we will reopen this complaint and proceed accordingly.
Nažalost, pošto je depozit igrača napravljen pre skoro godinu dana, u ovom trenutku ne možemo sa 100% verovatnoćom da tvrdimo da će depozit igrača u izvodu biti označen kao „Virtual Pai International".
Pošto nam podatke o nazivu prenosi sam trgovac, a preko njegovog platnog prolaza prolaze svi depoziti na bankovnim karticama, a sve podatke oni sa svoje strane mogu menjati.
Ne možemo poreći da će depozit u izjavi igrača biti označen kao „Virtual Pai International", kako bi se mogao nazvati u trenutku depozita.
Ali podaci dobijeni od trgovca 100% se poklapaju sa hešom bankovnih kartica sa kojih su uplaćeni depoziti na oba računa je nepobitna činjenica i uzrokuje kršenje pravila našeg kazina.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Adam,
Unfortunately, since the player's deposit was made almost a year ago, at this time we can't state with 100% probability that the player's deposit in the statement will be marked as "Virtual Pay International".
Since the name data is transmitted to us by the merchant itself, and it is through its payment gateway pass all deposits in bank cards, and all data they can change on their part.
We can't deny that the deposit in the player's statement will be marked as "Virtual Pay International", as it could be named at the time of the deposit.
But the data obtained from the merchant 100% match the hash of the bank cards from which the deposits were made on both accounts is an undeniable fact and causes a violation of our casino rules.
If you have any further questions, we will always be happy to help you.
Hvala vam na vašim odgovorima i dostavljenim informacijama.
Poštovani ioannabl1,
Nažalost, nije jasno šta se dogodilo u vezi sa dva depozita jer postoje oprečne informacije od obe strane.
Pošto ste izjavili da ste sada kontaktirali Upravu za licenciranje i podneli im žalbu, privremeno ćemo zatvoriti ovaj slučaj dok čekamo njihovu odluku.
Kada to bude poznato, ponovo ćemo otvoriti slučaj i postupiti u skladu s tim kako je pomenuto. Obaveštavajte me o svim daljim dešavanjima ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ).
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all,
Thank you for your responses and the information supplied.
Dear ioannabl1,
Unfortunately, it is not clear what has happened regarding the two deposits as there is conflicting information from both parties.
As you have stated that you have now contacted the Licensing Authority and submitted a complaint to them, we will close this case temporarily while we await a decision from them.
Once this is known, we will reopen the case and proceed accordingly as mentioned. Please keep me updated on any further developments (adam.m@casino.guru).
Nadamo se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Želeli smo da pratimo vaš slučaj, koji je pre izvesnog vremena na našoj veb stranici označen kao „Čeka se regulatora". Pitali smo se da li je bilo ažuriranja ili rešenja od našeg poslednjeg razgovora.
Ako je nadležni organ za licenciranje rešio vaš slučaj, ljubazno vas molimo da nam prosledite njihovu zvaničnu izjavu na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . S druge strane, da je presuda bila u korist kazina, i dalje bi nam bilo od velike pomoći da znamo. Razumemo da je prošlo dosta vremena, ali ažuriranje vaše žalbe će nam omogućiti da ili izdajemo crne tačke kazinu (ako je presuda bila u vašu korist) ili da upozorimo druge igrače i korisnike o slučajevima u kojima Uprava podržava operatera.
Zaista cenimo vašu saradnju i vaš odgovor bi nam bio od velike pomoći. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear ioannabl1,
We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to follow up on your case, which was marked as "Waiting for Regulator" on our website some time ago. We were wondering if there have been any updates or resolutions since our last conversation.
If your case has been resolved by the Licensing Authority, we kindly request you to forward us their official statement at adam.m@casino.guru. On the other hand, if the ruling was in favor of the casino, it would still be incredibly helpful for us to know. We understand that it has been a while, but updating your complaint will allow us to either issue black points to the casino (if the ruling was in your favor) or warn other players and users about cases where the Authority supports the operator.
We truly appreciate your cooperation, and your response would be of great assistance to us. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear ioannabl1,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, pošto niste odgovorili na naše poruke i pitanja, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo. Shodno tome, nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbacimo ovu žalbu. Može se ponovo otvoriti u bilo kom trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear ioannabl1,
Unfortunately, as you have not responded to our messages and questions, we are unable to investigate further. Consequently, we have no choice but to reject this complaint. It can be reopened at any time.
Kind regards,
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