Igrač iz Australije čeka isplatu od oktobra 2023. Čak i nakon što je dao sve potrebne izjave kazinu, povlačenje 2600 dolara tek treba da se obradi.
The player from Australia has been waiting for a payout since October 2023. Even after providing all required statements to the casino, the withdrawal of 2600 dollars is yet to be processed.
Igrač iz Australije čeka isplatu od oktobra 2023. Čak i nakon što je dao sve potrebne izjave kazinu, povlačenje 2600 dolara tek treba da se obradi.
je zatražio povlačenje 31. oktobra 2023. i nakon čekanja 5 dana za koje ioju navodi da je potrebno za obradu povlačenja, kontaktirao je kazino putem ćaskanja uživo i poslao im e-poštu. Nakon što su im rekli da nisam primio uplatu, poslali su mi nekakav dokument na kojem je pisalo samo moje ime i iznos od 2600 dolara, svi ostali podaci na ovom dokumentu za mene ništa nisu značili. Zatražili su da im pošaljem svoj bankovni izvod od 31. oktobra do 11. novembra, kada sam ih prvi put kontaktirao da nisam primio nikakav novac. Tako sam i uradio, poslao sam im kopiju mojih bankovnih transakcija u pdf formatu kao što su oni tražili i onda su počeli da se igraju sa mnom tražeći imanje koje sam im takođe poslao. Prošlo je 20 dana i još uvek nisu ispunili moj zahtev za povlačenje. Rekao sam im ili da plate povlačenje ili jednostavno da mi refundiraju poslednjih 60 dana mojih depozita koji su iznosili oko 5000 dolara, na šta su i oni odbili.
Takođe sam se obratio CEG-u jer ioju tvrdi da je licenciran od njih, ali je CEG odgovorio navodeći da ne bi pomogli jer ioju nema sam licencu.
Molim vas, ako postoji bilo koji način da dobijem pomoć u vezi sa ovim problemom koji imam sa iojuom jer je počeo da utiče na moj porodični život zbog novca koji sam deponovao u kazino, a zatim mi je ukraden moj povlačenje, sve o tome razmišljam i to je stvarno počinjem da igram moje emocije i mentalno blagostanje.
Igre na sreću: RTP i varijansa
Odgovorno kockanje i pomoć problematičnim kockarima
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Pretplatite seImam najmanje 18 godina i legalno mi je dozvoljeno da igram u kazinu
Casino.guru je nezavisni izvor informacija o onlajn kazinu i onlajn kazino igrama, koji ne kontroliše nijedan operater kockanja. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči kreirani su pošteno, prema najboljem znanju i proceni članova
Pretplatite se na naše
requested a withdrawal on the 31st October 2023, and after waiting the 5 days that yoju states it takes for a withdrawal to process contacted the casino via live chat as well as emailing them. After telling them I had not received payment they sent me a document of some sort which only had my name on it and the amount of 2600 dollars, all other information on this document to me meant nothing. They requested I send them my bank statement from the 31st Oct upto the 11th November which is when I first contacted them about the no receiving of any money. So I did, I sent them a copy of my banks transactions in pdf format like they requested and then they started playing games with me requesting an estatement which I also sent them. Going on to 20 days now and they still have not honoured my withdrawal request. I said to them either pay the withdrawal or simply refund the last 60 days of my deposits which totalled approx 5000 dollars, to which they refused as well.
i also reached out to CEG as yoju claim to be licensed by them, but CEG replied by stating they would not help as yoju is not licensed by themselves.
Please if there is any way of getting assistance with this problem I'm having with yoju as its starting to effect my family life because of the money ive deposited into the casino and then being robbed of my withdrawal, its all im thinking about and it's really starting to playbqith my emotions and mental well-being.
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Poštovani 6ftogrunt,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše odloženo povlačenje.
Sasvim je uobičajeno da povlačenju treba nekoliko dana ili čak nedelja da se u potpunosti obrađuju, ali skoro tri nedelje je neobično dugo.
Međutim, nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear 6ftogrunt,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal.
It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed, but almost three weeks is an unusually long time.
However, I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Proverio sam u svojoj banci nekoliko puta i rečeno mi je da novac nije deponovan. Novac koji ide u banku nije vidljiv banci sve dok novac ne stigne na račun pre nego što novac ne bude tamo. Iskreno verujem da oni jednostavno nisu obrađivali zahtev za povlačenje za mene uopšte. Pokušali su da kažu da moja banka drži novac, ali zašto bi moja ili bilo koja banka to radila. Ili su platili nekom drugom i nekako njihov sistem ima kvar ili uopšte nije poštovao povlačenje. Verujem u ovo poslednje dok sam gledao na internetu i ima dosta ljudi koji su prošli kroz ono čime se ja bavim, tako da moj slučaj nije jedinstven.
Stalno traže iste dokumente kao moj bankovni izvod iako sam im ga poslao 4 puta zajedno sa pismom iz moje banke u kojem se navodi da u poslednjih 30 dana nisu primljene takve uplate od joju limasola u iznosu od 2600 dolara , a ipak ovo još uvek nije dovoljno dobro za njih. Ne znam šta još mogu da uradim sa svoje strane da dokažem da novac nije primljen.
I've checked with my bank several times and I've been told that the money has not been deposited period. Money going into a bank isn't visible to the bank until the money reaches the account before this the money isn't there. I honestly beleive that they just have not processed the withdrawal request for me at all. They tried to say my bank is with holding the money but why would my bank or anyones bank do that. They either paid someone else and somehow their system has a glitch or not honoured the withdrawal at all. I beleive the latter as I've looked online and there are a fair few people who have gone through what I'm dealing with so my case is not a unique one.
They keep asking for the same documents being my bank statement even though I've sent it to them 4 times along with a letter from my bank stating no such payments from yoju limassol in the amount of 2600 dollars has been received over the last 30 days, and yet this is still not good enough for them. I don't know what else I can do on my end to prove no money has been received.
Hvala vam puno, 6ftogrunt, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Petru ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, 6ftogrunt, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.c@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala vam 6ftogrunt što ste nam pružili sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih želeo da zamolim Ioju Casino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo šta se desilo sa uplatom i šta možemo da uradimo da pomognemo u rešavanju ovog problema.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you 6ftogrunt for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask Yoju Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know what happened to the payment and what can we do to help resolve this issue.
Thank you!
Zdravo Piter, hvala vam puno što ste odvojili vreme da mi pomognete oko ovog problema sa povlačenjem. Sada čekam 20 dana da ovo povlačenje stigne na moj bankovni račun i moja komunikacija sa osobljem ioju kazina bila je noćna mora. Objasnio sam im da moja banka ništa nije primila od njih i uprkos tome što sam im poslao ono što su tražili, a to je moj bankovni izvod sa datumima koje su takođe tražili, koji pokazuje da su moje plate i moje roditeljske isplate deponovane na moj račun i ništa drugo.
Nakon dana trčanja u krug sa njima i apsolutno odvratnih kada je u pitanju rešenost kupaca, može se zamisliti koliki bi danak ovo imalo na mentalno stanje. Zašto bi sajt za igre na sreću koji ima igrača koji deponuje u proseku između 2000 i 3000 dolara mesečno odlučio da izgubi ove depozite ne poštujući povlačenje od 2600 dolara. Sada sam se pridružio kazinu drugom brendu koji nudi 24 sata povlačenja i licenciran je na Malti, daleko superiornije telo za licenciranje od Curacao-a za koje verujem bez sumnje da su sve samo ne verodostojni i da bi trebalo da im se oduzme sposobnost licenciranja i da se ispita njihovo učešće u dozvoljavajući korumpiranim i ilegalnim kockarnicama da pljačkaju ljude kako god mogu.
Da nije bilo kazino gurua, ja sam u Australiji ne znam šta bih drugo mogao da uradim da pokušam da dobijem ono što mi duguju. Zato vam se unapred zahvaljujem i nadam se da ćete moći da mi obezbedite moje povlačenje iz ioju kazina koji su to učinili nekoliko ljudi iz onoga što sam pročitao na mreži.
Hi Peter thank you so much for taking time with assisting me with this withdrawal issue. I've now been waiting 20 days for this withdrawal to reach my bank account and my communication with yoju casino staff has been a nightmare. I have explained to them that nothing has been received by my bank from them and despite me sending them what they requested being my bank statement with the dates they also requested which shows my wages and my parenting payments being deposited into my account and nothing else.
After days of running around in circles with them and them being absolutely disgusting when it comes to customer resolve, one can imagine the toll this would have on one's mental state. Why would a gaming site who has a depositing player that deposits on average between 2000 and 3000 dollars a month decide to loose these deposits by not honouring a 2600 dollar withdrawal. I have now joined another brand casino which offer 24 hour withdrawals and are licensed in Malta, a far more superior licencing body than curacao who I beleive without a doubt are anything but trustworthy and should have their licencing ability stripped and be investigated for their involvement in allowing corrupt and illegal casinos to rob people anyway they possibly can.
If it weren't for casino guru, myself being in australia don't know what else I could have done to attempt in getting what I'm owed. So I thank you in advance and hope you will be able to get me my withdrawal from yoju casino who have done this to several people from what I've read online.
Zdravo! Bili smo u kontaktu sa klijentom u vezi sa problemom i pokušali da istražimo šta se dogodilo sa povlačenjem. Klijentu smo poslali fajl sa potvrdom o povlačenju sa naše strane kao dokaz da su mu sredstva poslata, ali i za istragu našeg Finansijskog tima, tražili smo od klijenta da dostavi zvaničan izvod banke u PDF formatu sa transakcijama sa U vremenskom okviru kada je izvršeno povlačenje, klijent ga nije dostavio, već je poslao screenshotove istorije sa sajta banke. Ovakvi snimci ekrana, ne mogu se smatrati zvaničnim dokumentima, kao što je izvod iz banke u PDF-u, pa je tim za finansije zatražio pdf fajl sa transakcijama. Još uvek ga nismo dobili, moći ćemo da nastavimo sa istragom kada ga budemo imali.
Hello! We have been in touch with the client about the issue and tried to investigate what happened with the withdrawal. We have sent a file to the client with the withdrawal confirmation from our side as proof that the funds were sent to him, but also for our Finance team investigation, we asked the client to provide the official bank statement in PDF with the transactions with the timeframe when the withdrawal was conducted, the client did not provide it, but sent the screenshots, of the history from the bank's website. Such screenshots, can't be considered as official documents, like the Bank Statement in PDF, thus the Finance team requested the pdf file with transactions. We still haven't received it, we will be able to proceed with the investigation, once we have it.
Ne mogu da dostavim nešto što ne mogu da nabavim i već sam to objasnio i dao dokumentaciju iz moje banke da potvrdim koju sam priložio ovde.
Upravo o tome govorim. Nije na meni da dokazujem da nisam primio novac, ioju je taj koji mora da mi pruži dokaze koji pokazuju suprotno, što oni ne mogu, jer to jasno vidi u mojoj izjavi koju sam dao da nisu dali ništa depozite na moj bankovni račun.
I cant supply something I can't obtain and I've already explained this and provided documentation from my bank to validate which I've attached here to.
This is exactly what I talking about. It's not up to me to prove that I've not received the money, it's yoju who have to provide me with evidence that shows otherwise, which they can't as its clearly visible in my statement which I have provided that they havent made any deposits into my bank account.
Poštovani Ioju Casino timu, da li bi bilo moguće da na drugi način pružite informacije koje su vam potrebne, jer vidite da igrač nije u mogućnosti da prikaže bankovni izvod.
Hvala unapred na saradnji!
Dear Yoju Casino Team, would it be possible to provide the information you require in a different way, as you can see the player is unable to produce the bank statement.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Bili smo svesni problema klijenta sa bankom i obavestili smo tim za finansije o ovom problemu pre nekoliko dana. Finansijski tim se konsultovao sa svojim supervizorom i obavestio nas o situaciji sa ovom porukom pre nekoliko minuta (osetljive informacije klijenta su sakrivene):
„Provajder je podelio sledeće informacije: Sredstva su obrađena do detalja (BSB / Račun: kkk-kkk / kkkkkkk) 1. novembra. Druga strana je potvrdila da je uplata poslata na detalje u nastavku.
Zatražite PDF bankovni izvod od igrača od 31. oktobra kako bismo ga mogli proslediti provajderu na dalje postupanje u slučaju da je korisnik siguran da mu sredstva nisu stigla na navedenim detaljima.
Ako uopšte ne može da da izjavu – zatražite od njega snimke istorije prijema sredstava do navedenih detalja od 31. oktobra do sadašnjeg datuma."
Prema novim informacijama, finansijski tim kao alternativu može da koristi snimke ekrana istorije prijema sredstava do navedenih detalja od 31. oktobra do sadašnjeg datuma.
We were aware about the client’s problem with the bank and notified the Finance team about this issue couple days ago. Finance team were consulting with their supervisor and updated us about the situation with this message couple minutes ago(client’s sensitive information is hidden):
"The provider shared the following information: The funds were processed to the details (BSB / Account: xxx-xxx / xxxxxxx) on 1st November. The counterparty have confirmed that the payment was sent to the details below.
Please request a PDF bank statement from the player as of October 31 so that we can forward it to the provider for further proceedings in case the user is sure that the funds have not reached him on the specified details.
If he can't provide a statement at all - ask him for screenshots of the history of receipt of funds to the specified details from October 31 to the current date."
According to the new information the finance team can use screenshots of the history of receipt of funds to the specified details from October 31 to the current date as an alternative.
Dakle, koliko sam shvatio iz tog užasnog dijaloga je da je sada u redu da pružim iojus finansijskom timu ono što sam im dao već 3 puta, a oni opet traže moju izjavu? Zašto to nije bilo prihvatljivo pre nego što se kazino guru uključio i sada kada su odjednom ušli u ioju kazino finansijski tim voljan da radi sa mojim izjavama.
Pa, dao sam svoje izjave ioju kazinu, vi ih imate i možete da vidite da ništa nije obrađeno na moj bankovni račun u oktobru i do sada u novembru, pa kada ćete ioju obraditi mojih 2600 dolara, ili trebam li sačekajte još mesec dana pre nego što ioju ispoštuje moje povlačenje i zapravo izvrši isplatu.
So from what im understanding from all that terrible dialogue is that it is now ok for me to provide yojus finance team with what I've already provided them with 3 times, and yet they are asking for my statement once again? Why was it not acceptable prior to casino guru getting involved and now that they have stepped in all of a sudden yoju casinos finance team are willing to work with my statements provided.
Well I have provided my statements to yoju casino, yoju have them and you can see nothing has been processed into my bank account at all in October and thus far into November, so when will yoju be processing my $2600 dollars, or do I need to wait another month before yoju honours my withdrawal and actually makes good with the payment.
Ioju navodi da su bili upoznati sa situacijom sa mojom bankom i da su pre par dana obavestili njihovo finansijsko odeljenje? I da su pre par minuta dobili nove informacije? Slao sam e-poštu ioju i slao sve što je ioju tražio od mene više od 3 i po nedelje, tako da u ovom trenutku prema iojus izjavi nisu uradili ništa do pre nekoliko dana, tačka.
3 i po nedelje laži i obmane je sve što je obrađeno iz ioju kazina.
Yoju states that they were aware of the situation with my bank and notified their finance department a couple of days ago? And that they got new information only a couple of minutes ago? I've been emailing yoju and submitting everything yoju requested from me for well over 3 and a half weeks, so in this time according to yojus statement they did nothing up until a couple of days ago, period.
3 and a half weeks of lies and deception is all that's been processed from yoju casino.
U poruci iznad, supervizor finansijskog tima je napomenuo da će nam biti potrebni „snimci ekrana istorije prijema sredstava do navedenih detalja od 31. oktobra do aktuelnog datuma". Ali nismo ih dobili, imamo snimke istorije klijenta od 31. oktobra do 04. novembra. Kada ih dobijemo tim za podršku će moći da ih pošalje timu za finansije i njihovom supervizoru da istraže.
In the message above, the finance team supervisor mentioned that we will need "screenshots of the history of receipt of funds to the specified details from October 31 to the current date". But we were not provided with them, we have the screenshots of the client's history from October 31 till November 04. Once we have them support team will be able to send them to the Finance team and their supervisor to investigate.
Gotovo. Vidite, nemam šta da krijem, poslao sam vam tražena dokumenta ranije danas. Sada imate moje izjave od 31. oktobra do danas, 23. novembra. Ovo će sada biti dobro da vidimo koje ćete još gluposti smisliti da ne biste morali da poštujete moje povlačenje.
Izvinite, ali poverenje je izbačeno kroz prozor zbog nedostatka profesionalnog ponašanja ioju kazina i jednostavno nemam ni trunke poverenja u ioju, ne dok ne vidim novac na svom bankovnom računu. Uzgred, koliko dugo treba da čekam sada kada sam predao svoje lične bankarske podatke potpuno čudnom entitetu na drugom kraju planete u nadi da se moji bankarski podaci neće koristiti za nelegalno pranje novca ili druge kriminalne aktivnosti.
Done. See ive got nothing to hide, I've emailed yoju the requested documents earlier today. Now you have my statements from the 31st Oct to today the 23rd November. This is going to be good now let's see what other nonsense you will come up with so that you don't have to honour my withdrawal.
Sorry but the trust has been thrown out the window by yoju casinos lack of proffessional conduct and I simply don't have a shred of trust in yoju, not until I see the money in my bank account. By the way how long do I need to wait now that I have submitted my personal banking information to a completely strange entity on the other side of the planet with hope that my banking information isn't used for illegal money laundering or other criminal activity.
Hvala vam na datim snimcima ekrana, naš tim za finansije je poslao informacije dobavljaču plaćanja i dobio odgovor od njih, pregledajte ga u nastavku: „Ako klijent mora da ima bankovni izvod, sredstva su kod njih, bez bankovnog izvoda mi ne može ući u trag sredstvima, klijent će morati da proveri u svojoj banci.
Snimci ekrana su izvoda njihove kartice, potreban nam je izvod iz banke. Klijent bi imao izvod iz banke kao što ima za svoje kartice. Nažalost, kao što shvatate, u ovom slučaju ne možemo ništa da uradimo bez bankovnog izvoda."
Thank you for the provided screenshots, our Finance team sent the information to the payment provider and got a reply from them, please review it below: "If the customer must have a bank statement, the funds are with them, without the bank statement we cannot trace the funds, the customer will have to check with their bank.
The screenshots are of their card statement, we need a bank statement. The customer would have a bank statement like they have for their cards. Unfortunately, as you realize, we can't do anything without a bank statement in this case."
Kazino guru, baš kao što sam rekao da će se desiti, jeste. Ovo je ono što sam večeras dobio od ioju kazina nakon što sam otpremio sve što su tražili:
Sada, ako ovaj kazino nije na crnoj listi ili bolje da im se još uvek skine licenca i zabrani rad na mreži pre nego što opljačkaju više ljudi, onda je ovaj svet potpuno otišao u s---.
Izvodi koje sam učitao su sa mog bankovnog računa sa kojeg su potekli moji depoziti i računa povezanog sa mojom karticom koju sam koristio za depozit. O čemu ioju priča.
Verujem da je moje povlačenje ukradeno od osoblja ioju kazina i da su moj nalog povezali sa tim činjenjem, zato me izigravaju kao budalu.
Šta da radim sada, molim vas za savet. Ovaj kazino je na kraju odgovoran što je moja žena pretila da će me ostaviti. Novac koji sam u njega uložio i novac koji su ukrali od mene je napravio veliki napor u mom odnosu sa mojom ženom i njima se ne sme dozvoliti da tako nešto urade nikome.
Želeo bih da mi se refundiraju svi moji depoziti ako postoji način na koji mi kazino guru može pomoći u tome pre nego što moja porodica bude potpuno uništena.
Casino guru, just like I said it would happen, it has. This is what I received from yoju casino tonight after uploading everything they requested:
Now if this casino isn't blacklisted or better still have their licence striped and banned from running online before they rob more people then this world has completely gone to s---.
The statements I uploaded were from my bank account where my deposits came out of and the account linked to my card which I used to deposit. What is yoju talking about.
I beleive that my withdrawal has been stolen from within yoju casino staff and they have linked my account to doing as such, that's why they are playing me for a fool.
What do I do now, please advise. This casino is ultimately responsible for my wife threatening to leave me. The money ive deposited into it and the money they've stolen from me has put a big strain in my relationship with my wife and they must not be allowed to do such a thing to anyone.
I would like to have all my deposits refunded if there is a way casino guru can assist me with this before my family is completely shattered.
Traženi snimci ekrana su mog bankovnog računa sa kojim je povezana moja kartica koju sam koristila za uplate. Ne postoji takva stvar kao izjava kartice ni na čijem jeziku. Možete jasno videti moj BSB broj i broj računa na datim izvodima koji odgovaraju mojoj kartici i računu koji je povezan sa mojom karticom.
Joju, samo se praviš neprofesionalno, ja zaista verujem da je neko u ioju stavio moje podizanje u džep i nekako učinio da izgleda kao da je novac prebačen na moj račun i zato ioju odlaže proces ovde jer ne izgledaju kao ljudi gde je novac otišao, jer ga sigurno nisam dobio.
The screenshots requested are of my bank account which my card ive used to make deposits is linked to. There are no such thing as a card statement in anyones language. You can clearly see my bsb number and account number on the statements provided which correspond with my card and the account linked to my card.
Yoju you are only making yourself look unprofessional, i truly beleive someone at yoju has put my withdrawal in their pockets and somehow made it look like the money was transferred into my account and thats why yoju are delaying the process here because they arent looking peoperly as to where the money has gone, because i most certainly have not received it.
Priložio sam primer koji sam našao na internetu izvoda banke koji klijent koristi, nikada nismo dobili takav, od klijenta, ako nam ga klijent pošalje, moći ćemo da istražimo slučaj. Takođe, zamolio bih klijenta da prestane da nam šalje pretnje na naš email za podršku, nakon takvog ponašanja nećemo vam odgovarati putem e-pošte, ako želite da pošaljete još pretnji smrću možete ih napisati ovde.
I have attached the example that I found online of the bank statement from the bank that the client using, we have never received such, from the client, if the client sends it to us we will be able to investigate the case. Also, I would like to ask the client to stop sending us threats to our support email, after such behavior we won't be replying to you via email, if you want to send more death threats you can write them here.
To je imovina ti nekoherentni pojedinac. Već smo prošli kroz ovo, a opet smo tu. Ne, neću više da igram igrice sa tobom. Tražili ste snimke ekrana mog naloga i poslao sam vam ih. Ne možete stalno da menjate mišljenje svaka dva minuta. Ubeđen sam da su ioju kazino lopovi. Nema drugog logičnog objašnjenja za vaše postupke. Ako kazino guru ne može da prozre vašu transparentnost, onda nema nade ni za koga kada su u pitanju korumpirana kazina sa sedištem u Kurasau.
100% jedan od ioju osoblja je stavio mojih 2600 dolara u džep i učinio da izgleda kao da je novac prebačen na moj račun na vašoj strani, međutim na mojoj strani nakon 35 dana ništa nije primljeno i možete nastaviti da igrate svoje igre ioju, ja ne želim da bar više radi sa tobom, patetičan si i bolestan i nisi vredan moje pažnje ili bilo koga drugog po tom pitanju.
Jedna stvar koju ću uraditi je da se uverim da je vaš IP na crnoj listi u Australiji i da od sada ne možete da ciljate nijednog australijskog igrača, tako da više nećete moći da nudite svoje glupe usluge australiji. Ovo ti garantujem.
Thats an estatement you incoherent individual. Weve already been through this and yet here we are again. No i wont be playing games with you anymore. You asked for screenshots of my account and i sent them to you. You cant keep changing your mind every two minutes. Im convinced yoju casino are thieves. Theres no other logical explanation for your actions. If casino guru cant see through your transperancy then there is no hope for anyone when it comes to corrupt casinos based in Curacao.
100% one of yoju staff have pocketed my 2600 dollars and have made it look like the money was transferred into my account on you end, however on my end after 35 days nothing has been received and you can keep playing your games yoju, i dont want a bar to do with you anymore, you are pathetic and sickening and not worth my attention or anyone elses for that matter.
One thing i will do is make sure your ip is blacklisted in australia and that you are not able to target any australian players from now on thus not being able to offer your rubbish services to australia anymore. This i guarantee you.
Ova poruka služi kao upozorenje da upotreba neprikladnog jezika ili pokušaj zastrašivanja bilo kog profesionalca ili osoblja Kazina neće biti prihvaćeni. Ako dođe do bilo kakvih daljih pokušaja takvog ponašanja, vaš profil će biti trajno blokiran sa naše veb stranice. Naš glavni cilj je da pomognemo igračima i bilo kakav oblik nepoštovanja neće biti tolerisan.
This message serves as a warning that using inappropriate language or attempting to intimidate any professionals or staff of the Casino will not be accepted. If any further attempts to engage in such behavior occur, your profile will be permanently blocked from our website. Our main goal is to assist players and any form of disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated.
Izvinjavam se Pitere, nije u mom karakteru da budem nepoštovan na bilo koji način, ali morate znati da je moja žena na ivici da me napusti i uzme decu, a sve ostalo je naporno radilo da postigne. Moneibive deponovan u ovaj kazino, a oni ne poštuju moj zahtev za povlačenje, doveli su me u lošu ruku i finansijski i psihički. Sada patim od depresije i anksioznosti, nešto sa čime moram da se nosim u sopstvenoj režiji, a sve zbog stalnog nedostatka profesionalne odluke kupaca. Ako nisu voljni da isplate povlačenje, zašto je tako teško tražiti da mi se vrate svi moji depoziti iz poslednjih 60 dana. Bar bi me na taj način vratilo u stabilan duševni mir i moglo bi mi pomoći u mom odnosu sa porodicom. Ne mogu da izgubim svoju porodicu zbog prevare ioju kazina, s obzirom da sam im dao sve što su tražili i morali da čekaju 35 dana, a nisam ni blizu rešenju jer se stalno menjaju šta žele, plašim se svog voza razmišljanje naginje samoubistvu, tako su ozbiljne stvari na mom kraju sa onim kroz šta sam prošao i kroz šta još prolazim.
My apologies peter, its not in my character to be disrespectful in any way, however you must know that my wife is on the verge of leaving me and taking the kids and everything elsebive worked hard to accomplish. The moneybive deposited into this casino and them not honouring my withdrawal request has put me in a bad way both financially and mentally. Im now suffering from depression and anxiety something i have to deal with in my own and all because of yoju casinos continued lack of proffessional customer resolve. If they arent willing to pay out the withdrawal why is it such a difficult ask to have all of my deposits from the last 60 days refunded to me. At least that way it would put me back into a steady peace of mind and may help me with my relationship with my family. I cant loose my family over yoju casinos deception, considering ive given them everything they have requested and have had to wait 35 days, and not being any closer to a resolve because they keep changing their mind as to what they want, i affraid my train of thought is leaning toward suicide thats how serious things are on my end with what ive gone through and am going through still.
Dragi 6ftogrunt , izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora, ali sam bio bolestan tokom prošle nedelje. Direktno sam stupio u kontakt sa kazino filijalom i razgovaram o vašem slučaju. Obaveštavaću vas o svim daljim dešavanjima.
Dear 6ftogrunt, I apologize for the delayed response but I was ill over the last week. I have gotten in contact with a casino affiliate directly and am discussing your case. I will keep you updated about any further developments.
Zdravo! Dobili smo novo ažuriranje od tima za finansije, možete li ga pregledati u nastavku:
Dobili smo odgovor od dobavljača plaćanja:
„Naša druga strana je pokrenula zahtev za rezultate praćenja, oni veruju da je ova uplata poslata na drugi račun nego na koji se obično šalje, zamolite klijenta da proveri svoj račun Credit Union-a. Možete li potvrditi da sredstva nisu kreditirana u banci izjava za novembar-decembar 2023."
Hello! We have received a new update from the Finance team, may you please review it below:
We received a response from the payment provider:
"Our counterparty has raised a request for trace results, they believe this payment was sent to a different account than it usually is sent to, please ask customer to check their Credit Union account. Please can you confirm funds have not been credited with a bank statement for November-December 2023."
Jedini račun koji imam je račun sa kojim je povezana moja visa kartica, a to je isti bankovni račun koji je registrovan u kazinu i sa istog računa sam izvršio svoje depozite. Nemam druge račune ni kod jedne kreditne unije nigde drugde.
Koliko sam shvatio, ioju je upravo priznao da mi je povukao novac i uplatio novac koji mi je bio namenjen na tuđi račun, a još uvek nikakav novac nije prebačen na moj bankovni račun. Već 40 dana, i čak i sa ioju priznajem da novac nije stavljen na moj račun, prisiljavaju me da čekam sve više i više. Kakva je ovo šala? Zašto ne poštujete moje povlačenje i prebacite 2600 dolara, a zatim potrajate koliko god želite sa praćenjem originalnih stvari koje nemaju nikakve veze sa mnom
The only account i have is the account my visa card is linked to, which is the same bank account that is registered within the casino and the same account ive made my deposits out of. I dont have any other accounts with any credit unions anywhere else.
So my understanding is that yoju have just admitted to stuffing up my withdrawal and paying the money which was destined for me to someone elses a account and still no money has been transferred into my bank account. 40 days now, and even with yoju admitting the money was not put into my account i Am being made to wait more and more. What kind of joke is this yoju? Why dont you honour my withdrawal and transfer the 2600 dollars and then take as long as you want with tracking the original stuff up which has absolutely othing to do with me
Isporučio sam ioju njihov najnoviji zahtev, svoje bankovne izvode od novembra do danas. I još uvek pokazuje šta sam govorio poslednjih 46 dana, sada ništa nije deponovano na moj bankovni račun od Jojua. Koliko ćemo još da igramo ovu igru joju? Mislim na kraju ćeš morati da mi platiš mojih 2600 dolara, pa kako bi bilo da to uradiš sada i hajde da završimo ovo potpuno glupo detinjasto ponašanje. Kako bi se dama nv osramotila da znaju šta si radio poslednjih 45 dana. Lol
I have supplied yoju with their most recent request, my bank statements from november to today. And it still is showing what ive been saying for the last 46 days now nothing has been deposited into my bank account from yoju. How much longer are we going to keep playing this game yoju? I mean in the end your going to have to pay me my 2600 dollars so hows about you just do so now and lets finish this complete nonsense childish behaviour. How embarrassed dama n.v would be if they knew what you have been doing for the last 45 days. Lol
Kao što vidim da ste zatražili povlačenje na svoj račun za plaćanje preko BSB 814-282, ovaj BSB broj pripada Credit Union Australia Limited (možete ga slobodno proveriti na bilo kojoj veb stranici koja pruža takve informacije, evo primera https:/ /vvv.iban.com.au/bsb-number-814-282.html). Isplata je poslata na ovaj račun za plaćanje, evo informacija sa našeg admin panela gde je povlačenje odobreno, a ovde možete videti BSB broj i ime primaoca.
Ako ne možete da pronađete povlačenje na ovom računu, dostavite bankovni izvod u PDF formatu od 1. novembra UTC TZ do sada radi dalje istrage problema kod dobavljača plaćanja.
Nažalost, bez bankovnog izvoda u ovom formatu, dobićemo isti odgovor od dobavljača plaćanja koji smo dobili ranije.
As I can see you have requested a withdrawal to your payment account with BSB 814-282, this BSB number belongs to the Credit Union Australia Limited (You can check it freely on any website that provides such information, here is the example https://www.iban.com.au/bsb-number-814-282.html). The withdrawal was sent to this payment account, here is the information from our admin panel where the withdrawal was approved, and here you can see the BSB number and the name of the receiver.
If you can't locate the withdrawal on this account, please provide a bank statement in PDF format from November 1 UTC TZ till now for further investigation of the issue with the payment provider.
Unfortunately, without the bank statement in this format, we will get the same response from the payment provider that we received earlier.
Zdravo, već sam vam dao kopiju snimaka ekrana mog naloga od novembra do juče, jer sam im tada poslao e-poštu sa prikazom svih kredita na mom nalogu od kojih nijedan nije deponovao ni centa. Štaviše, ako pročitate njihov komentar ovde, priznaju da su uplatili novac na drugi račun koji nije moj. Ne mogu da im dam zaostavštinu jer mi ona fizički nije dostupna do kraja januara, pošto se zaostavštine kod moje banke izdaju dva puta godišnje i automatizovan je proces, upravo tako ova banka radi, već sam ih pitao desetak puta. Ako želite da me naterate da čekam kada priznaju da su uplatili novac na drugi račun dok imovina ne bude dostupna krajem januara, oni mogu zadržati povlačenje. Neću sedeti ovde i stresati se zbog ovoga još jedan dan jer šteta koju su naneli meni i mom odnosu sa porodicom vredi više nego što su joju i kazino guru odvojili vreme da ne rade apsolutno ništa ovde. Ako caino guru ne može da vidi da su ioju kazino kriminalci uprkos upozorenju lcb-a da nova dama kazina ne poštuju isplate i ioju priznaju da su platili nekom drugom, onda se možda kazino guru zaista ne trudi da uradi onoliko dobar posao koliko tvrde da može.
Uradio sam i predao sve što su tražili sada sam uradio ili mi plati moj novac ili ne u svakom slučaju 2600 dolara neće uništiti ono što je ostalo od Božića moje već razorene porodice.
Hi i have already provided yoju a copy of screenshots of my account from November up until yesterday as that is when i emailed them showing all credits into my account none of which are of them depositing a cent. Furthermore if you read their comment here they admit to paying the money into another account which is not mine. I can not provide them with an estatement as it physically is not available to me until the end of january as estatements with my bank are issued twice a year and are an automated process, thats just the way this particular bank operates, ive already asked them a dozen times. If yoju wish to keep me waiting when they have admitted to paying the money into another account until an estatement is available in late january they can keep the withdrawal. Im not going to sit here stressing over this for another day as the damage they have caused to me and my relationship with my family is worth more than yoju and casino guru taking their time to do absolutely nothing here. If caino guru cant see that yoju casino are criminals despite lcb warning about new dama casinos not honouring withdrawals and yoju admitting they paid someone else then maybe casino guru arent really bothered to do as good a job as they claim they can.
Ive done and submitted all they have requested now im done its either pay me my money or not either way 2600 dollars is not going to ruin whats left of my already shattered familys christmas.
Dragi 6ftogrunt , pre svega, ako su vaše kockarske aktivnosti dovele do finansijskih poteškoća sa vašom porodicom, preporučio bih vam da pogledate naš vodič o tome kako se kockati bezbedno . Kockanje ne bi trebalo da se shvati kao način da se zaradi novac, već kao zabava koja košta novac. Traganje za gubicima je siguran način da uđete u finansijske probleme.
Što se tiče vaših primedbi o našoj besplatnoj usluzi, mi nismo autoritet niti možemo da nateramo kazina da isplaćuju dobitke. Delujemo kao posrednici između kazina i igrača kako bismo pomogli u rešavanju problema poput vašeg. Kazino je pokrenuo valjan argument o tome gde je novac poslat. Informacije o povlačenju daju igrači, a kazina upozoravaju igrače da sve informacije koje daju treba pregledati da bi bile tačne.
Snimak ekrana informacija o povlačenju koje je kazino pružio sadrži vaše ime, tako da se trenutno čini da ste možda slučajno uneli netačne informacije. Ako želite da nastavite da rešavate ovaj problem, bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da sarađujete sa nama u ovoj istrazi. Ako niste zadovoljni našom besplatnom uslugom, nemam problema da vam preporučim druge korake koje možete da preduzmete ako želite da podnesete ovu žalbu negde drugde.
Hvala unapred!
Dear 6ftogrunt, first of all, if your gambling activities have led to financial hardship with your family I would recommend checking out our guide on How to Gamble Safely. Gambling isn't supposed to be taken as a way to make money but as entertainment that costs money. Chasing losses is a sure way to get into financial trouble.
As for your remarks about our free service, we are not an authority nor can we force casinos to pay out winnings. We act as mediators between casinos and players to help resolve issues like yours. The casino has raised a valid argument about where the money has been sent. Withdrawal information is given by the players, and casinos warn players that all information they give out should be reviewed to be correct.
The screenshot of the withdrawal information the casino provided contains your name so right now it seems you might have accidentally put in the incorrect information. If you want to continue resolving this issue I would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us in this investigation. If you aren't satisfied with our free service, I have no problem recommending other steps you can take if you wish to pursue this complaint elsewhere.
Thank you in advance!
Hvala vam na odgovoru, dobro sam svestan kako kockanje funkcioniše, igram na mreži više od 15 godina i ni jednom u ovom trenutku nisam stavio netačne informacije kada su u pitanju dolazne ili odlazne uplate. Ioju kazino može da kaže šta želi o tome šta su uradili ili nisu. Jednostavna istina je da mi nisu uplatili na moj bankovni račun 2600 dolara koje sam tražio za povlačenje. Štaviše, nemam problema sa kockanjem u bilo kom obliku ili obliku, ali novac koji sam položio i novac koji nisam dobio doveo me je u nevolju i neposredno pred Božić. Nešto sa čime ja ovde nisam imao nikakve veze, ovo je sve zbog toga što se ioju kazino puni na njihovoj strani. Zašto bih se osećao kao da sam uradio nešto pogrešno ovde ne razumem i ne cenim što sam lud što se osećam kao takav. Ako ne žele da ispoštuju moje povlačenje, dobro, ali zašto onda nisu voljni da mi vrate depozite za poslednjih 60 dana da bih mogao da nastavim sa svojim životom i ne moram da razmišljam o tome kako sam opljačkan svaki dan . Oni ne žele da plate moje povlačenje, ne žele da mi vrate novac, oni su kriminalci, kraj priče.
Takođe razumem ponudu kazino gurua i da oni nisu u mogućnosti da primoraju nikoga da plati novac, ali takođe znam da kazino guru plaćaju onlajn kazina da generiše prihod za onlajn kazina i na kraju dana kazino guru i Vi delite ovaj sporazum i samo zbog toga neki mogu da dovode u pitanje šta je zapravo šira slika ovde.
Sada traje 46 dana, da ste izvršili uplatu, do sada bi sletelo u moju banku, oni nemaju i nije. Da ima zašto bih posle 46 dana bio ovde i izjavio da nisam dobio novac? Nisam lažov niti se bavim prevarama preduzeća bez novca. Ja sam, međutim, osoba koja veruje u integritet i poštenje i kada kažem da su ioju kriminalci i da im treba suspendovati licencu zato što su oni upravo to.
Igram u tri druga dama nv kazina za koje se smatram vrednim igračem i nisam imao ništa osim dragocenog iskustva u tim kazinom. Kao što sam rekao kazino guru, možete izabrati da pomognete i učinite pravu stvar kada je neko zaista opljačkan ili se možete pretvarati da ne radite ništa. Ne mogu nikoga da prisilim ni na šta, ali ako kažete da ste posrednici i da ne vidite šta se ovde dešava onda ne znam šta drugo da radim i odustajem.
Thank you for your response, i am well aware as to how gambling works, ive been playing online for well over 15 years and not once in this time have i ever put any incorrect information when it comes to payments incoming or outbound. Yoju casino can say what they want regarding what they have or havent done. The simple truth of the matter is they have not paid me into my bank account the 2600 dollars i requested fo withdraw. Furthermore i dont have a problem with gambling in any shape way or form, but the money i deposited and the money i have not received has left me in a predicament and just before christmas. Something that i have had nothing to do with here this is all on yoju casino stuffing up on their end. Why i would be made to feel as if ive done something wrong here is beyond me and i dont appreciate being madw to feel as such. If they dont want to honour my withdrawal, fine, but why is it they are not willing to refund my deposits for the last 60 days then so that i can move on with my life and not have to think about how ive been robbed every day. They dont want to pay my withdrawal they dont want to refund my money they are criminals end of story.
I also understand the service casino guru offer and that they are not able to force anyone to pay money, however i also know that casino guru do get paid by online casinos to generate revenue for online casinos and at the end of the day casino guru and yoju do share this agreement and because of that alone some may question what the bigger picture really is here.
Its now going onto 46 days, if yoju had made the payment it would have landed in my bank by now, they havent and it has not. If it had why after 46 days would i be here stating i havent received the money? Im not a liar nor am i into scamming businesses out of money. I am however a person who beleives in integrity and honesty and when i say yoju are criminals and ahould have their licence suspended its because they are just that.
I play at three other dama n.v casinos to which i am considered a valuable player and have had nothing but a valuable experience at those casinos. Like i said casino guru you can either choose to help and dobthe right thing when someone genuinely has been robbed or you can pretend to and really do nothing at all. I cant force anyone to do anything, however if you say you are mediators and cant see what is going on here then i dont know what else to do and i give up.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Pokazao sam svojoj banci prilog i pitali su me šta da rade sa njim. Rekao sam im da je to potvrda o uplati i da sredstva treba da budu puštena na moj bankovni račun na koji su mi odgovorili, na vašem računu nema 2600 dolara i da banka ne zadržava sredstva, stoga nema šta da puštam na moj račun .
Možemo li sada zamisliti koliko sam glupo izgledao kada mi je ovo rečeno. Ne samo da ste me naterali da čekam 55 dana na moje povlačenje, već su me i učinili da izgledam kao potpuni idiot ispred svoje banke koji sada veruje da sam umešan u neku vrstu prevare. Joju šta radiš, zar nije dovoljno što si me izigravao budalu u poslednja 2 meseca, možda postoji mogućnost da će me moja banka označiti zbog privrženosti koju si me naterao da im pokažem. Kazino guru da li ćete dozvoliti da se ovo nastavi ili ćete uskočiti i učiniti nešto po tom pitanju.
U mojoj banci nema novca od Jojua u poslednja 3 meseca, da li razumeš ovo. Uništavaš mi život i neću ti više dozvoliti da mi nabijaš glavu. Ili platite 2600 dolara ili vratite moje depozite u poslednjih 90 dana ili ću vas tužiti i pobrinuti se da budete ugašeni jednom zauvek. Dajem vam 3 dana da uradite jednu od dve opcije ili ćete se čuti od mojih advokata. Što je dosta - dosta je
I showed my bank the attachment and they asked me what they were supposed to do with it. i told them it was a receipt of payment and that the funds should be released into my bank account to which they replied, there is no 2600 dollars in your account and that the bank dont hold back funds therefore there is nothing to release into my account.
Now can we imagine just how stupid i looked when i was told this. Not only have yoju made me wait going into 55 days for my withdrawal, now they have also made me look like a complete idiot infront of my bank who now beleive i aam involved in some sort of scam. Yoju what are you doing, is it not enough that you have played me for a fool the past 2 months now there may be a possibility that my bank will red flag me because of the attachment you made me show them. Casino guru are you going to just allow this to carry on or are you going to step in and do something about this.
There is no money in my bank from Yoju in the last 3 months, yoju do you understand this. You are ruinning my life and i wont allow you to stuff with my head anymore. You either pay the 2600 dollars or refund my deposits over the last 90 days or i will sue you and make sure you are shut down once and for all. Im giving you 3 days to do one of the two options or you will be hearing from my lawyers. Enough is enough
Možete li da verujete u skrivenost ovog kazina, dobio sam e-poruku ovog popodneva od Rei-a sa zahtevom za iste bankovne izvode koji sam im već poslao tri puta, a kazino guru još uvek ne čini mnogo u pokušaju da pomogne, ha. Hvala puno kazino guru.
Can you beleive the hide of this casino, i get an email this afternoon from Rey requesting yet again the same bank statements ive already sent them three times, and casino guru still not really doing much in trying to help huh. Thanks alot casino guru.
Nismo primili datoteku koju smo prvobitno tražili. Dobili smo samo snimke ekrana uplata, provajder plaćanja je pokušao da ih iskoristi za istragu, ali nažalost, ključne informacije nisu prisutne na tim snimcima ekrana. Stoga smo vas obavestili da nisu pogodni za takav ček i zatražili izvod iz banke u PDF formatu.
We have not received the file that we initially requested. We have only received screenshots of the payments, the payment provider tried to use them for the investigation, but unfortunately, crucial info is not present on those screenshots. Thus, we have informed you that they are not suitable for such a check and asked bank statement in PDF from the bank.
Isporučio sam sve što je trebalo da se isporuči. Mislim da je vreme da počneš da daješ nešto novca ili odgovore ovde ioju. Čini se da se vrtite u krug jer znate da niste uplatili ni centa na moj račun. Vi ste apsolutno patetični.
Znaš šta ioju, zadrži novac do kraja, pobedio si i uspeo si da se izvučeš iz toga da mi platiš, ali znaj ovo, karma je kučka i na kraju se pojavi i obezbedi da se pravi od pogrešnog, i da su ti dani odbrojani.
Zadrži novac i nadam se da ćeš se ugušiti svakim centom kurvi.
Ive supplied all ive been required to supply. I think its time you start supplying some money or answers here yoju. It seems you keep going round in circles because you know you havent paid a cent to my account. You are absolutely pathetic.
You know what yoju, keep the money im through, you won and managed to worm your way out of paying me but know this, carma is a bitch and eventually comes around and ensures right is made from wrong, and your days are numbered.
Keep the money and i hope you choke on every cent you b****rds.
6ftogrunt , kazino je podigao validan zahtev, većina banaka može da dostavi bankovni izvod za bilo koji prethodni mesec i žalosno je što vaša to radi samo svakih 6 meseci. Da je izjava bila potrebna, morali bismo samo da sačekamo januar kao što ste rekli da rešimo ovo pitanje. Razumem vašu frustraciju, ali bacanje uvreda na ljude koji pokušavaju da vam pomognu nije ponašanje koje ćemo opravdati i stoga će vaš nalog biti zabranjen, a žalba odbijena. Ranije ste bili upozoreni da upotreba uvredljivog ili zastrašujućeg jezika neće biti tolerisana.
Srdačan pozdrav,
6ftogrunt, the casino has raised a valid request, most banks can provide a bank statement for any previous month and it's unfortunate that yours only does every 6 months. If the statement was needed we would've just had to wait until January as you said to resolve this issue. I understand your frustration but throwing insults at people who are trying to assist you is not behavior we will condone and therefore your account will be banned and the complaint rejected. You have been warned before that the use of offensive or intimidating language will not be tolerated.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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