Moje poverenje u ovaj kazino je nestalo, pa onda želim da se žalim.
Imao sam 2500 evra na računu i povukao sam bankovnim transferom na Revolut. Deponovao sam Revolut karticom, tako da je ovo logičan metod povlačenja.
Kažu da je vreme obrade isplate 3 radna dana. Povukao sam 30.07, a ne pre 10.08 moje povlačenje je otkazano. nema poruke na mejlu, samo sam to morao da saznam. iskoristili su 11 dana da otkriju da ovo ne funkcioniše. Razlog je bio taj što nisam koristio anonimno, morao sam da koristim anonimno kada biram bankovni transfer. Ne logika. ali sam uradio kako su sada rekli sa korišćenjem ikognita.
Tada su mi rekli da je u procesu finalizacije 11. avgusta, a prošla su 3 radna dana i ništa se nije desilo.
Žalim se jer se bojim da će ovo trajati nedeljama ako se ne žalim. Razočaran sam uslugom. Osećam da namerno odlažu moju isplatu..
My trust to this casino is gone, so then I want to complaint.
I had 2500 euro on my account, and withdrew with bank transfer to Revolut. I have deposited with Revolut-card, so this is a logic withdrawal method.
They say withdrawal processing time is 3 working days. I withdrew 30.07, and not before 10.08 my withdrawal was cancelled. no message on mail, I just had to find that out. they used 11 days to find out that this did not work.. The reason was that I did not used incognito, I had to use incognito when choosing bank transfer. Not logic. but I did as they said now with using icognito.
They then told me it was in the finalization in process on 11. august, and 3 working days has gone and nothing has happened.
I complaint because I am afraid this will take weeks if I dont complain. I am disappointed with the service. I feel they deliberately delay my payment..
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