Dragi 1vin Casino timu,
Pre svega, ljubazno vas molim da prekinete sve marketinške promocije usmerene ka igraču.
Drugo, iako su ove informacije nove za mene, potvrdio sam da je igrač zaista tačan. Prema informacijama koje su date ovde: Google podrška , igrač vas je kontaktirao sa svoje adrese e-pošte i verujem da je trebalo da preduzmete akciju. Testirao sam ga na imejl adresi sa Google-om i funkcionisalo je tačno kako igrač navodi.
Razumem da je ovo moglo biti iznenađenje, ali ove informacije su lako dostupne jednostavnom Google pretragom. Stoga, mogu li vas ljubazno zamoliti da reagujete i preispitate?
Dear 1win Casino team,
First of all, I kindly request that you stop any marketing promotions directed toward the player.
Second, while this information is new to me, I have verified that the player is indeed correct. According to the information provided here: Google Support, the player was contacting you from his email address, and I believe you should have taken action.I tested it on mail email address with Google and it worked exactly as player states.
I understand that this might have come as a surprise, but this information is easily accessible with a simple Google search. Therefore, may I kindly ask you to react and reevaluate?
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