Upravo sam razgovarao sa svojom bankom i sa Interac korisničkom službom.
Interac mi je rekao da sve informacije koje tražim mora da rešava moja banka. Njihov broj korisničke službe bavi se samo nedostajućim ili odloženim etransferima.
Moja banka mi je rekla da ne postoji drugi dokument osim mog bankovnog izvoda koji se može dostaviti. Pitao sam agenta telefonom zašto se transakcija koju sam napravio 2. prikazuje tek 3. u mesecu kada pogledam svoju izjavu. Odvojio je nekoliko minuta da pogleda transakciju i video je da je izvršena u nedelju. Rekao mi je da će se sve transakcije obavljene vikendom pojaviti tek sledećeg radnog dana, zbog čega se pojavljuju 3..
Kako sada stoji, nalazimo se u situaciji da sam verifikovan više od nekoliko puta (potvrđeno putem e-pošte) i svaki put sam dao ono što ste tražili skoro odmah. Poslao sam vam sve što sam mogao da potvrdim svoju transakciju, još jednom u najkraćem odlaganju, a ipak još uvek nalazite razlog da odložite moju verifikaciju i tražite od mene da pružim nešto što ne postoji.
Upravo sam pregledao vaše prošle žalbe na ovom forumu i izgleda da nisam jedini igrač kome ste to uradili. Zašto odugovlačite tražeći dokumenta koja ne postoje? Svako ko zaista pogleda moj nalog sa svim dostavljenim dokumentima i vremenskim okvirima u kojima su bili dostavljeni mogao bi da verifikuje moj nalog, pa zašto to radite?
I just got off the phone with my bank and with Interac customer service.
Interac told me that any information I am looking for has to be dealt with by my bank. Their customer service number only deals with missing or delayed etransfers.
My bank told me that there is no other document other than my bank statement which can be provided. I asked the agent on the phone why the transaction I made on the 2nd shows only on the 3rd of the month when I look at my statement. He took a few minutes to look into the transaction and saw it was made on a Sunday. He told me that all transactions made on weekends will only appear the next business day which is why it shows up on the 3rd.
As it stands we are in a situation where I have been verified more than a couple of times (confirmed via email) and each time I provided what you asked almost immediately. I have sent you everything I possibly can to confirm my transaction, once again within the briefest delay and yet you are still finding reason to delay my verification and ask me to provide something that does not exist.
I just went through your past complaints on this forum and it appears I am not the only player you have done this to. Why is it that you delay things by requesting documents that do not exist? Anyone really taking a look at my account with all the provided documents and the time frames they were provided in would be able to verify my account, so why are you doing this?
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