Igrač iz Nemačke je optužen da je prekršio uslove bonusa stavljajući opklade veće od dozvoljenih. Posle duge i komplikovane istrage, dokazi su ukazivali na to da je pravilo maksimalne opklade zaista prekršeno. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu.
The player from Germany was accused of breaching bonus terms by placing bets greater than the allowed ones. After a long and complicated investigation, the evidence suggested that the max bet rule was indeed breached. We ended up rejecting the complaint.
Igrač iz Nemačke je optužen da je prekršio uslove bonusa stavljajući opklade veće od dozvoljenih. Posle duge i komplikovane istrage, dokazi su ukazivali na to da je pravilo maksimalne opklade zaista prekršeno. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu.
Zatražio sam povlačenje 1700 € 24.08.22. Prethodno sam nekoliko puta otkazao svoje dobitke i imao sam sreće da nastavim da pobeđujem. Ulogovao sam se 28.08 i bio sam užasnut kada sam otkrio da je moj novac nestao. Isplata je otkazana. Bez opravdanja i informacija!!! Pitao sam tada u ćaskanju, ali ni tamo mi nisu mogli dati precizne informacije: Kršenje pravila o bonusu. Zatim sam napisao sledeću e-poštu:
Molimo dostavite dokaze o mom kršenju pravila o bonusu. Želim dokaz da sam prekršio pravila tokom aktivnog bonusa. Ako ovo ne isporučite, onda je ovo krađa i ja ću to prijaviti!!!!!!
Nikad nisam dobio dokaz. Ne možete to sami da proverite na svom nalogu.
Sada mi je nalog blokiran, ne mogu više da se prijavim.
I had requested a withdrawal of €1700 on 08/24/22. I had previously canceled my winnings several times and was lucky enough to keep winning. On 08/28 I logged in and was horrified to find that my money was gone. Payout has been cancelled. Without justification or information!!! I then asked in the chat but they couldn't give me any precise information there either: Violation of bonus rules. I then wrote the following email:
Please provide evidence of my violation of the bonus rules. I want proof that I broke the rules during an active bonus. If you don't deliver this, then this is a theft and I will report it!!!!!!
I never got a proof. You can't check it yourself in your account.
Now my account has been blocked, I can no longer log in.
Ich hatte am 24.08.22 eine Auszahlung von 1700 € beantragt. Zuvor hatte ich mehrmals meinen Gewinn storniert und mit viel Glück weitergewonnen. Am 28.08. habe ich mich eingeloggt und mit Entsetzen festgestell das mein Geld weg war. Auszahlung wurde storniert. Ohne Begründung oder Information!!! Daraufhin habe ich im Chat nachgefragt aber dort konnte man mir auch keine genaue Auskunft geben: Verstoß gegen Bonusregeln.Daraufhin habe ich folgende Mail geschrieben:
Bitte weisen Sie mir meinen Verstoß gegen die Bonusregeln nach. Ich möchte den Nachweis das ich während eines aktiven Bonus gegen die Regeln verstoßen habe. Wenn Sie das nicht liefern , dann ist dieses eine Diebstahl und ich werde das zur Anzeige bringen!!!!!!
Ich habe nie einen Nachweis bekommen. Im Account kann man es auch nicht selber prüfen.
Jetzt wurde mein Account gesperrt, ich kann mich nicht mehr einloggen.
Draga Rosvitha74,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i prosledili svu relevantnu komunikaciju. Žao mi je što čujem za problem i razumem vašu frustraciju. Pažljivo sam proverio uslove bonusa na veb lokaciji, i evo šta sam našao ( ovde ):
„10. Ograničeno igranje:
- Klađenje sa minimalnim rizikom ili bez njega
- Klađenje napravljeno pomoću funkcije Gamble na slot igrama
- Postavljanje opklada na iznose veće od 10 €/$/£ (ili ekvivalentno € u drugoj valuti) ili 5% datog bonusa, šta god je niže. "
Voleli bismo da kazina implementiraju sisteme koji bi sprečili igrače da stavljaju opklade veće od dozvoljenih, ali, nažalost, to još uvek nije standardna praksa. Međutim, smatramo da svaki slučaj treba procenjivati pojedinačno.
Ne ustručavajte se da prosledite svoju istoriju igara u Ekcel formatu na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ako smatrate da ste pogrešno optuženi. Koliko je bio vaš poslednji aktivni depozit i nagrađeni bonus, molim?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Roswitha74,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about the issue and understand your frustration. I carefully checked the Bonus Terms on the website, and this is what I found (here):
„10. Restricted Gameplay:
- Placing bets with minimal or no risk
- Wagering made using the Gamble Feature on Slot games
- Placing bets of amounts higher than 10 €/$/£ (or equivalent to € in other currency) or 5% of the given bonus, whichever is lower."
We would like to see casinos implementing systems that would prevent players from placing higher than allowed bets, but, unfortunately, this is not standard practice yet. However, we believe that each case should be evaluated individually.
Please do not hesitate to forward your game history in Excel format to petronela.k@casino.guru if you feel that you’ve been accused mistakenly. How much were your last active deposit and rewarded bonus, please?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
Hvala vam što ste se pobrinuli za to. Nadam se da mi možete pomoći kao i obično.
Ne znam više šta da radim.
Hello Petronela,
Thank you for taking care of it. I hope that you can help me as usual.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Hallo Petronela,
vielen Dank das Sie sich darum kümmern wollen. Ich hoffe das Sie mir wie schon oft ,helfen können.
Ich weiß mir keinen Rat meh.
Zdravo Petronela,
moji depoziti su uvek bili 50€ i bonus je 100%. Nažalost, ne mogu da vam pošaljem istoriju igre. Ne mogu više da se prijavim. Ali uvek sam igrao za 2 ili 2,50 evra na Cilli Popu.
Ni meni ovaj prekršaj nikada nije dokazan. Moj najveći ulog je verovatno bio 3 €, ali ne znam da li je to bilo tokom aktivnog bonusa. Ni to mi nije dokazano.
Hello Petronela,
my deposits have always been €50 and the bonus is 100%. Unfortunately, I cannot send you the game history. I can not log in anymore. But I always played for €2 or €2.50 at Cilli Pop.
This violation was never proven to me either. My highest bet was probably €3, but I don't know if that was during an active bonus. That wasn't proven to me either.
Hallo Petronela,
meine Einzahlungen waren immer 50 € und der Bonus 100%. Leider kann ich Ihnen den Spielverlauf nicht schicken. Ich kann mich nicht mehr einloggen. Ich habe aber immer mit 2€ oder 2,50 € bei Cilli Pop gespielt.
Mir wurde dieser Verstoß auch nie nachgewiesen. Mein höchster Einsatz war wohl mal 3 €, aber ichweiß nicht ob das während eines aktiven Bonus war.Das wurde mir auch nicht nachgewiesen.
Puno vam hvala, Rosvitha74, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Petru ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Roswitha74, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Rosvitha,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumem situaciju. Dozvolite mi da kontaktiram kazino i daću sve od sebe da pomognem. Pozivam Betonic Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Roswitha,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. Let me contact the casino and I will do my best to help. I would like to invite Betonic Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dragi Peter i Rosvitha,
Istražili smo slučaj i otkrili sledeće:
Igrač je prekršio uslove i odredbe bonusa. T&C navodi:
„Postavljanje opklada na iznose veće od 10 €/$/£ (ili ekvivalentno € u drugoj valuti) ili 5% datog bonusa, šta god je niže ."
Kompletne uslove i uslove možete pronaći ovde: https ://betonic.com/promotions/velcome
Igrač je koristio BTONIC300 bonus (50 EUR). Uzimajući u obzir T&C, maksimalni dozvoljeni ulog je 2,50 EUR .
Igrač je izjavio:
„Ali uvek sam igrao za €2 ili €2,50 na Cilli Pop-u. Ni meni ovaj prekršaj nikada nije dokazan. Moja najveća opklada je verovatno bila 3 evra , ali ne znam da li je to bilo tokom aktivnog bonusa."
Najveće opklade od 3 EUR na koje igrač misli su napravljene tokom aktivnog bonusa u brojnim prilikama.
Ukratko, maksimalna dozvoljena opklada, kada se igra sa pomenutim bonusom, je 2,50 EUR, a igrač je uložio 3 EUR, pa je njen dobitak poništen.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Betonic kazino tim
Dear Peter and Roswitha,
We investigated the case and found the following:
The player breached the bonus Terms and Conditions. The T&C state:
"Placing bets of amounts higher than 10 €/$/£ (or equivalent to € in other currency) or 5% of the given bonus, whichever is lower."
Full T&C can be found here: https://betonic.com/promotions/welcome
The player used BTONIC300 bonus (50 EUR). Considering the T&C the max allowed bet stake is 2.50 EUR.
The player stated:
"But I always played for €2 or €2.50 at Cilli Pop. This violation was never proven to me either. My highest bet was probably €3, but I don't know if that was during an active bonus."
The highest bets of 3 EUR the player is referring to were made during an active bonus on numerous occasions.
In summary the max allowed bet, when playing with the mentioned bonus, is 2.50 EUR and the player has bet 3 EUR, therefore her winnings were voided.
Best Regards,
Betonic Casino Team
Dragi Petre,
gde je dokaz da sam založio €3 tokom aktivnog bonusa. Ni ovaj dokaz još nije dat!!! Kao što sam već nekoliko puta objasnio, nekoliko puta sam otkazao svoje dobitke i, uz mnogo sreće, nastavio da pobeđujem. Do danas nije dat nijedan dokaz. Uvek isti odgovor!!! Nažalost, ne mogu to sam da proverim. Tako da ostajem pri svom zahtevu.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Peter,
where is the proof that I wagered €3 during an active bonus. This proof has not yet been provided either!!! As I have already explained several times, I canceled my winnings several times and, with a lot of luck, continued to win. To date, no proof has been provided. Always the same answer!!! Unfortunately I can't check that myself. So I stand by my request.
Kind regards
Lieber Peter,
wo bleibt der Nachweis das ich 3 € während eines aktiven Bonus eingesetzt habe. Dieser Nachweis ist auch jetzt nicht erbracht!!! Wie schon mehrfach ausgeführt hatte ich mehrfach meinen Gewinn storniert und mit viel Glück weiter gewonnen. Bis heute wurde der Nachweis nicht erbracht. Immer die gleiche Antwwort!!! Leider kann ich das selber nicht kontrollieren . Deshalb bleibe ich bei meiner Forderung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Betonic Casino timu,
Možete li molim vas da pošaljete Rosvithinu istoriju igara na moju adresu e-pošte ( peter.m@casino.guru ) i označite bonus igru?
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Betonic Casino Team,
Could you please send Roswitha's game history to my email address (peter.m@casino.guru) and mark the bonus play?
Hvala Betonic Casino timu na pruženim dokazima. Ali imam jedno pitanje, zašto je Rosvithin nalog blokiran?
Draga Rosvitha,
Dokazi koje je poslao kazino sugerišu da je bilo nekoliko opklada od 3 € tokom igre 22.8.2022 između 12:32:17 - 14:02:18. Ne vidim, međutim, da ako ste igrali sa bonusom, „Tip novca" kaže „Virtuelno". Pošto je to vaša istorija igre i nema osetljivih informacija na snimku ekrana, postavljam ga ovde.
Thank you Betonic Casino team for the provided evidence. I have one question though, why is Roswitha's account blocked?
Dear Roswitha,
The evidence sent by the casino suggests that there were several €3 bets made during play on 22.8.2022 between 12:32:17 - 14:02:18. I don't see, however, if you played with a bonus, the "Money type" says "Virtual". Since it's your game history and there is no sensitive information on the screenshot, I'm posting it here.
zdravo Peter,
Hvala vam za vaše napore. Da, nije mi poslat nikakav dokaz da sam uložio ovih 3 € sa svojim bonusom. Ovo traje već nekoliko nedelja, ali moj novac je nestao. To je krajnje nepošteno. Ostajem pri svojoj tvrdnji!!!
Hvala ti Peter
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your efforts. Yes, I have not been sent any proof that I have wagered these 3 € with my bonus. This has been going on for several weeks now, but my money is gone. It is highly dishonest. I stand by my claim!!!
Thank you Peter
Hallo Peter,
vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen. Ja auch mir wurde bis heute kein Beweis geschickt , das ich mit meinem Bonus diese 3 € gesetzt habe. Das geht jetzt schon mehrere Wochen, aber mein Geld ist weg.Es ist im höchsten Maße unseriös. Ich bleibe bei meiner Forderung!!!
Danke Peter.
Zdravo Rosvitha,
Upravo sam imao poziv sa predstavnicima kazina. Oni sada pokušavaju da otkriju zašto je vaš nalog blokiran i trebalo bi da mi se jave sa dokazima. Obavestiću vas čim ga dobijem.
Hi Roswitha,
I just had a call with the casino reps. They are now trying to find out why your account is blocked and they should get back to me with the evidence. I will let you know as soon as I receive it.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
zdravo Peter,
veoma je čudno što nema odgovora iz kazina. Sigurno nema dokaza, inače bi kazino već odgovorio. Moj dobitak od 1700 € je jednostavno poništen. To se može klasifikovati samo kao sumnjivo ili čak kriminalno. Ovaj kazino bi trebalo da bude na crnoj listi ili čak zatvoren. Siguran sam da nisam jedini koji je prevaren. Pa, sačekajmo da vidimo da li će sve biti nabolje.
Pre svega hvala Petre.
Hi Peter,
it is very strange that there is no answer from the casino. There is certainly no proof, otherwise the casino would have already answered. My winnings of €1700 were simply canceled. That can only be classified as dubious or even criminal. This casino should be blacklisted or even closed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who got cheated. Well, let's wait and see if everything turns out for the better.
First of all thank you Peter.
Hallo Peter,
es ist schon sehr merkwürdig das keine Antwort vom Casino kommt. Den Beweis gibt es sicher nicht, denn sonst hätte das Casino schon geantwortet. Man hat meinen Gewinn von 1700 € einfach storniert. Das kann man doch nur als unseriös oder sogar als kriminell einstufen. Dieses Casino gehört auf die schwarze Liste oder sogar geschlossen. Ich bin sicher nicht die Einzige die geprellt wurde. Na warten wir noch ab, ob sich doch noch alles zum Guten wendet.
Vielen Dank erstmal Peter.
Hvala vam, Rosvitha na vašim imejlovima.
Poštovani Betonic Casino tim,
Zamolio bih vas za još jednu stvar - Rosvithin bonus dnevnik. Moramo da vidimo kada je tačno bonus aktiviran i kada je završen.
Thank you, Roswitha for your emails.
Dear Betonic Casino team,
I would like to ask you for one more thing - Roswitha's bonus log. We need to see when exactly the bonus was activated and when it was finished.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Rosvitha,
Dobili smo neke dodatne dokaze koji sugerišu da je bonus konvertovan u 15:29 22.8.2022. Međutim, format dokaza nije idealan. To je teška odluka jer nemamo dokaza koji sugerišu da ste igrali bez bonusa, a sa druge strane imamo neke dokaze koji sugerišu da ste igrali sa bonusom kada je došlo do preklađenja. Razgovaraćemo o tome interno i javiću vam se sutra.
Hi Roswitha,
We received some additional evidence suggesting that the bonus was converted at 15:29 on 22.8.2022. However, the format of the evidence isn't ideal. It's a difficult decision since we have no evidence suggesting that you played without a bonus and on the other hand we have some evidence suggesting that you played with a bonus when the overbets took place. We will discuss it internally and I will get back to you tomorrow.
Zdravo svima,
Izvinite zbog kasnog odgovora. Žalba je postala previše komplikovana jer dokazi nisu bili potpuno jasni. Sumiraću informacije koje smo uspeli da dobijemo iz dostavljenih dokaza.
Dragi Betonic Casino timu,
Moje pitanje je, zašto bonus novac nije automatski pretvoren u pravi novac kada je klađenje završeno u 13:45?
Hi all,
Sorry for the late reply. The complaint got a bit too complicated because the evidence wasn't completely clear. I will sum up the information we managed to get from the provided evidence.
Dear Betonic Casino Team,
My question is, why wasn't the bonus money automatically turned into real money when the wagering was finished at 13:45?
Zdravo Rosvitha,
Predstavnik kazina me je zamolio za više vremena, ali je obećao da će uskoro odgovoriti. Mogu da zamislim koliko je ovo frustrirajuće za vas, ali se i dalje nadam pozitivnom rezultatu.
Hi Roswitha,
The casino rep asked me for more time but promised to reply soon. I can imagine how frustrating this must be for you but I'm still hoping for a positive result.
Dragi Petre,
Vaš rezime i proračuni su tačni za trenutnu iteraciju bonus pravila.
Tokom vremena kada je igrač igrao, uslov za klađenje za bonus je bio 35k, a ne 25k. Svesni smo da ako sada proverite veb lokaciju (kao što ste uradili) da piše 25k – to je slučaj, jer je zahtev za klađenje promenjen 13. oktobra 2022.
Sva igranja kupca je bila pre nego što smo primenili promene uključujući i aktivaciju bonusa, što znači da je ulog za nju zaista bio 35Ks u vreme aktivacije. Imajte na umu da zadržavamo pravo da promenimo bonus:
"8.11. Sve promocije su podložne promenama u bilo kom trenutku. Betonic zadržava pravo da promeni, otkaže ili odbije bonus po sopstvenom nahođenju."
Imajte na umu da je odgovornost igrača da proveri uslove i uslove u slučaju bilo kakvih promena:
"1.3. Kupac snosi svu odgovornost da povremeno proverava i ažurira uslove i odredbe. Betonic savetuje svim kupcima da se informišu što je moguće češće. Sve opklade će biti zabeležene u skladu sa vremenom kada su postavljene i biće predmet relevantne verzije ugovora o uslovima i odredbama."
Uzimajući u obzir da je tokom vremena kada je Rosvitha74 igrala sa bonusom zahtev za klađenje bio 35k, vaši proračuni su nevažeći i ona je i dalje prekršila Uslove i odredbe.
Pošto postoji direktna povreda uslova i uslova (koje je igrač dužan da pročita i prihvati, pre otvaranja naloga), sporni iznos se ne može vratiti.
Ovo ostaje naša konačna pozicija, nadamo se da će razjasniti celu situaciju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Betonic kazino tim
Dear Peter,
Your summary and calculations are correct for the current iteration of the bonus rules.
During the time the player played the wagering requirement for the bonus was 35x not 25x. We are aware that if you check the website right now (as you have done) it says 25x – this is the case, because the wagering requirement was changed on the 13th of October 2022.
All the customer’s gameplay was before we applied the changes including the bonus activation, meaning that indeed the wagering for her was 35X at the time of the activation. Please note that we reserve the right to change the bonus:
"8.11. All promotions are subject to change at any time. Betonic reserves the right to change, cancel or refuse bonus at its own discretion."
Please not that it is the player’s responsibility to check the T&C is case of any changes:
"1.3. The customer holds all responsibility to periodically check and update himself with the terms and conditions. Betonic advises all customers to keep themselves informed as frequently as possible. All bets will be recorded according to the time they are placed and will be subject to the relevant version of the terms and conditions agreement."
Considering that during the time Roswitha74 played with the bonus the wagering requirement was 35x, your calculations are invalid and she still breached the Terms and Conditions.
Since there is a direct breach of the T&C (which a player is required to read and accept, before creating an account), the disputed amount cannot be returned.
This remains our final position, we hope it will clear the whole situation.
Best Regards,
Betonic Casino Team
Hvala Betonic Casino timu na pojašnjenju. Ako je opklada bila 35k, vaš argument ima smisla.
Draga Rosvitha,
Napravio sam još jedan proračun i pošto je zahtev za klađenje bio 35k(B+D) u vreme klađenja, bojim se da su preklađenja napravljena dok je bonus još bio aktivan. Nažalost, neću moći da vam pomognem sa ovim.
Thank you Betonic Casino Team for the clarification. If the wagering was 35x, your argument makes sense.
Dear Roswitha,
I made another calculation and since the wagering requirement was 35x(B+D) at the time of wagering, I'm afraid the overbets were made while the bonus was still active. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you with this one.
Dragi Petre,
Hvala na trudu. Nažalost, nisu bili krunisani uspehom. I dalje ću izbegavati ovaj kazino i preporučio bih ga i drugim igračima.
Hvala još jednom. Na vas i vaš tim se uvek možete osloniti.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Peter,
Thanks for the efforts. Unfortunately they were not crowned with success. I will still avoid this casino and would recommend it to other players as well.
Thanks again. You and your team can always be relied on.
Kind regards
Lieber Peter,
vielen Dank für die Bemühungen. Leider waren sie nicht von Erfolg gekrönt. Ich werde dieses Casino trotzdem meiden und würde das auch anderen Spielern empfehlen.
Nochmals vielen Dank. Auf Sie und Ihr Team ist immer Verlass.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zdravo Rosvitha,
Žao mi je što ovaj put nije uspelo. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rešavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Roswitha,
I'm sorry it didn't work out this time. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.