Zdravo! Igrač je dobio sredstva i takođe nam je potvrdio da je to slučaj. Slučaj je sada zatvoren.
Za vašu informaciju, ovi krajnji slučajevi su veoma nesrećni i retki. Ono što se dešava u 1/500 slučajeva je da se sredstva šalju sa našeg kraja, ali provajder banke koji koristimo promaši za obradu i transakcija se zaglavi. Na našu nesreću, jedino što možemo da uradimo je da dobijemo obaveštenje od kupca i počnemo da preduzimamo radnje odatle prema procesoru što može da potraje.
Srećni smo što je kupac konačno dobio sredstva i možemo da vam osiguramo sa 499/500 da će sledeći vd definitivno ići mnogo brže 🚀🚀🚀
Hello! The player has received the funds and has also confirmed to us that this is the case. Case is now closed.
For your info these edge cases are very unfortunate and rare. What is happening in 1/500 cases is that the funds are being sent from our end but the bank provider we use misses to process and the transaction gets stuck. Unfortunately for us the only thing we can do is to get notified by the customer and start taking actions from there towards the processor which can take time.
We are happy that the customer finally received the funds and can ensure you with 499/500 that next wd will definitely go much faster 🚀🚀🚀
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