Draga Tammi2967,
Hvala vam na vašim imejlovima i navedenim detaljima.
Međutim, dali ste mi nebitne podatke. U primljenim imejlovima nema ništa bitno od podataka i informacija koje sam tražio.
Zašto ste mi poslali samo istoriju igre koja počinje 24. februara 2023., dakle samo od trenutka kada su osvojeni vaši najveći dobici, umesto da šaljete kompletnu istoriju za ceo februar 2023. kako sam tražio?
U suštini, najvažniji delovi istorije igara desili su se pre ovih značajnih pobeda. Moramo da vidimo kako ste akumulirali te dobitke i odakle potiče novac od kojeg ste osvojili.
Pored toga, u vezi sa još jednom e-poštom – pre izvesnog vremena, zatražio sam kompletnu listu transakcija izvršenih iz/do kazina (sa vašeg načina plaćanja) i komunikaciju između vas i vašeg dobavljača metoda plaćanja/banke o svim povraćajima sredstava, a zatim transakciju istoriju sa vašeg kazino naloga (da biste povezali transakcije sa vašeg načina plaćanja i transakcije na vašem kazino nalogu).
Kako možemo da potvrdimo (od 2 isplate sličnih iznosa bez tačnog vremena) sa datog snimka ekrana da su te transakcije uopšte otišle u kazino? I kako možemo da proverimo da nije bilo naknadnih povraćaja sredstava za ove transakcije? Iz dostavljenih podataka, čak nije moguće potvrditi da su uplate vezane za kazino, jer uprkos tome što postoji ime primaoca, ne možemo potvrditi da pripada kazinu.
Trenutno izgleda ovako:
- Imali ste sreće i osvojili $3,750 nakon što ste uplatili depozit sa dotičnim bonusom na depozit, i ispunili uslove za ulaganje za ovaj bonus (sve iznad $3,750 izgubljeno je igranjem igrica). Spomenuli ste da je bilo nekih problema sa isplatom novca, i da ste „nekako" pali na 1.750 dolara zbog obrnutog povlačenja. Međutim, postoji nekoliko stvari koje nemaju smisla u vašoj verziji priče. Ako je bilo nekih problema sa isplatom, zašto bi to moglo da izazove smanjenje vašeg dobitka?
- Prema dostavljenim detaljima iz kazina, vidim da je bonus na depozit aktiviran 18. februara 2023. godine, a prvi značajni dobici su osvojeni u Kenu otprilike 3 sata kasnije. Nekoliko sati kasnije, zatražili ste povlačenje od 3.750 dolara, tako da izgleda da je vaš prvi dobitak ostvaren dok ste igrali sa aktivnim bonusom na depozit, da ste jednostavno poništili svoje početno povlačenje od 3.750 dolara i postepeno izgubili 2.000 dolara od ovog iznosa. Ali, u slučaju da ste sami poništili svoje početno povlačenje i izgubili značajan deo toga, zašto biste tamo deponovali više sredstava (kao što ste tvrdili) ako ste i dalje imali dovoljno novca da igrate od poništenog povlačenja?
Da li je tačno da je vaše povlačenje 3,750 dolara napravljeno od dobitaka osvojenih od vašeg depozita i bonusa na depozit? Ako jeste, a povlačenje nije obrađeno - znači nije očišćeno od iznosa koji premašuje maksimalnu isplatu od bonusa od $1,000 (ne mora biti navedeno na nekom posebnom mestu jer važe opšti uslovi ako nije navedeno inače u posebnim uslovima i odredbama za određeni bonus), da li ste svesni da ste poništavanjem vašeg početnog povlačenja i trošenjem više od polovine toga izgubili skoro 2k više sredstava nego što ste imali pravo da povučete iz korišćenog bonusa?
Da li je vaš kazino račun još uvek otvoren? Ako jeste, možete li molim vas da pogledate moj prethodni post još jednom i pošaljete mi tačno ono što sam tražio, ali u boljem obliku (Ekcel fajl ili snimke ekrana)?
Molim vas, ne zaboravite na post u kojem sam vas pitao o dokumentima i podacima u vezi sa svim operacijama u vezi sa spornim kazino računom na vašem načinu plaćanja, kao i o komunikaciji o transakcijama i povraćajima između vas i vašeg provajdera načina plaćanja/ banka.
U međuvremenu, ako je vaš kazino ponovo blokiran, pokušaću da zamolim kazino da ga privremeno ponovo otvori za vas i da nas obavesti kada to bude gotovo.
Trudimo se da pomognemo igračima da reše svoje probleme, ali zahtevamo i njihovu punu i aktivnu saradnju. Samo tvrditi nešto uopšte nije dovoljno. Vaše tvrdnje treba da budu potkrijepljene podacima.
Imajte na umu da kada vaš nalog bude dostupan, ako ne budete u mogućnosti da nam dostavite sve tražene detalje, bićemo primorani da razmislimo o zatvaranju/odbijanju žalbe.
Hvala na razumevanju. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Dear Tammy2967,
Thank you for your emails and the details provided.
However, you provided me with irrelevant data. In the received emails, there is nothing important from the data and information I requested.
Why did you send me only the game history beginning on February 24, 2023, so only from the point your biggest winnings were won, instead of sending the complete history for the entire February 2023 as I requested?
Basically, the most important parts of gaming history occurred before these significant winnings. We need to see how you accumulated those winnings, and where the money from which you won originated.
In addition, regarding another email - some time ago, I requested a complete list of the transactions made from/to the casino (from your payment method) and communication between you and your payment method provider/bank about all the chargebacks, and then transaction history from your casino account (to link the transactions from your payment method and the transactions in your casino account).
How should we please confirm (from 2 payments of similar amounts without exact times) from the provided screenshot that those transactions went to the casino at all? And how can we verify that there were no chargebacks made later for these transactions? From the provided data, it is even not possible to confirm that the payments are related to the casino since despite there being a receiver's name, we cannot confirm it belongs to the casino.
Currently, it looks as follows:
- You were lucky enough and won $3,750 after you made a deposit with the deposit bonus in question, and met the wagering requirements for this bonus (everything above the $3,750 was lost by playing games). You mentioned that there were some cashout issues, and you "somehow" went down to $1,750 because of a reversed withdrawal. However, there are a few things that do not make sense in your version of the story. If there were some issues with cashout, why should it cause a decrease in your winnings?
- According to the provided details from the casino, I can see the deposit bonus was activated on February 18, 2023, and the first significant winnings were won in Keno approximately 3 hours later. A few hours later, you requested a withdrawal of $3,750, so it seems that your first winnings were made while you were playing with an active deposit bonus, that you simply reversed your initial withdrawal of $3,750, and gradually lost $2,000 from this amount. But, in case you reversed your initial withdrawal yourself and lost a significant portion of it, why would you have deposited more funds (as you claimed) there if you still had enough money to play from the reversed withdrawal?
Is it please correct that your withdrawal of $3,750 was made from winnings won from your deposit and deposit bonus? If yes, and the withdrawal was not processed - so it was not cleansed from the amount exceeding the maximum cashout from the bonus of $1,000 (it does not have to be stated in any special place because general terms and conditions apply if it is not stated otherwise in specific terms and conditions for a particular bonus), are you please aware that by the reversals of your initial withdrawal and spending more than a half of it you lost almost 2x more funds than you were entitled to withdraw from the bonus used?
Is your casino account still open? If yes, can you please look at my previous post once again and send me exactly what I required, but in a better form (Excel file or screenshots)?
Please, do not forget about the post where I asked you about the documents and data regarding all the operations related to the disputed casino account on your payment method, as well as the communication about the transactions and chargebacks between you and your payment method provider/bank.
In the meantime, if your casino is blocked again, I will try to ask the casino to temporarily reopen it for you, and to let us know once it is done.
We try to help players solve their problems, but we also require their full and active cooperation. Just claiming something is not enough at all. Your claims should be supported by data.
Please note once your account is accessible, if you are not able to provide us with all the requested details, we will be forced to think about complaint closure/rejection.
Thank you for understanding. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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