Registrovao sam se i deponovao otprilike $400 u BTC tokom 2 dana, nisam koristio bonuse za registraciju itd.
Pogodio sam niz sreće i prvo pokušao da podignem 0,1800742 u BTC-u, pisalo je da je povlačenje potvrđeno, nekoliko sati kasnije ponovo sam podigao 0,0458 BTC i ostavio oko 1500 $ na svom aktivnom saldu da igram danas.
Jutros sam pogledao svoj BTC novčanik i nisam imao ništa unutra, zatim sam se prijavio na svoj Bitdice nalog i pritisnuo poruku Račun je onemogućen.
Zatim sam razgovarao sa korisničkom podrškom i oni su rekli da će pitati odjel.
Od njih nisam primio nikakvu e-poštu ili komunikaciju u vezi s tim.
Igrao sam na Stake-u mnogo puta i nikada nisam imao problem, samo sam pomislio da ću probati 'crypto' veterana, ispostavilo se da je to bila velika greška.
Bio bih zahvalan za ovo rješenje, ili ako odbiju da ponovo otvore moj račun iz nekog bizarnog razloga onda samo obradite moj BTC
I registered and deposited roughly $400 in BTC over 2 days, i used no sign up bonuses etc.
I hit a goodluck streak and first attempted to withdraw 0.1800742 in BTC, it said withdrawal confirmed, a couple of hours later i again withdrew 0.0458 BTC and left around $1500 in my active balance with to play today.
I looked this morning at my BTC wallet and had nothing in there, i then proceeded to login to my Bitdice account and hit a message Account has been Disabled.
I then spoke to the customer support and they said they will ask the department.
I have received no emails or communication at all from them regarding this.
I've played over at Stake many times and never had an issue just thought i would try the 'crypto' veteran, turns out that was a huge mistake.
I would appreciate this resolving, or if they refuse to reopen my account for some bizarre reason then just process my BTC
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