Igraču iz Španije je iznenada deaktiviran kazino nalog dok je komunicirao sa predstavnikom o problemima verifikacije dokumenata. Zatvorili smo žalbu jer je igrač prestao da odgovara.
The player from Spain had his casino account suddenly deactivated while communicating with a representative about document verification issues. We closed the complaint because the player stopped responding.
Igraču iz Španije je iznenada deaktiviran kazino nalog dok je komunicirao sa predstavnikom o problemima verifikacije dokumenata. Zatvorili smo žalbu jer je igrač prestao da odgovara.
Zdravo, ovaj kazino je deaktivirao moj nalog bez prethodnog obaveštenja dok sam razgovarao sa predstavnikom. Izrazio sam da ne znam šta drugo da radim, pošto sam već poslao sva potrebna dokumenta, ali mi je nalog stalno odbijan. Odjednom, iz vedra neba, moj nalog je deaktiviran. Nije bilo apsolutno nikakve komunikacije sa strane kazina. Ako mi neko može pomoći, bilo bi veoma zahvalno. Hvala vam.
Hello, this casino has deactivated my account without prior notice while I was speaking with a representative. I was expressing that I did not know what else to do, as I had already sent all the required documents still my account kept getting denied. Suddenly, out of the blue, my account was deactivated. There has been absolutely no communication from the casino's side. If anyone could assist me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hola buenas este casino me a desactivado la cuenta sin aviso previo cuando estaba hablando con un asistente y le comentaba que no sabia ya que hacer mas que le e enviado todos los documentos y aun asi me seguian denegando entonces de un segundo a otro me pone la cuenta a sido desactivada, no hay comunicacion por parte del casino ni nada parecido, si alguien me puede ayudar seria muy amable gracias.
Dragi Fabianlove00,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Bizzo kazinom.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koliko dugo ste bili kazino igrač i kada je tačno vaš nalog blokiran?
Kako ste saznali da vam je nalog blokiran?
Koje ste igre igrali da biste akumulirali trenutni balans u kazinu? (slotovi, igre uživo, multiplaier)
Da li ste postigli trenutni balans sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koji od vaših dokumenata za verifikaciju je odbijen?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Fabianlove00,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with Bizzo Casino.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Could you please advise how long you were a casino player and when exactly your account was blocked?
How did you learn about your account being blocked?
What games did you play to accumulate your current balance in the casino? (slots, live games, multiplayer)
Did you achieve your current balance with or without an active bonus?
Could you please advise which of your verification documents were denied?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Naravno, imam odgovore na svako vaše pitanje.
1 Bio sam igrač u tom kazinu skoro godinu dana ili više i juče su ga zatvorili zbog mene baš kada sam razgovarao sa agentom o dokumentima koje sam dao.
2 devojka mi nije odgovorila i dao sam joj da ažurira stranicu i rekla mi je da je moj nalog deaktiviran zbog mog lica
3 Igrao sam rulet i slot mašine poput ovih igara u kojima dobijate male simbole i ako se poklapaju daju vam i trenutne bonuse, pa čak i neke druge osim u stilu.
4 Više ne tražim bonuse, nije isplativo i u ovom slučaju ponavljam da akumulirate ceo saldo bez ikakvog bonusa kao i ja uvek
5 su mi uskratili izvod i sve snimke koje sam poslao iz svoje banke, poslao sam im karticu da su je prihvatili, dokaz o vlasništvu koji su takođe prihvatili i jedino što je nedostajalo je dokaz o uplati da sam i ja poslao sam im ga i upravo su mi ovaj zadnji zadavali razne probleme i zbog kojeg sam ih kontaktirao i rekao im da više ne znam šta da radim da podignem novac pošto sam čak i lično otišao u banku i rekli su mi da mogu da radim ono što oni rade sa svojom bankovnom aplikacijom na računaru i napravio sam snimke ekrana plaćanja koje su mi tražili u trenutku kada su me pitali i poslao sam im ih koje su naknadno odbijene , pa sam pitao sa svom ljubaznošću i od jednog do drugog sam ažurirao i zatvorili su mi račun za lice.
Hvala puno unapred Thomas!!! Ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, tu sam, istina je da sam bio preplavljen jer je to bio moj jedini novac (onaj koji je ostao na računu) i veoma sam nezadovoljan tretmanom koji su mi dali kada sam oduvek bio dobar klijent.
Of course, I have answers to each of your questions.
1 I have been a player at that casino for almost a year or more and they closed it down for me yesterday just as I was talking to an agent about the documents I provided.
2 the girl did not answer me and I gave her to update the page and she told me that my account had been deactivated due to my face
3 I played roulette and slot machines like these games that you get little symbols and if they match they give you also buy instant bonuses and even some other of those but of the style.
4 I no longer ask for bonuses, it is not profitable and in this case I reiterate that you accumulate the entire balance without any bonus as I always do
5 they have denied me the extract and all the captures that I sent from my bank, I sent them the card that they accepted it, a proof of ownership that they also accepted and the only thing missing was the proof of payment that I was also sending it to them and it was This last one that they were giving me all kinds of problems and for which I contacted them and told them that I no longer knew what to do to withdraw my money since I had even gone to the bank in person and they told me that I can do what they do to do with my bank app on the computer and I took screenshots of the payment that they asked me for at the time they asked me, and I sent them to them that have been subsequently rejected, so I asked with all kindness and from one to the other I updated and they had closed me the bill for the face.
Thank you very much in advance Thomas!!! If you need any additional information here I am, the truth is that I was overwhelmed because that was my only money (the one that stayed in the account) and I am very displeased with the treatment they have given me when I have always been a good client.
claro tomas tengo reswpuestas para cada unba de tus preguntas
1 yo he sido jugador de ese casino practicamente hara casi un año o mas y me la cerraron ayer justo en cuanto estaba hablando con un agente sonbre los documentos que proporcione.
2 no me respondia la chica y u le di a actualizar la pagina y me puso quie mi cuenta habia sido desactivada por la cara
3 jugue ruleta y tragaperras como los juegos estos que te salen simbolitos y te dan si coinciden quye tambien compre bonos instantaneos y alomojor algun otro de esos pero del estilo.
4 yo ya no pido bonos no sale rentable y en este caso reitero que acumule todo el saldo sin ningun bono como lo suelo hacer siempre
5 me han denegado el extracto y todas las capturas que e enviado de mi banco, les mande la targeta que me la aceptaron, un comprobante de titularidad que tambien me lo aceptaron y solo faltaba el justficante de pago que tambien se lo estaba mandando y era este ultimo el que me estaban poniendo pegas de todo tipo y por lo cual contacte con ellos y les dije que ya no sabia que hacer mas para retirar mi dinero ya que e ido hasta al banco presencialmente y me dijeron que lo que hacen ellos lo pouedo hacer yo con mi app del banco en el ordenador y saque capturas del pago que me pedian a la hora que me pedian, y se las mande que han sido posteriormente rechazadas por eso pregunte con toda amabilidad y de una a otra actualizo y me habian cerrado la cuenta por la cara.
Muchas gracias de antemano Tomas!!! si necesitas cualquier informacion adicional aqui estoy, la verdad que encolmado porque ese era mi unico dinero ( el que se a quedado en la cuenta) y muy desagradado con el trato que me han dado cuando yo e sido siempre un buen cliente.
Ažuriranje: Obavešten sam da su otvorili moj nalog samo sa svrhom povlačenja i zatvaranja naloga. nešto što me ne zanima dok primam beneficije, ali sada sam zatražio povlačenje i ponovo me traže dokument o depozitu, poslao sam im onaj od drugog dana takođe za slučaj da sam pogrešio na dana i čekam odgovor od vas, ali poslao sam im mnogo dokumenata od dana kada su me pitali, za slučaj da sutra i ja idem drugi put u banku u slučaju da nema odgovora ili od mene traže nešto što je već nemoguće dobiti osim ako ne razgovaram sa menadžerom iz banke i ako mi se posreći, ne prosledim dokument digitalno, ali se nadam da će me sa onim što im pošaljem odobriti i da mogu povući. Hvala, Tom, ostani u kontaktu...
Update: I have been informed that they have opened my account with the purpose of only making the withdrawal and closing the account. something that I don't care about as long as I receive my benefits, but now I have requested the withdrawal and they ask me again for the deposit document, I sent them the one from another day also just in case I made a mistake on the day and I am waiting for a response from you , but I have sent them many documents from the day they have asked me, just in case tomorrow I am also going to go to the bank for the 2nd time in case there is no answer or they ask me for something that is already impossible to obtain unless I speak with a manager from the bank and pass me the document digitally if I'm lucky but I hope that with what I send them they will approve me and I can withdraw. Thanks, Tom, keep in touch...
Actualizacion: me han comunicado que me han habierto la cuenta con el proposito de solo efectuiar la retirada y cerrarme la cuenta,. cosa que no me importa mientras reciba mis beneficios, pero ahora e solicitado la retirada y me vuelven a pedir el documentgo de deposito, les e mandao el de otro dia tambien porsiacaso me equivoque de dia y estoy a la espera de una respuesta por su parte, pero les e mandado muchos documentos de el dia que me han pedido, por si acaso mañana tambien voy a ir al banco por 2da vez por si no hay respuesta o me piden algo que ya es impoosible de conseguir ano ser que hable con un gerente del banco y me pase el documento digitalmente si esque tengo suerte pero espero que con lo que les e mandao me aprueben y pueda retirar. Gracias tomas seguimos en contacto....
Ažuriraj, prihvatili su moje povlačenje ali sam ušao na račun i video sam da ima isto stanje, uneo sam svoj bankovni račun i isto i ponovo napravio povlačenje i oni su ga poništili, sada i ponovo sam to uradio sigurno hoću Otkažu ga bez razloga kada imam e-poštu da moram da podignem tačno metodom kreditne kartice, ali mi kažu da banka izdavatelj nije prihvatila. Stalno ti govorim Tomaše!
Update, they have accepted my withdrawal but I entered the account and I saw that it had the same balance, I entered my bank account and the same and made the withdrawal again and they canceled it, now and I have done it again surely I will They cancel it for no reason when I have the email that I have to withdraw exactly with the credit card method but they tell me that the issuing bank has not accepted. I keep telling you Tomas!
Actualizacion,me han aceptado el retiro pero e entrado a la cuenta y e visto que tenia el mismo saldo, entre a la de mi banco e igual y efectue otra vez la retirada y me la han cancelado, ahora e vuelto a hacerla otra vez seguramente me la cancelen por ningun motivo cuando tengo el email de que tengo que sacar exactamente con metodo de targeta de credito pero me ponen que el banco emisor no a aceptado. Sigo contandote Tomas!
Ažuriranje: ne daju mi da podignem sa kartice. Probao sam bar 88 puta. Upravo sam probao drugi metod bankovnog transfera ako ga odbiju, ne mogu više da uradim, igrali bi se sa mnom, ionako sutra imam termin sa višim menadžerom banke da vidi koje mere postoje šta i da se popije
Update: they won't let me withdraw with a card I tried it 88 times at least I just tried another bank transfer method if they reject it I can't do much more they would be playing with me, anyway tomorrow I have an appointment with the senior manager of the bank to see what measures there are what to drink too
Actualizacion: no me dejan retirar con targeta lo intente 88 veces almenos acabo de probart con otro metodo de tranferencia bancaria si me lo rechazan ya no puedo hacer mucho mas estarian jugando conmigo, igualmente mañamna tengo cita con la gerente superior del banco haber que medidas hay que tomar tambien.
Ažuriranje, funkcije ćaskanja su onemogućene na svim mojim uređajima tako da ne mogu da pitam ili dobijem pomoć >::
Update, chat features have been disabled on all my devices so I can't ask or get help >::
Actualizacion, me desactivaron nlas funciones de chat en todos mis dispositivos, asi no puedo preguntar ni obtener ayuda >::
Hvala na detaljnom objašnjenju. Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora.
Da li ste se ranije povukli iz kazina koristeći isti način plaćanja?
Možete li mi poslati relevantnu komunikaciju koju ste imali sa kazinom u vezi sa ovim problemom? Pošaljite mi je na e-mail na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk
Čekaću tvoju poruku.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I apologize for the late reply.
Did you previously withdraw from the casino using the same payment method?
Could you please send me the relevant communication you had with the casino regarding the issue? Please send it to my email at tomas@casino.guru
I'll await your message.
Dear Fabianlove00,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Consequently, we are unable to investigate further and have no choice but to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint at any time.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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