Dragi Casino Guru predstavniku i poštovani Booiaka28,
Zbog složenosti istrage, ona je bila duga, dugotrajna i veoma sofisticirana.
Istovremeno, treba izričito da naglasimo da nije bilo namerno odugovlačenja razmatranja ovog slučaja ili nanošenja štete igraču, jer cenimo naše klijente i uvek nastojimo da pružimo najbolju moguću uslugu. I pored svih izazova, uspeli smo da dođemo do suštine ovog slučaja.
Dragi Casino Guru predstavniku, pitali ste nas:
1) „Zašto je kazino Boomerang tako dugo tvrdio da opklade nisu prihvaćene, i zašto je bilo potrebno 7 meseci da se pojavi verzija u kojoj se navodi da opklade nisu donele nikakav dobitak"?
Odgovor pre svega leži u složenosti ovog slučaja. U ovom slučaju, bilo je nekoliko faktora koji su značajno komplikovali proces istrage:
a) Igrač je napravio veliki broj opklada. Na primer, na dan kada je napravljena jedna od spornih opklada, igrač je stavio više od 30 opklada (sličnog iznosa), ne uključujući druge opklade;
b) Zbog strukture naše kompanije, veliki broj menadžera iz različitih timova je uključen u sprovođenje ovakvih istraga;
c) Igrač je uputio brojne zahteve službi podrške u vezi sa spornim opkladama, posebno zahtevajući preispitivanje najmanje 16 rundi: U početku su naši menadžeri mislili da je diskusija bila o različitim opkladama (najverovatnije je greška bila vezana za vremenske zone, tj. sećamo se, igrač je napravio više od jedne slične opklade).
Shodno tome, menadžeri su zatražili izveštaj od provajdera igre o pogrešnim opkladama, i stoga su dobili pogrešan odgovor, a zatim su morali da ga ponovo provere.
Dakle, na osnovu svega navedenog, došlo je do situacije koja trenutno postoji. Čim je ovaj problem stigao do menadžmenta, u njegovo rešavanje su se uključili novi pojedinci, koji su identifikovali netačnosti i na kraju pružili potpune i tačne informacije o tome šta se dogodilo, potkrepljene izveštajem provajdera igara Evolution.
Druga stvar se odnosi na jedan od faktora koji je takođe imao negativnu ulogu u utvrđivanju istine u ovom slučaju i usko je povezana sa pitanjem koje ste nam postavili. Igrač je dao snimke ekrana koji, po njihovom mišljenju, potvrđuju njihovu pobedu. Ovaj faktor je takođe usko povezan sa odgovorom na vaše drugo pitanje.
2) „Zašto je Booiaka28 video pobednički ekran?"
Što se tiče ovog pitanja, ne možemo govoriti u ime igrača Booiaka28 i zašto su videli pobednički ekran. Nakon temeljnog i sveobuhvatnog ispitivanja ovog pitanja, pored sprovođenja sopstvene istrage, zatražili smo izveštaj od provajdera igre, koji jasno i nedvosmisleno pokazuje da igrač nije imao dobitne opklade. Sve ukazuje da, u stvari, nije bilo pobeda na spornim opkladama, osim snimaka ekrana koje je dao igrač Booiaka28. Nismo uspeli da pronađemo nijedan drugi dokaz koji bi podržao ovu tvrdnju, jer jednostavno ne postoji.
Uzgred, dozvoljavamo vam da delite izveštaj od provajdera igara Evolution, koji smo vam nedavno poslali, sa igračem Booiaka28, tako da igrač može sam da ga proveri. Štaviše, postoji nekoliko nejasnih aspekata u samim snimcima ekrana, konkretno, snimci ekrana ne pokazuju o kojoj igrici se radi i uopšte nema traga da se naš brend pominje.
Stoga imamo jake i razumne sumnje u autentičnost ovih snimaka ekrana.
3) „Zašto je kazino Bumerang ručno vratio svoje depozite?"
Što se tiče toga zašto je Bumerang kazino ručno vratio njegove depozite, u stvarnosti su iznosi opklada vraćeni igraču kao rezultat niza akcija naših zaposlenih koje su imale za cilj da udovolje zahtevu igrača. U idealnom slučaju, igrač bi trebao da nam vrati iznos izgubljenih opklada. Međutim, razumemo da je istraga bila produžena i da je bilo nekih oprečnih podataka sa naše strane. Stoga iznose ovih opklada ostavljamo igraču kao gest dobre volje.
Verujemo da smo u ovom trenutku učinili sve što je bilo moguće sa naše strane da obezbedimo da ovo pitanje bude pravedno rešeno. Dalje izjavljujemo da ćemo ubuduće činiti sve što možemo da sprečimo da se ovakve situacije ponove!
Dear Casino Guru representative and Dear Booyaka28,
Due to the complexity of the investigation, it was lengthy, protracted, and very sophisticated.
At the same time, we should explicitly emphasize there was no intentionally delay the review of this case or to harm the player, as we value our clients and always strive to provide the best service possible. Despite all the challenges, we’ve managed to get to the essence of this case.
Dear Casino Guru representative, you asked us:
1) "Why did Boomerang casino maintain for such a long time that the bets weren’t accepted, and why did it take 7 months for the version stating that the bets didn’t yield any winnings to come forward"?
The answer primarily lies in the complexity of this case. In this instance, there were several factors that significantly complicated the investigation process:
a) The player made a vast number of bets. For example, on the day one of the disputed bets was made, the player placed more than 30 bets (of a similar amount), not including other bets;
b) Due to the structure of our company, a large number of managers from different teams are involved in conducting such investigations;
c) The player made numerous requests to the support service regarding the disputed bets, specifically requesting the review at least of 16 rounds: Initially, our managers thought that the discussion was about different bets (most likely the error was related to time zones, as we remember, the player made more than one similar bet).
Consequently, the managers requested a report from the game provider on the wrong bets, and therefore received the wrong response, and then needed to check it again.
Therefore, based on all of the above, the situation that currently exists came to be. As soon as this problem reached the management, new individuals were involved in resolving it, who identified inaccuracies and ultimately provided complete and accurate information about what happened, supported by a report from the game provider Evolution.
Another point relates to one of the factors that also played a negative role in establishing the truth in this case, and is closely linked to the question you asked us. The player provided screenshots which, in their opinion, confirm their win. This factor also closely related to the answer to your second question.
2) "Why did Booyaka28 see the winning screen?"
Regarding this question, we cannot speak for player Booyaka28 and why they saw the winning screen. After a thorough and comprehensive examination of this issue, in addition to conducting our own investigation, we requested a report from the game provider, which clearly and unequivocally shows that the player had no winning bets. Everything indicates that, in fact, there were no wins on the disputed bets, apart from the screenshots provided by player Booyaka28. We were unable to find any other evidence to support this claim, as it simply does not exist.
By the way, we allow you to share the report from the game provider Evolution, which we recently sent to you, with player Booyaka28, so the player can check it himself. Moreover, there are several unclear aspects in the screenshots themselves, specifically, the screenshots do not show which game it is and there are no sign of the mentions of our brand at all.
Therefore, we have strong and reasonable doubts about the authenticity of these screenshots.
3) "Why did Boomerang casino manually return his deposits?"
As for why Boomerang casino manually returned his deposits, in reality, the amounts of the bets were returned to the player as a result of a series of actions by our employees which were aimed at satisfying the player’s request. Ideally, the player should have to return to us the amount of the losing bets. However, we understand that the investigation was prolonged and there were some conflicting data from our side. Therefore, we leave the amounts of these bets with the player as a gesture of goodwill.
We believe that at this point, we have done everything possible on our part to ensure that this matter was resolved fairly. Further declare that, in the future, we will do everything we can to prevent such situations from happening again!
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