Moj nalog u ovom kazinu je zatvoren nakon što sam ostvario pobedu. Kada sam pokušao da se prijavim, pojavila se poruka da sam prekršio njihove uslove i odredbe, ali ne razumem kako je to moguće pošto nisam uradio ništa loše.
Tvrdili su da imaju dokaze da se mojim nalogom sistematski upravlja sa drugim računima, ali ja nemam nijedan drugi nalog. Verujem da je ovo greška ili da možda pokušavaju da me prevare. Jednostavno nema drugog objašnjenja.
Tražim vašu pomoć u povraćaju mojih sredstava, a takođe bih želeo da mi dostave dokaze koje su pomenuli koji pokazuju da sam prekršio uslove, kako oni tvrde da ih imaju.
My account at this casino was closed after I made a win. When I tried to log in, a message appeared saying I had violated their terms and conditions, but I don’t understand how that’s possible since I haven’t done anything wrong.
They claimed to have evidence that my account is being operated systematically with other accounts, but I don’t have any other account. I believe this is a mistake or that they might be trying to scam me. There’s simply no other explanation.
I am requesting your help in retrieving my funds, and I would also like them to provide the evidence they mentioned showing that I violated the terms, as they claim to have it.
Thank you
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