Dragi Jozefe,
Da li je moguće da se niste u potpunosti posvetili ovom pitanju? Odgovori stižu prilično kasno. Da ste pogledali video i pročitali dokumente koje sam vam poslao putem e-pošte, videli biste da prilikom registracije morate navesti njihov datum rođenja. Nije moguće promeniti datum rođenja kasnije. Definitivno sam svaki put uneo tačan datum rođenja. Iskreno, iznenađuje me tvoja izjava da se može uneti datum rođenja nakon registracije, jer je to netačno – to se može uraditi samo prilikom registracije. Štaviše, u svim drugim kazinima i partnerskim kockarnicama nije moguće registrovati se sa drugom e-poštom i drugim telefonskim brojem, već sa potpuno istim podacima, jer sistem odmah prepoznaje da je neko sam sebe isključio. Svi moji podaci su bili tačni, osim mog broja telefona i moje adrese e-pošte. Nikada nisam uneo drugačiji datum rođenja. I nisam se upuštao ni u kakve manipulacije. Štaviše, video snimak treba da pokaže da se ne radi o korišćenju posebnih trikova i manipulacija za registraciju. Kazino tvrdi da bih morao da koristim posebne trikove.
Nema zaštite igrača ako je moguća registracija sa drugim telefonskim brojem i e-poštom. Ove dve informacije mogu se promeniti u bilo kom trenutku. Tada sam mogao da deponujem i igram veoma, veoma često. Dok se drugi put ponovo nisam isključio uz napomenu da sam zavisnik od kockanja i da sam se već isključio.
Kazina na mreži su po zakonu obavezna da zaštite igrače koji su se samoisključili zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, obezbeđujući da se ovi igrači ne mogu ponovo registrovati koristeći izmenjene lične podatke. Dozvoljavanje samoisključenom igraču da se ponovo kocka može se posmatrati kao neuspeh u zaštiti igrača, što ukazuje na nedostatke u identifikacionim sistemima kazina ili neadekvatnu primenu samoisključenja.
Ako kazino dozvoli samoisključenom igraču da se ponovo registruje i kocka, to bi se moglo smatrati neuspehom kazina da ispuni svoje obaveze zaštite igrača. To bi moglo ukazivati na slabosti u njihovim sistemima identifikacije igrača ili nedostatak dovoljnih mera da se osigura usklađenost sa zahtevima za samoisključivanje.
Konkretne pravne posledice ili odgovornost kazina mogu se razlikovati, ali kao igrač koji je pretrpeo štetu uprkos samoisključenju zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, imam pravo da podnesem žalbe regulatornim organima i pokrenem sudski postupak protiv kazina. Ovo je posebno primenjivo ako je neuspeh kazina doveo do moje finansijske ili emocionalne štete.
U mom slučaju, jasno je i nedvosmisleno da je kazino propao tako što je dozvolio nekome ko je zavisnik od kockanja kao što sam ja da se ponovo kocka. To se desilo sa tačnim i relevantnim podacima, tako da zaista nema osnova za diskusiju. Da sam naveo lažno ime ili datum rođenja, moglo bi se raspravljati. Ali čak i tada, bila bi dužnost kazina da dokaže takva neslaganja. Definitivno sam tačno dao sve svoje podatke. Ako Kešvin sada tvrdi da to nije bio slučaj, iako to nikada ranije nije saopšteno, oni su dužni da to dokažu. Štaviše, oni moraju da pokažu da moj datum rođenja nisu retroaktivno promenili da bi rešili stvar u svoju korist i protiv mene. Ako bi Kešvin izneo takvu tvrdnju, sumnjao bih da su naknadno promenili detalje. Tvrdnje kazina da je teško ponovo se registrovati i da su potrebni posebni trikovi opovrgnuta je mojim iskustvom. Ovu izjavu sam opovrgnuo. Bilo bi bolje da su za ponovnu registraciju zaista bili potrebni posebni trikovi, jer tada više nikada ne bih mogao da se prijavim i da imam dalje gubitke.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Józef,
Could it be that you haven't fully devoted yourself to the issue? The responses are coming quite late. If you had watched the video and read through the documents I sent you via email, you would see that one must specify their birthdate at the time of registration. It's not possible to alter the birthdate afterwards. I have definitely entered my correct birthdate every time. Honestly, your statement that one can enter their birthdate post-registration surprises me, as that is incorrect—it can only be done during registration. Furthermore, at all other casinos and partner casinos, it is not possible to register with a different email and a different phone number but otherwise exactly the same data, because the system immediately recognizes that one has excluded themselves. All my details were correct, except for my phone number and my email address. I have never entered a different birthdate. And I have not engaged in any manipulations. Moreover, the video is meant to show that it's not about using special tricks and manipulations to register. The casino claims that I would have to use special tricks.
There is no player protection if registration with a different phone number and email is possible. These two pieces of information can change at any time. I was then able to deposit and play very, very often. Until I excluded myself again the second time with the note that I have a gambling addiction and had already excluded myself.
Online Casinos are required by law to protect players who have self-excluded due to gambling addiction, ensuring these players cannot re-register using altered personal information. Allowing a self-excluded player to gamble again can be seen as a failure to protect players, suggesting flaws in the casino's identification systems or inadequate enforcement of self-exclusion.
If a casino allows a self-excluded player to re-register and gamble, this could be seen as a failure on the part of the casino to fulfill its obligations to protect players. It could indicate weaknesses in their player identification systems or a lack of sufficient measures to ensure compliance with self-exclusion requests.
The specific legal consequences or the casino's liability may vary, but as a player who has suffered harm despite self-exclusion due to gambling addiction, I have the right to file complaints with regulatory authorities and initiate legal action against the casino. This is particularly applicable if the casino's failure has led to my financial or emotional harm.
In my case, it's clear and unequivocal that the casino failed by allowing someone with a gambling addiction like myself to gamble again. This happened with correct and relevant data, so there really is no basis for discussion. Had I provided a false name or birth date, one might argue. But even then, it would be the casino's duty to prove such discrepancies. I definitely provided all my information correctly. If Cashwin now claims this was not the case, even though this was never communicated before, they are obliged to prove it. Furthermore, they need to demonstrate that my birth date was not retroactively changed by them to decide the matter in their favor and against me. Should Cashwin come up with such a claim, I would suspect that they have altered the details after the fact. The casino's claim that it's difficult to re-register and that one needs special tricks was disproven by my experience. This statement was refuted by me. It would have been better if special tricks were indeed required for re-registration, as then I would never have been able to sign up again and incur further losses.
Best regards,
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