Ovaj kazino izaziva probleme sa isplatama; NAMERNO ODLAGAVAJU isplatu da bih ja prokockao novac. Jednom sam ih čekao mesec dana i na kraju sam izgubio novac. Ovog puta, to se neće desiti. Sramotna politika kazina koju je Casino Guru ocenio sa 9,8/10.
Dakle, da pređemo na slučaj... Igrao sam sa pravim novcem i zaradio. Zatražio sam povlačenje putem kriptovalute, što obično traje 24 sata. Međutim, oni to odlažu danima. Tada sam primio e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da je moje povlačenje otkazano zbog sistemske greške i da treba ponovo da zatražim povlačenje. Uradio sam to i rekli su da će isplata biti obrađena sa PRIORITETOM.
Kontaktirao sam ih i rekli su mi da će to trajati 3 sata, ili najviše 24 sata...
Prošlo je 15 dana. Moj račun je verifikovan, i ranije sam podizao novac, ali poslednji put i sada rade sumnjive stvari.
This casino is causing problems with withdrawals; they are DELIBERATELY DELAYING the payout so that I would gamble the money away. Once, I waited for them for a month, and in the end, I did lose the money. This time, that won’t happen. Shameful policy from a casino rated 9.8/10 by Casino Guru.
So, let’s get to the case... I was playing with real money and made a profit. I requested a withdrawal via crypto, which usually takes 24 hours. However, they’ve been delaying it for days. Then I received an email stating that my withdrawal was canceled due to a system error and that I should request the withdrawal again. I did that, and they said the payout would be processed with PRIORITY.
I contacted them, and they told me it would take 3 hours, or at most 24 hours...
It has been 15 days. My account is verified, and I’ve withdrawn money before, but the last time and now, they are doing shady things.
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