Dragi Tomaše i nesposobni da jedemo,
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovaj slučaj!
Pregledali smo slučaj i igračeve igračke aktivnosti sa našim relevantnim odeljenjem i želeli bismo da potvrdimo da je pronađena aktivnost igranja koja je u suprotnosti sa odredbama i uslovima bonusa.
Štaviše, igrač je zatražio DBETVEL125 bonus (iznos od 25€). Dok je u bonus kampanji, unabletoeattherice igrao je uglavnom slot igre, uključujući i pomenutu igru - Fishin Frenzi Prize Lines. Opklade koje je igrač napravio u bonus kampanji bile su od 0,10€ do 3,01€.
Prema odredbama i uslovima bonusa, postoji ograničena tačka igre koja kaže „Postavljanje opklada na iznose veće od 12 € (ili ekvivalentno € u drugoj valuti) ili 5% datog bonusa, u zavisnosti od toga šta je niže".
U ovom slučaju, s obzirom da je primljeni bonus bio 25€, ulozi igrača ne bi trebalo da pređu 1,25€. Kao što vidite gore, i kao što je igrač već potvrdio, oni su postavili opklade sa većim ulogom zbog mogućnosti u igri koja vam omogućava da povećate svoju šansu za pobedu povećanjem svog uloga.
Zbog kršenja Uslova i odredbi bonusa, svi dobici koje je igrač stekao tokom bonus kampanje su poništeni, a sve ove informacije je igraču već pružila i objasnila naša Služba za korisničku podršku.
Imajte na umu da je zbog tekuće istrage ovog slučaja, igračev nalog za igru zatvoren, samo kako bismo bili sigurni da neće doći do nesporazuma ili netačnosti. Trenutno je njihov nalog potpuno aktivan i dostupan.
Takođe, imajte na umu da su samo dobici od bonusa poništeni, a deponovana sredstva korišćena za aktiviranje bonus kampanje su vraćena na igračev račun za igru. Kasnije, igrač je uspešno povukao raspoloživi saldo.
Nadamo se da će ovo dodatno razjasniti pitanje.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dachbet Kazino tim
Dear Tomas and unabletoeattherice,
Thank you for bringing this case to our attention!
We have reviewed the case and the Player's gaming activity with our relevant department and would like to confirm that a gameplay activity in conflict with the Bonus Terms and Conditions was found.
Moreover, the Player claimed DBETWEL125 bonus (amount of 25€). While in the bonus campaign, unabletoeattherice played mainly slot games, including the mentioned game - Fishin Frenzy Prize Lines. The bets made by the player, while in the bonus campaign were from 0.10€ to 3.01€.
According to the Terms and Conditions of the bonus, there's a restricted gameplay point that states "Placing bets of amounts higher than €12 (or equivalent to € in other currency) or 5% of the given bonus, whichever is lower".
In this case, considering that the bonus received was 25€, the player's bet stakes should not exceed 1.25€. As you can see above, and as the Player already confirmed, they have placed bets with a higher stake due to a possibility in a game that allows you to increase your chance to win by raising your bet stake.
Due to the breach of the Bonus Terms and Conditions, all winnings acquired by the Player while in the bonus campaign were voided, and all of this information was already provided and explained to the Player by our Customer Support Service.
Please note that due to the ongoing investigation of this case, Player's gaming account was closed, just to make sure that no misunderstandings or inaccuracies will take place. Currently, their account is fully active and available.
Also, keep in mind that only the winnings from the bonus were voided, and the deposited funds used for activating the bonus campaign were returned to the Player's gaming account. On a later date, the Player successfully withdrew the available balance.
We hope that this will further clarify the issue.
Best Regards,
Dachbet Casino Team
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