NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaKomunikacija sa Antilefonom nv 8048 / jaz

Komunikacija sa Antilefonom nv 8048 / jaz (strana 3)

 od Rubbe666
66.839 pregleda 156 odgovora |
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Hello Pablo.

Thank you very much for sharing your detailed research with us. As we have already discussed in other threads in the forum, I would highly recommend you to stick with the licensing authority. Searching or contacting possible persons from the casino on their personal channels (also sharing their photos) may not help your case, but even the opposite. Of course, it may be the responsible person from the casino, but it may be a family member with the same name or even a completely different person.

Please, contact me know if you have any questions.

Sve informacije koje dijelim su javne i dostupne na internetu. Ne iznosim nikakve optužbe, samo prikupljam informacije koje su, kao što sam rekao, već dostupne na javnim kanalima.

To je ista osoba. U to nema sumnje, jer kao što sam rekao, u zvaničnom mejlu kompanije mi je poslat Skype ko je za to zvanično odgovoran. Taj Skype je " vivian.v.ersilia " i fotografija koja se koristi u Skype profilu je ista fotografija koja se koristi na ličnom Facebook-u.

Dakle, profili pripadaju istoj osobi. Osim ako je neko zloupotrebio Facebook sliku Vivian Ersilia za kreiranje Skypea. Ali u ovom slučaju nisam ja taj koji čini nedozvoljeno. Moje pravo je da detaljno istražujem ovu priču, svako pristojno zakonodavstvo bilo gdje u svijetu garantuje to pravo.

Što se tiče kontaktiranja Antilephonea, već sam vam odgovorio u drugoj temi, trebat će mi više vremena da uložim žalbu jer sada Burningbet kazino stvara još jednu prepreku osim jednostavnog ograničenja i morat ću dodati još argumenata u svoju žalbu.

Cijenim svu pomoć i interesovanje koje ste pokazali za slučaj. Bez sumnje je Casinoguru važan za igrače u situaciji poput moje.

Automatski prevedeno:

By the way, have you submitted a complaint regarding this or is it another case and a casino?

Hi, Like others I have problems to have a reply from Antillephone... Its been week and no reply from the casino, and nothing from Antillephone and I also tried the company Emoore on their website... nothing..

Can someone help me, its for a mountberg casino : evolve

Thanks a lot


Unfortunately this may take weeks until you get any reply from them. It's not a good licensing authority when it comes to dealing with player complaints according to my experience 😕

Thank you



for what, I'm wondering? 🙂

Do you have any experience with this licensing authority too?

Others than, any idea if facing problem with casino sublicense under Antillephone N.V. ?

I've 1 open cases sublicense under 8048/JAZ. right now:

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: complaint link added

Hello there.

Sadly, Antillephone is not well-known for its ability to respond to players' issues.

If you insert "Antillephone" into the forum search bar, you can see a lot of results and read all posts found for yourself.:


such as:


Ima li neko iskustva sa mnom Sportaza sportsko klađenje i kazino??

Uplatio sam €200 + dobio €200 bonusa za sportsko klađenje!! Zasada je dobro !!

Kada sam počeo da igram, preokrenuo sam se za par sati i imao oko 5500€ dobitaka za isplatu!!

Sada vidim da mi je nalog blokiran radi verifikacije!! Kakav apsurdan razlog!!

Ovaj kazino/sportska kladionica je također iz Antilephone Curaçao i zato tražim pomoć ovdje....Mislim da je to prevara!!!

Kako da dobijem svoj profit!??🙈🙈

Hvala unapred svima!

Automatski prevedeno:


I think that you should stay calm. This casino is not a scam, even if we found some rules not so fair - check it for yourself here.

Be assured that the account verification is quite normal and must be done in order to approve the withdrawal. The casino must be sure that it was you depositing and playing.

Try to cooperate.


Contact xcm corporate


Hi, I talk and my lawyer talk with Christopher and he did nothing. But since we found so much about them, Mountberg, gammix and igaming that it will change the casino world of Malta and curaçao...

Shit casino don't play I was fully verified and tried to withdraw my $600 they decided to disable my account for no reason . No rules where broken played through my bonus etc and now can't log Into my account


which one ?

You can open a complaint here on casino guru and they can help you

Izmenjeno od Magda
Razlog: CG link added

I didn't find their licence... is it curaçao ? malta ?

I don't no what u mean


do you know what gaming licence they have ?

Just found out they may not have one


Yes, cause I couldn't find the licence or any logo about it on their website

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