NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaKomunikacija sa Antilefonom nv 8048 / jaz

Komunikacija sa Antilefonom nv 8048 / jaz (strana 2)

 od Rubbe666
66.905 pregleda 156 odgovora |
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Kazino mi je danas platio svih 1750 eura. Tako da je intervencija predstavnika EM grupe bila odlučujuća za razliku od Antilephonea koji nije mario od početka.


Automatski prevedeno:


I'm quite surprised in a positive way! 🙂

If I got it correctly, somebody from Antilephone simply added this email: as a new "copy" recipient so you were able to approach EM Group directly - on your own, am I correct at this point?

I wonder whether we will notice more positive experiences with this EM Group in the future.


Imao sam problem sa, koji je također reguliran Antilephone nv 8048/jaz.

Odlučio sam da kontaktiram, da vidim da li mi mogu pomoći, ali nisam mogao poslati poruku, mislim da njihova e-mail adresa ne prihvata mejlove koje šalje servis koji koristim (Tutanota).

Otišao sam na i poslao poruku direktno Cindy Drommond u odjeljku za kontakte na stranici. Za manje od sat vremena dobio sam odgovor. Ali u mom slučaju oni ne mogu pomoći.

Ovdje ću reproducirati dva e-maila koje sam dobio od Cindy Drommond:

Prvi e-mail

„Poštovani gospodine Muller,

Hvala vam na e-mail. Možemo pomoći samo u slučaju da kazino upravljamo mi. Kako nisam vidio naziv web stranice/kazina, javite mi kako bih mogao provjeriti da li je ovo jedan od kazina u kojem mogu pomoći ili vam mogu dati ime generalnog direktora, u u slučaju da im možete podnijeti žalbu."

Drugi e-mail

"Dragi gospodine,

Ovim kazinom upravlja: (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV

Nažalost, nemam dostupnih podataka za vas, ali možda će vam Google pretraga pomoći dalje, sada znate ko je generalni direktor.

Srdačni pozdravi,"


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Pablohenriques,

thank you for sharing.

It's a pity. On the other hand, it does make sense, I'm afraid. If the casino is registered elsewhere, they can't participate in the complaint. 

Although the almost immediate answer is still very promising.

I still think this company will prove useful in time.

Anyway, how did your problem with end?


Biće beskorisno, ali da li ste kojim slučajem već poslali žalbu i na

Automatski prevedeno:

Da, tačno, ne znam da li je ovaj primalac kopije unet dobrovoljno ili ne jer je u prethodnim e-mailovima Antilephonea bilo i drugih primalaca kopija (na primjer Willemstad shopping centar u Curacau) koji očigledno nisu imali nikakve veze s tim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Biće beskorisno, ali da li ste kojim slučajem već poslali žalbu i na

Automatski prevedeno:

Uradio sam istu stvar i ti. Poslao sam nejasnu poruku, bez objašnjenja da se radi o žalbi, na

Brzo mi je odgovoreno. Ali ono što mi je privuklo pažnju je da odgovor nije stigao na službeni mejl, već na alternativni mejl "".


Automatski prevedeno:

Da, tačno, ne znam da li je ovaj primalac kopije unet dobrovoljno ili ne jer je u prethodnim e-mailovima Antilephonea bilo i drugih primalaca kopija (na primjer Willemstad shopping centar u Curacau) koji očigledno nisu imali nikakve veze s tim.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's kind of strange to me I must say 😀.

Anyway, according to the other post from Pablohenriques this company reacts promptly and it seems they care even if they can't get involved.

Hello Pablohenriques,

thank you for sharing.

It's a pity. On the other hand, it does make sense, I'm afraid. If the casino is registered elsewhere, they can't participate in the complaint. 

Although the almost immediate answer is still very promising.

I still think this company will prove useful in time.

Anyway, how did your problem with end?

Moj problem još nije gotov, daleko je od kraja. A kako stvari idu, ne bih se kladio da će za mene imati sretan kraj hahahaha.

Nažalost, to je bonus saldo, a ne moj pravi saldo, tako da sam opušteniji. Ali čak i tako, to je vrijednost koju sam zaradio u okviru pravila i imam pravo da je dobijem, tako da ću se truditi koliko god mogu.

Napravit ću još jednu temu za diskusiju ovdje na forumu o izvještavanju korak po korak. Možda mi neko može pomoći. A to može pomoći i drugim ljudima koji će se suočiti sa sličnim problemima u budućnosti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Uradio sam istu stvar i ti. Poslao sam nejasnu poruku, bez objašnjenja da se radi o žalbi, na

Brzo mi je odgovoreno. Ali ono što mi je privuklo pažnju je da odgovor nije stigao na službeni mejl, već na alternativni mejl "".


Automatski prevedeno:


the @protonmail now?

If I run a licensing company I would not dare to use the Gmail or the yahoo domain as well as protonmail. 😀

Please let us know when you receive some other reply as well. I'm getting curious.


the @protonmail now?

If I run a licensing company I would not dare to use the Gmail or the yahoo domain as well as protonmail. 😀

Please let us know when you receive some other reply as well. I'm getting curious.

To je ono što sam mislio.

Ozbiljna kompanija, čija je misija da reguliše važnu ekonomsku oblast, koju delegira vladina agencija jedne nacije'; koristeći "protonmail" email ?????

Profesionalnost i ozbiljnost nisu njihova jača strana.

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Automatski prevedeno:

Frankly, you may be right at this point.

Anyway, I think that the most important thing is if they can provide some kind of fair support to the players in need. Let's see what happens next.

Frankly, you may be right at this point.

Anyway, I think that the most important thing is if they can provide some kind of fair support to the players in need. Let's see what happens next.

My account has just been banned from I can't even log into my account...

They sent me an email saying that my account was banned because I broke article 3.29 of the betting rules.

I did a little research and found that right here at Casinoguru there is a case of a sports bettor who had won money with a bet and they used this excuse to ban his account and not pay him. (Remembering that Dozenspins and Burningbet are sites belonging to the same criminal group Altacore N.V).

They scoured my entire account looking for a SUPPOSED small mistake that could serve as a PRETEXT to ban my account from the site and AVOID PAYMENT.

I did some research on Burningbet and found that they are run by a company called Altacore NV, so far so good. But what I found out later is that this Altacore NV is managed by another company called (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV


Researching this (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV I discovered one swindle and rot after another...

Some example...

One of their sites has already been closed, called Forzza... It caused controversy in Holland.,sc

They are also behind the PIN UP BET website

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: complaint's link added

Frankly, you may be right at this point.

Anyway, I think that the most important thing is if they can provide some kind of fair support to the players in need. Let's see what happens next.

Osoba koja stoji iza ove kompanije (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV zove se VIVIAN VICTORIA ERSILIA


Ako pretražite na google-u to ime, naći ćete još pokvarenih.

Offshore kompanije u Panami...

Mutne veze sa nesolventnim kompanijama


Automatski prevedeno:

Frankly, you may be right at this point.

Anyway, I think that the most important thing is if they can provide some kind of fair support to the players in need. Let's see what happens next.

Kontaktirao sam Privrednu komoru Curaçaoa tražeći informacije o ovoj kompaniji i oni su mi poslali registrovani e-mail kompanije da kontaktiram...

Detalj, email od GMAIL

Ovom e-poštom, ovaj "Vivian protiv Ersilia" mi je odgovorio. Izbjegavajući odgovor koji nikuda nije vodio.

Ali zanimljivo je da je u e-poruci među kontakt informacijama bio vaš Skype Vivian.v.ersilia

Ova fina dama je lice iza desetina online kazina.


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Automatski prevedeno:

Ovo je Facebook profil Vivian V Ersilia.

Ako dobro pogledate, videćete da je jedna od fotografija na facebook-u ista kao kontakt na Skype-u.

A facebook profil nije lažan, legitiman je, ima nekoliko veza sa članovima porodice koji su stvarni ljudi...

Jednostavna dama koja živi u jednostavnoj kući, vjerovatno u predgrađu Willemstada

odgovoran je za kompaniju koja nekako upravlja sa stotinu onlajn kazina koji posluju širom sveta???????????????????????????????? ????????

file Avion

Automatski prevedeno:

Frankly, you may be right at this point.

Anyway, I think that the most important thing is if they can provide some kind of fair support to the players in need. Let's see what happens next.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

You've certainly done quite interesting progress there!

I will put this to the attention of Jozef.K, he deals with licenses and complaints so I think he might be interested in your development.

I also think he could provide some useful insights as well.


Hello Pablo.

Thank you very much for sharing your detailed research with us. As we have already discussed in other threads in the forum, I would highly recommend you to stick with the licensing authority. Searching or contacting possible persons from the casino on their personal channels (also sharing their photos) may not help your case, but even the opposite. Of course, it may be the responsible person from the casino, but it may be a family member with the same name or even a completely different person.

Please, contact me know if you have any questions.


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