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Kuickvin povlačenje nije uspelo

 od venuasiana
9.095 pregleda 53 odgovora |
1 23

Dobro jutro, već mesec dana pokušavam da podignem novac, a novac mi se uvek vraća na pravi novac, koristio sam podizanje i transfer kartice i nema rešenja, šta da radim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. I checked your complaint briefly, and I found this rather interesting:

"I know that my account does not need verification." May I know how so?

Honestly, I would expect that missing verification could probably block the withdrawal. The printscreen you provided may not be correct at all, because it also said "status unverified".

This is just a suggestion to me it seems weird, hence, I would prefer to be sure about the verification.

Have you asked the support or chat, perhaps?

I aim to help you out because I'm interested in this.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Dobar dan,

U mom slučaju to nije neophodno file

Automatski prevedeno:

As I said, this is not a 100% assurance to me. One reason is that his info contains a question mark instead of let's say a green thick or the word "approved".

But, it is not my place to assume now. I hope you're correct. I would personally ask the support. 🙂

I surely hope, the whole issue will be solved soon!

Pa jesam, a oni garantuju da to nije problem, ne znam kako mogu više

Automatski prevedeno:

I see - thank you for updating me. So, what is the real issue behind this situation, I wonder?

Try to be patient, please, I'm beginning to think we will need the casino's feedback on this. Such a situation usually takes some time to escalate further.

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

As far as I can see, we should get to the next stage of the complaint in less than two days. If I may guess, your complaint will be transferred to the specialist - this is a good thing, don't worry.

It just takes a bit of patience.

If you struggle or need anything, feel free to ask here - ok?🙏


I am in the same situation as you made my frist on the 10 of October it was cancelled on the 16th of October had to verify my account which is done and accepted. Made my second one onto the 17th of October which was cancelled on the 22nd October after and hour or to trying to get answer live chat was told to make bank transfer still no word


Oh, that's not good.

If I may remind you of venuasiana's complaint, it was closed as unresolved, but only because the player suddenly stopped responding. From my experience, this usually happens when the problem is solved without our intervention.

The way I see it, it has been 14 full days for you; hence, submitting a free complaint might help.

This guide should help you with the basics.

Are you interested in such a step?

Ažurirano od strane autora

Dobro veče... pa sam napravio depozit od 10 evra i osvojio 30 evra u bonus bonusu... nakon normalnog obrta iznosa bonusa koji zahteva kompanija, uspeo sam da osvojim 4 hiljade... napravio sam povlačenje zahtev od 500 evra i sutradan danas itd. blokirali su moje povlačenje i nulirali moj nalog...takođe ne odgovaraju na e-poštu ili ćaskanje.... klonite se prevaranta

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day to you!

Are you saying that the account has been closed without prior notice and that your active balance has been voided?

Without any kind of explanation?

It seems like the casino did its best to deal with you immediately. Yet the lack of explanation worries me.

Anyway, what was your last conversation with the casino about, please? Any issues?

I'd love to know why this happened.


Dobro veče...moj račun nije zatvoren...Uplatio sam depozit od 10 evra i osvojio 30 evra u bonus bonusu...posle mnogo sesija i dok se završio potreban obrt bonusa koji sam dobio, ja sam imao stvarno stanje na svom računu od 4.000 evra... Napravio sam zahtev za povlačenje od 500 evra kao što kazino preporučuje kao maksimalni dnevni iznos za povlačenje i moje povlačenje je odmah poništeno, dok je u isto vreme moje stanje smanjeno na nulu pod izgovor da je novac na koji imamo pravo prema uslovima kazina 5 puta veći od bonusa, tj. 150 evra..u razgovoru sa kazinom rekli su da koji god da dobijem nije važan i mogu da dobijem samo 150 evra...iako sam položio novac i ispunio sve svoje uslove, resetovali su mi račun tako ja želim...nisu odgovorili na mejl koji sam poslao...zaključci su vaši

Automatski prevedeno:

Geia sou. I do understand the casinos point here, actually. The maximum withdrawal from the bonus should be stated in its terms, always. Have you read those before playing with this bonus? What I don't understand here, is, why your balance was reduced to zero, though?🤔 Your balance should be 150, as that is the maximum withdrawal. Are you able to check in your account, whether they put the 150 there, please? Let us know abot any news regarding this issue.


Zdravo...pre svega nisam igrao samo bonus novac, igrao sam i svoj novac koji sam jest, napravio sam depozit od 10 evra i dobio bonus od četvrtina novca u koji se kladim je bi trebalo da bude i novac koji sam osvojio.. odnosno od 4 hiljade, 1 hiljada bi trebalo da bude moj... nema nigde takvih uslova.. da ti dam primer ako sam napravio depozit od 200 evra i osvojio bonus od 30 evra mogu li da podignem do 150 evra???..sranje

Automatski prevedeno:

Sorry, but I do not think that this is how it works, actually.🤷‍♀️ Every casino has their own bonus terms where they need to state what is the maximum withdrawal from that bonus. After it is only up to you, if you agree to take that bonus and follow those terms of it, or if you decide that it is not good enough, let's say. We always recommend to read the terms beforehand to prevent any future issues.


Žao mi je onih od vas koji misle da ovako funkcioniše...šta god da osvojite dobijate 150...stvarno ste smešni...

Automatski prevedeno:

If you play with a bonus to which the maximum cashout is applied, then it's exactly as Romi described. If it's your first time playing in a casino then I understand that you don't really understand it, but that's exactly how it works. You should always check the terms and conditions so you don't get surprised in these situations. 


Igrao sam u svim kockarnicama koje oglašavate da budem siguran... Nikada nisam imao takav problem... ako je to bio slučaj, neka novac bude u ostatku bonusa, a ne u isplatama

Automatski prevedeno:

Well every casino has their own bonus terms, so it is always wise to read those every time when you decide to play with a bonus. Unfortunately we can not decide for any casino in which way they should show the balance, and of course we believe that the best way is to keep it clear and always understandable for the players. If you are unsure of something, always try to ask the support.

1 23

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