N1 casino prevara? (strana 10)

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pre 2 nedelja

Poslao sam vam dokaz da sam vam poslao svoje transakcije na računu koje su istovremeno uplatile 580 evra sa iste kartice da li kazino može da dokaže da su izvršene na jednom nalogu i 13 lažnih?

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pre 2 nedelja

To me, it seems that for the complaint purposes, it was not actually proof. I'm certain it could be used properly otherwise. If I'm not mistaken, you're now saying that providing transactions associated with one account also proves there have not been 13 other accounts? The point is that the casino, on the other hand, provided links between all these accounts. You said that yourself:

"Only one account has been verified The other accounts have been made without any verification and wrong email and the same card was used in all accounts without the casino asking for any verification "

Frankly, you deliberately violated the basic rule. I'm sorry, but there is not much to add.

pre 2 nedelja

Kako se ista kartica može koristiti na više naloga? I kako je moguće registrovati nalog sa lažnim podacima bez ikakve provere?

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pre 2 nedelja

Let me explain.

The same explanation, based on the same principles, applies to both questions:

Obviously, any player can achieve that at casinos that offer only a swift registration process. Changing the very little required information is something an ordinary player would do. Don't you think?

As I'm sure you know, the verification upon quick registration is not a common practice. Counting on something you suggest instead of what you actively understand leads to these kinds of situations.

Both using the same card as well as registering multiple accounts is the players' sole decision, which the casino can't prevent. This is exactly the reason why almost every casino (aside from anonymous ones) clearly states both in their terms and conditions. Normally, when you confirm your registration, you also agree to the terms and conditions.

It is really very easy, though: Never create more than one account because using the same card for multiple accounts is probably not going to cause you any trouble at all - with a single account, right?

pre 1 nedelje

Ali kako se može koristiti na više naloga? Pošto je postojao nalog identifikovan sa mojim stvarnim podacima i karticom. Kako se kartica može ponovo koristiti na drugim računima sa lažnim podacima?

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pre 1 nedelje

Because there is no physical restriction which would actively block you when you use the same card on various accounts. The responsibility to follow the rules you previously agreed to is primarly yours to take. Please do not expect casinos to monitor all your actions to prevent you from breaking the rules.

Try to think about it like this: Why would the casino invest in such an advanced restrictive tool, if it is clearly stated in the rules that you can't do it anyway? The logical result is that the casino deals with consequences of your actions, yet the cause is on you to consider.

Do you know what I mean, please?

pre 1 nedelje

I kako to da su depoziti odmah zaplenjeni bez refundacije novca? Da li je legalno da kazino dozvoli da se uplate depoziti i da se nastavi sa oduzimanjem?

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pre 1 nedelje

Iako sam podneo toliko pritužbi da je kazino zaplenio moje depozite bez ikakvog objašnjenja i zašto ne postoji način da kontaktiram kazino da saznam šta je urađeno sa zaplenom

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pre 1 nedelje

Do I understand correctly that you mean the deposits from the multiple accounts of yours?

Well, you have violated their rules by opening those accounts, so if it is clearly stated in their terms that it is strictly prohibited and the casino will confiscate the money from these accounts, they did so.🤷‍♀️

In most of the casinos, as we have already said many times before, the verification is done only when withdrawing and not when deposits are made. When you were going through the verification process, only then the casino found out that you had opened multiple accounts and seized the deposits.

Did it happen that way, right?

pre 1 nedelje

Ponovo pitam zašto ne postoji način da se kontaktira kazino? Više puta sam tražio da mi objasne kako kazino insistira da mi vrati 100 evra od 580 koliko je deponovano, na isti način kao što sam zamolio nekog nadležnog da kontaktira mene ili pravnu službu kazina sa mojim advokatom a nemaju da li postoji način da kontaktiraju kazino da mi objasne kako oslobađaju deo depozita pošto su svi napravljeni na isti način sa lažnih naloga

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pre 1 nedelje

I bet the casino is convinced there is nothing else to discuss. Even here, on the forum, we've explained everything, I guess.

Normally, when the player fails to comply with the rules, he is also not fit for any refunds. I probably still do not understand why you believe you should get something under the many times described circumstances.

What makes you think you should be refunded, please?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 nedelje
pre 1 nedelje

Objašnjavam vam da nema načina da me kontaktirate slao sam ih nekoliko puta da me neko od nadležnih kontaktira i moj advokat ih takođe šalje a on ne odgovara i nema drugog načina da me kontaktira to je prevara n1 kazino dozvoljava klijentima da uplate depozit, a zatim nastavlja sa konfiskacijom i ne postoji način komunikacije

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pre 1 nedelje

Kako ću moći da saznam zašto kazino želi da mi vrati 100 evra od ukupno 580 evra koliko je zaplenjeno? Kako da znam da nije bilo prevare i da preostali iznos nisu zaplenili službenici kazina, pošto ne postoji način da ih kontaktiram, a moj pravni savetnik ne može da ih kontaktira?

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pre 1 nedelje

As it was said many times before, unfortunately, we are unable to do anything about it.

Your complaint was rejected as unjustified because you have violated the rules. It finishes here for us; there is no way to go any further.

Please stay well, and try to obey the rules all the time to avoid situations like this.

pre 1 nedelje

Da li je moguće da ne mogu da kontaktiram kazino sa nekim nadležnim da mi objasni kako je napravljeno 13 naloga sa lažnim podacima i naplatili su mi karticu da li je moguće objasniti da me je kazino prevario i da ne postoji način da kontaktiram kazino i da li se tužba odbija?

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pre 1 nedelje

Zašto ne mogu da kontaktiram menadžment ili svog advokata da dobijem objašnjenje kako da vratim deo iznosa pošto je isti slučaj i da li je legalno kreirati naloge sa lažnim podacima bez ikakve provere i koristiti isti na svim kartica računa; Zar ne može da nema komunikacije sa kazinom i da ovo bude legalno?

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pre 1 nedelje

To be completely honest and respectful, I believe the casino manager has lost interest in answering your questions, and the longer we continue this conversation, the better I understand his approach. It is not against the law to ignore someone; in certain situations, it is the right thing to do.

Consider all of us; we have been asked the exact same questions by you repeatedly, but you still do not understand that we are unable to assist you, and there is now nothing more to talk about.

Kindly go over the entire information exchange we had again; you will undoubtedly find all the answers.

If you would rather to keep using the word "illegal" incorrectly, then by all means, you did create more accounts illegally; everything else is insignificant. That was the start of the rule violation that led to this exact situation.

I still make an effort to understand you, but we shall not be answering the same queries over and over again

We all appreciate your understanding.

pre 1 nedelje

Menadžer kazina nikada nije kontaktirao ni mene ni mog advokata i to je protivzakonito jer nam nikada nije dato objašnjenje kako je moguće da je 13 naloga kreirano sa lažnim podacima, ista kartica je korišćena, depoziti su zaplenjeni ukupan iznos od 580 evra i odluka kazina je da želi da vrati deo od 100 evra. Više puta sam tražio da mi objasne kako postoji ovaj izuzetak pošto je u pitanju isti slučaj i nikada me nisu kontaktirali kada ne mogu da kontaktiraju bilo koji kazino ili bilo koje pravno odeljenje nije li to protivzakonito?

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pre 1 nedelje

Mislim da ne postoji nijedan drugi legitimni kazino u kojem nema načina da pravno odeljenje kontaktira mog pravnog savetnika da istraži lažne naloge sa lažnim detaljima koji su naplatili moju karticu i da ga istražuje odeljenje za sajber kriminal. pokušajte da prikrijete kazino koji je zaplenio moje depozite

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pre 1 nedelje

Hoćete li mi, molim vas, odgovoriti da li ima smisla da u legitimnom kazinu ne postoji način da se kontaktira neko od nadležnih i nema pravnog odeljenja da odgovori svom vansudskom advokatu da dalje istraži lažne račune i oduzimanje depozita?

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