Da budem potpuno iskren i pun poštovanja, verujem da je menadžer kazina izgubio interesovanje da odgovara na vaša pitanja, i što duže nastavimo sa ovim razgovorom, bolje razumem njegov pristup. Nije protiv zakona ignorisati nekoga; u određenim situacijama, to je prava stvar.
Uzmite u obzir sve nas; Postavljali ste nam potpuno ista pitanja od vas više puta, ali i dalje ne razumete da mi nismo u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo, i sada više nema o čemu da razgovaramo.
Molimo vas da ponovo pregledate celu razmenu informacija koju smo imali; nesumnjivo ćete naći sve odgovore.
Ako biste radije nastavili da koristite reč "nezakonito" pogrešno, onda ste svakako otvorili više naloga ilegalno; sve ostalo je beznačajno. To je bio početak kršenja pravila koje je dovelo do ove situacije.
I dalje se trudim da vas razumem, ali nećemo uvek iznova odgovarati na ista pitanja
Svi cenimo vaše razumevanje.
To be completely honest and respectful, I believe the casino manager has lost interest in answering your questions, and the longer we continue this conversation, the better I understand his approach. It is not against the law to ignore someone; in certain situations, it is the right thing to do.
Consider all of us; we have been asked the exact same questions by you repeatedly, but you still do not understand that we are unable to assist you, and there is now nothing more to talk about.
Kindly go over the entire information exchange we had again; you will undoubtedly find all the answers.
If you would rather to keep using the word "illegal" incorrectly, then by all means, you did create more accounts illegally; everything else is insignificant. That was the start of the rule violation that led to this exact situation.
I still make an effort to understand you, but we shall not be answering the same queries over and over again
We all appreciate your understanding.
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