ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 90)

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pre 4 nedelja

Or you stick to the relevant topic of this thread, instead of trying to scam people.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 nedelja
pre 4 nedelja

Due to breaching the rules again, I'm banning your account.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 nedelja
pre 4 nedelja

Zdravo, ima li šanse da otkrijete ova kazina? Imam jaku sumnju koja kazina…

ako su u pravu i misle da činimo zločin zašto se plaše i čak kontaktiraju održavanje da uklone ovu temu?. Ovaj lanac bi za njih bio dobitak na lutriji, evo nas svi koji smo po njima napravili "zločin", tužili bi nas i dobili odštetu... zar ne?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 nedelja
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

Delujete kao veoma zbunjena osoba, čuvajte se i ugodan vam dan. ☀👌

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja


pre 4 nedelja

Hajde da to razjasnimo.

-Kontaktiranje gejtveja za plaćanje, operatera plaćanja, kazina i traženje povraćaja novca zbog netačnog MCC koda i pranja transakcija NIJE protivzakonito. Oni jednostavno mogu samo izjaviti da misle da je neko pogrešio, i da ništa ne vrate.

- Kontaktirati iste aktere i tražiti povraćaj novca iz izmišljenog razloga, npr. da niste primili novac, može biti pokušaj prevare.

-Pretnja bilo kom akteru nasiljem, uznemiravanjem itd. može biti protivzakonito

-Ulaganje žalbe na karticu vašoj banci i nepoštenje u vezi sa primanjem novca za kazino igre je pokušaj prevare, tj.

- Podnošenje žalbe na karticu vašoj banci i iskrenost da je otišla u kazino nije protivzakonito. Međutim, banka može odlučiti da zamrzne vaše račune (privremeno) ili da vas ukine kao klijenta ako proceni da ste klijent visokog rizika.

Nit se ne mora zatvoriti. Osnovno pitanje nije pogrešno. Siva je zona u pogledu toga koliko je to legalno ili ne sa "pranjem transakcija" i upotrebom netačnih MCC kodova - to apsolutno nije politika Mastercard-a i ViSA-e, ali pravno je više siva zona. Ovo je verovatno razlog zašto neki odlučuju da otplate, a drugi ne.

Dokle god se ovo drži, i drži se istine, ne može biti osuđen ni za kakav zločin. S druge strane, takođe sam nekoliko puta u prošlosti upozoravao da je pokušaj prevare lagati/zatajiti istinu vašoj banci ako uložite žalbu na karticu. Čak i ako pošaljete e-poštu ovim kompanijama i lažete i npr. kažete da niste primili kazino depozit, to bi mogla biti prevara. Međutim, veoma mi je teško da vidim da bi oni smatrali da vredi voditi skup sudski proces protiv bilo kog pojedinca za tako male sume.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 nedelja
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

I totally agree, to be honest. There is a simpler way to avoid this. Don't play at Curacao or don't play at all, if you are not willing to take the winning or losing risk.

pre 4 nedelja

I think you meant don't play at any unlicensed casino 🙂, which in general means no MGA, no Estonia or no Curacao or any other fake jurisdiction. Just because they say they have a license, doesn't mean it's a license. A license for what? Scamming people? Processing payments incorrectly?

This fraud is in any jurisdiction with fake international licenses. The fraud don't exist in, for example, the Swedish licensed casinos or the UK licensed casinos. Don't play at all if you are in a country that doesn't have a proper national license. We all know we're just giving away money to money launderers and tax avoiders by doing this. It's similar to buying drugs from criminals. It leads to violence, more crime etc etc.

I would say it's important to remember this in the long run.

pre 4 nedelja

Digikey, Budapest. ( refunded and emailed me with this explanation: they dont seem to understand exactly what is happening.


Also / refunded today.

So don't let yourselves be threatened. it is obvious that the Casinos are taking advantage of some companies here and it is they who are doing the wrong thing.

pre 4 nedelja

I think it been mentioned before, a lot of the merchants, (except the obvious Estonian shell companies), are unaware of the issue. They are just getting used as much as we are getting used by dubious suspicious payment processors/Gateways/aquiring banks that is the culprit.

pre 4 nedelja
pre 4 nedelja

Sweden or no Sweden, easy to spoof your location or account here too.

But so many obvious accounts trying to threaten us, saying we will be sued etc etc

How would they sue us using a casino guru username, lol.

pre 4 nedelja

I would advise every single person to leave the thread. All financial institutions are aware of this now and are actively saving copies of people’s posts for their own investigations.

Casino Guru need to close this thread down immediately

pre 4 nedelja

lol, they will sue my username

all financial instutitions, haha, like they would bother.

pre 4 nedelja

I uploaded the documents but they were removed!!

I haven’t been paid anything to silence people. I was passing on the message I received which clearly shows that this thread is illegal.

some of you claim to not care but I promise you will if they contact you directly.

pre 4 nedelja

How would they contact me directly?

pre 4 nedelja

Basically admitting on here to gambling but then claiming to not receive goods is an illegal offence. They are saying that we are capitalising on both playing with the funds and then getting money back. Also by us getting other people involved it makes it more serious as it’s a fraudulent scheme.

this is what they are telling me. I perfectly understand people wanting to keep their posts on here but it’s not worth it for me to do so receiving the threat.

pre 4 nedelja

who is telling you? Your Russian overlords?

pre 4 nedelja

Sounds to me like this thread is working. Keep fighting!

pre 4 nedelja

Sigurno se Kuickbit uopšte nije vratio? Ionako nisam pročitao nikoga ko je od njih dobio povrat novca 😕

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

Zdravo, ima li šanse da otkrijete ova kazina? Imam jaku sumnju koja kazina…

ako su u pravu i misle da činimo zločin zašto se plaše i čak kontaktiraju održavanje da uklone ovu temu?. Ovaj lanac bi za njih bio dobitak na lutriji, evo nas svi koji smo po njima napravili "zločin", tužili bi nas i dobili odštetu... zar ne?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

We don't want to post what casinos are involved yet, because we are waiting to find out if they want to open a discussion with us. So we give them a few more days to get in touch.

pre 4 nedelja

the casinos won't sue anybody for sure, it's just kinda tactic, so you stop emailing them

on the other hand, I guess a good half of guys here try in fact dispute funds for the services they received and spent, I tried as well.

asking for a refund in this case directly from providers/casinos won't get you into legal trouble but if you raise it to the bank/other instances on a constant basis - that could be a matter lol

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 nedelja
pre 4 nedelja

Koliko sam razumeo, 2 kazina su prvo kontaktirala kazinogurua da uklone ovu temu? nakon čega je kazinoguru želeo da razgovara sa njima i oni više nisu komunicirali.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

Been following this thread for a while as I also noticed this on my bank statement and thought I'd recover some of my funds at least as I was getting fed up with it all.. I was also contacted yesterday by my bank directly after I disputed my transactions and have been told that they have noticed ''numerous clients disputing multiple transactions which were completed via 3d secure'' all claiming the same story behind their disputes and said that the matter is being investigated by the bank and my bank account is now part of the investigation WHICH IS NUTS!!! Has anyone else been contacted about this?!?! What is going to happen now??

pre 4 nedelja

Koje ste objašnjenje dali/po kom osnovu ste tražili reklamaciju kartice?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 nedelja

Nemoguće je reći ako nam ne kažete na osnovu čega ste podneli žalbu. Šta ste napisali banci kada ste podneli žalbu?

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