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Kontaktirajte Casino Guru (strana 4)

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  1. Dobio sam ovo kako da dobijem platu? file
Automatski prevedeno:

Based on the screenshot, I suppose you played the free demo game on our website. Since we're not an online casino and you can't play here for real money, it's not possible to withdraw any winnings you get on the free games.


Zdravo, moguće je da možete kontaktirati Josefa i zamoliti ga da mi odgovori. Previše je komplikovano za komunikaciju sa njim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Jaro, moguće je da možete kontaktirati Josefa Z. i zamoliti ga da mi odgovori. Previše je komplikovano za komunikaciju sa njim. Dojaditi!

Ostavila sam i poruku u kojoj citiram Radku.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, moguće je da možete kontaktirati Josefa i zamoliti ga da mi odgovori. Previše je komplikovano za komunikaciju sa njim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there! 

I'll try my best. I'm assuming you mean Josef, who assigns and handles tester groups, right?

What am I supposed to say, and how does he recognize who you are, please?

Furthermore, reading online, CasinoGuru does not have a VAT code, there is no company code, there is no headquarters, on some sites they claim to be based in London, others in the USA, the employees work in Slovakia

There are no company financial statements

on terms and conditions, unlike what the GDPR provides, they hide all data

all of their domains have privacy turned on

1+1+1 there is something not too clear

I will investigate their financial statements


Certainly, it is not clear. I, for example, don't follow the context.

Well, good luck to your cause, whatever it is...


casino luckyblock have the same headquarters as casinoguru

Luckyblock casinoguru rating 9.1

Forum readers complain that the rating is too high

other platforms significantly lower rating

Radka do you want me to list all the connected casinos?


casino luckyblock have the same headquarters as casinoguru

Luckyblock casinoguru rating 9.1

Forum readers complain that the rating is too high

other platforms significantly lower rating

Radka do you want me to list all the connected casinos?

Honestly, I'm worried about you.

All these leads are just simple, standing facts that you aim to put together to forge a suspicion.

I already explained here 👈, how very funny this idea is. I'm sorry, I won't play a part in your fairy tales.


thank you, I'm fine and I'm very happy, especially with my conscience

I don't induce anyone to make mistakes

If you don't see anything exceptional, why hide it?

the situation is very clear, as are the ratings assigned

" is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games and is not controlled by any gambling operator or any other institution. All our reviews and guides are done honestly"


delete the phrase from the site


What you are posting now is, in my eyes, merely a bunch of wild speculations and assumptions with a great deal of ignorance. Why would any company provide compliant materials to anyone?

Don't you know that information is worth gold, and this industry is full of shady practices?

We share what we are obliged to, like anyone else.

Look, I tried to make you understand that this forum is not here to constantly battle your speculations. Our goal is to support players, not engage in your fictional theories.

Writing to you seems more and more pointless to me. Post just a single general comment about Casino Guru and our unprovable opinions, and I will restrict you from accessing this forum.

Your actions are not helping anyone.

my speculations?

my conscience is cleanliness, certainly not yours

as you confirm in previous messages

but have you ever read what is shown on the bottom bar of your site?

But I noticed that you didn't challenge me to provide more evidence.... I really have a lot of it

For me it's a waste of time now

I hope many other readers understand this

I thought casinoguru

in a different reality

instead it is pure speculation on the backs of readers and players who are being scammed because of you

a delusion

Good life

Karma has no deadline and never loses an address.


When you have a lot of evidence, you have the option to file a complaint for our team to investigate and evaluate it, I think without that it's just a guess until fraudulent activity is proven.

Also, if you think that because of us players are scammed then obviously this place is not for you. 

I hope you will do well.

Zdravo, potrebno je da pažljivo proverite, podneo sam žalbu na nereflektovani depozit iz Netabet kazina, koji je iz Montereja, Nuevo Leon, Meksiko, na mreži, ali kada sam podneo žalbu, taj kazino se nije pojavio na listi, ali je registrovan uz dozvolu Segoba. Nadam se da ćete mi pomoći, molim vas.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

Thank you for the explanation. I checked your complaint, and I will inform Nick, because it says NetBet Casino right now.

Just to avoid a mistake, could you add the casino's URL, please?

In any case, I would certainly follow Nick's advice. Do not deposit at this casino until the original deposit is resolved. Also, the whole procedure may take some time. give it a few more days, at least.

I imagine it's an uneasy situation, and I'm sorry to see the casino no longer communicates with you.

To be perfectly honest, there is not much to do at this point. Have you tried to write a comment or engage with them through social media profiles? I usually see that as the last-resort communication option.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Ovo je URL kazina na kojem imam problem sa svojim depozitom Voleo bih da mi možete pomoći

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the information. As I can see, we don't have this casino in our database, and I will pass it on to our data team to check it out.

In the meantime, Nick will change the casino name in your complaint, so everything is correct.

Have you tried to reach your payment provider regarding your deposit to find out if everything is okay on their side?

I hope that the issue will be solved soon and you will be able to get your money.

Hvala vam puno, imao sam nekoliko pokušaja komunikacije, ali su mi samo rekli da nastavljaju da potvrđuju gejtvej za plaćanje koji sam prošao sa svojim depozitom, ali da nemaju odgovor i da treba da ih kontaktiram kasnije kako bi me doneli i zapravo se nadam da mogu. Pomozite da uskladim odgovor sa njima i pomozite mi da povratim svoj depozit to je kazino u kojem imam problem

Automatski prevedeno:



Not sure how to figure out your message behind the number. Could you help with more details? 🙂

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