Oh, vidim.
U tom slučaju, žao mi je što ste morali da prođete kroz tu situaciju i hvala vam što ste podelili informacije.
Samo da biste imali predstavu o tome koliko je bilo loše, da li ste spomenuli probleme sa kockanjem ili ste samo zamolili da se vaš nalog trajno zatvori, zadovoljni? Stvar je u tome što s obzirom na karakteristike kazina, trajno zatvaranje može biti opozvano ako niste spomenuli probleme sa igrama/kockanjem. S druge strane, nemam pojma kako ova situacija stoji sa sportskim opkladama. Samo osećam da razlika nije tako velika.
Oh, I see.
In that case, I'm sorry you had to go through that situation, and thank you for sharing the info.
Just to have an idea of how bad it was, did you mention the gambling issues, or just asked your account to be permanently closed, pleased? The thing is that considering casino features, the permanent closure may be revoked if you had not mentioned gaming/gambling issues. On the other hand, I have no idea how this situation stands with sports bets. I just feel the difference is not that big.