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BC.Game Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

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pre 10 meseci

Bc Game and Stake are wrong, is it hard to conclude???

Nobody can deny a servive if clients are able to use and pay for it because the merchant decided to write a personal law to access your products. Acting like this BC game and Stake are above the commercial laws. Do they think they are specials? Why?

Any regular casino close and reopen accounts when users request. If the user is a vicious it's a problem that casinos must monitor closely but it's not my case.

End of line!!!!!!!!!!!!

pre 10 meseci

Every casino tries to respond carefully in this matter of account reopening and you should definitely read the Terms and Conditions to see if this is possible. If it is not possible after closing the account, I don't see any significant problem if you have already asked to close it once. 

Regarding the law, as it was said, we are not lawyers, so we leave the law to them. 

pre 10 meseci

I talked to four different lawyers: everybody said me casinos are wrong!!!

Bet365 acts like this too, I think they will have serious legal problems in Brazil following the new law. Bet 365 is worse, they rejects opening account for their own reasons.

Curiously, they are british too!!!

pre 10 meseci

Then it's probably a good idea to use their services if you think the casinos are to blame. 

Regarding Bet365, I would like you to post about it in the Bet365 thread, so that two casinos don't get mixed together unnecessarily. Would that be possible please ? 

pre 10 meseci

Ok, I'm not furious with Casino Guru and we want the same thing: better and transparent casinos.

Thanks for support!

pre 10 meseci

Hey there!

I think you are right. We both want the same thing, but the way it is used differs a bit on both sides, I reckon. On our end, we praise legitimacy and a fair approach. Thus, we leave questions of the law to lawyers. You may have noticed that since it is a very common topic here.

Speaking of which, feel free to share your insights regarding Bet365 right here. Jaro, nor do I aim to limit your ability to speak up. This thread is the best place to start

pre 9 meseci

Moje povlačenje je iznenada odbijeno.

Ima li neko iskustva?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci


I moved your post right here since this thread is completely about experiences with BC Casino.

So, feel free to browse experiences right here.

Speaking about experiences, can you perhaps ask the casino support or chat about it? Or did you do that?

Is there any particular reason worth mentioning?

I know there are a lot of questions, but I am just trying to get the big picture for now. Who knows, maybe there is quite a simple explanation and, with luck, a solution!

pre 9 meseci

Kada sam kontaktirao kupca, zamolili su me da im pošaljem e-poštu, pa sam im poslao imejl. Od mene je zatraženo da potvrdim svoj identitet, pa sam se autentifikovao. Međutim, kada pokušam da podignem novac, to je odbijeno. Ne znam uzrok i kontaktirao sam ih, ali nisam dobio tačan odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

I see that the casino didn't give you any relevant answer that we could grasp, which is quite a pity. Especially if they tell you to email them and they don't reply. 

It would also be nice to know the reason why your withdrawal is rejected so we have an idea of what might be causing it. 

However, how long has this situation been going on ? 

pre 9 meseci

Želeo bih da znam razlog zašto je moje povlačenje odbijeno.

Šaljem e-poštu jer želim da znam, ali nisam uspeo da dobijem jasan razlog. To traje već više od mesec dana.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

In this case, if it's been dragging on for a month, I recommend opening a complaint on this link, where our team will try to help you. I think for both of us a reason for the rejection would be appropriate, but if the casino can't give any relevant one, and it's taking so long to pay you off, I can only see one option with a complaint. 

You gonna go for it? 

pre 9 meseci

Da hvala!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Perfect, you can create it on the link I gave you in my previous reply. If you have any questions or difficulties feel free to ask.

Also, if you get any response from the casino, or if you have received your money, be sure to let us know. 

Post od aakashaina je obrisan od Daniel
Razlog: Spam
pre 7 meseci

Dana 17. februara, izvršio sam povlačenje sa svog naloga u iznosu od 79.358 EOS na broj koji mi je poslao drugačiji broj od kojeg sam poslao grešku na drugi koju sam podneo tužbu bibitu, gde sam i povukao. Oni su ih marljivo povratili i vratili u novčanik iz kojeg su poslati, a to je BC novčanik, i u stvari jesu, poslali su mi mejl sa potvrdom da je transakcija uspešno obrađena i da su vratili iznos od 78,86 EOS-a i poslali su mi potvrdu sa hešom transakcije ili otkid identifikatorom za reb4040c8a koje stupam u kontakt sa bc timom za podršku i šaljem im sve isto informacije koje stavljam ovde, kažu mi da mi je već ponovo vraćen u novčanik, ali mi ne daju tkid transakcije, zbog čega se ispostavilo da je krađa. i nedostatak moralne etike i narušavanje poverenja prema svojim klijentima.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

Hi, I don't know if I understand this correctly. When you withdrew from the casino you entered incorrect details and the money was sent to someone else yes ? From there you got the money back using bibyt for help. 

Now the problem is the amount that was shown in your casino account ? Because you mention a much higher amount in the first time than the one you got back. Am I thinking right or wrong ? 

Please let me know so I don't misunderstand.  

pre 7 meseci

Zdravo, desilo se sledeće: povukao sam iz iznos od 79.396 EOS na adresu bibitdeposit na memo 500066481 (koju sam uneo pogrešno) tačna je bila 500066841, u ovom koraku sam pogrešio sa beleškom dok sam već pomenuto, za koje sam pripremio da napravim tiket za oporavak onih EOS opcija koje daju bibit za ove slučajeve, na sreću ili nesreću izvršili su povraćaj sredstava ali ih uvek vraćaju na račun pošiljaoca koji je u ovom slučaju od bc-a kome su mi poslali TKSID povrata u navedeni portfelj gore pomenute imovine samo sa popustom od 0,5 EOS za provizije za oporavak, onda sam kontaktirao BC podršku kako bi oni kreditirali te EOS u moj portfolio da ih igram ili da ih povučem ili šta god hoću da uradim sa njima, ali mi ih ne pripisuju niti mi daju koherentne odgovore, odnosno žele da mi ih ukradu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 7 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

Yes, so basically I was thinking quite similarly. So what does the casino give you as a reason when you ask why the money was not credited to your account ? I think the casino's answer would be important in such a case. 

However, I also saw that you have already filed a complaint and our team will try to help you. I wonder how long the process will be. 🤔

If you get a relevant response or if your money turns up, let us know.

pre 7 meseci

Njihovi odgovori su bili:

Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavam da ne možemo da izvršimo povraćaj sredstava za transakcije koje su već poslate na adresu za prijem koju ste nam naveli.

Nakon provere našeg relevantnog tima u vezi sa vašom transakcijom, ona je već vraćena na vaš račun.

Molimo kontaktirajte novčanik koji prima! 😀

Možete kontaktirati svog dobavljača novčanika za dalju pomoć

Žao nam je gospodine, ali za sada pokušajte da kontaktirate vaš portfolio podršku koji će moći da vam pomogne u vezi sa tim. Molimo kontaktirajte ih Hvala.

Kada je status ispravan, nemamo šta da radimo u vezi sa tim, sredstva su već poslata na adresu koju ste naveli.

Uvek proverite unete detalje pre nego što nastavite sa depozitom ili povlačenjem da biste izbegli isti problem u budućnosti.

Molimo vas da ignorišete moju poslednju poruku gospodine, Nakon verifikacije, sredstva su već poslata sa naše strane, ali podrška vašeg novčanika će vam moći pomoći u tom pogledu. Molimo kontaktirajte ih Hvala.

Obratite se svom novčaniku koji prima. Hvala vam

Proverite detalje koje unesete da se ovo više ne bi dogodilo.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

In such a case, I would ask for the transaction's ID. What do you think? 🤔

It should be quite easy to provide when they claim the money has left their account,...

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