moj problem nije što ništa nisam osvojio, već što postoje igre koje ne daju besplatnu igru ni nakon 1000 okretaja, što se inače daje drugdje na svakih 200 maksimalnih okreta... ponekad daje malo ali onda ne mogu ništa dati nakon stotina okretaja... čak i kada te nervira što ništa ne radiš daje, posebno besplatnu igru, mogu kupiti bonus spin, ali na primer nedavno sam kupio 3×20 €, dao sam ukupno 7€ u zamenu za 60€.?svaka igra je podešena tako da daje malo do 10 okretaja, ali onda skoro ništa.. sinoć sam izgubio više od 800€ na opkladama od 0.2 i 0.3 da uđem u besplatno vrti u 2 igre.. jedna je dala 1.6 pa druga i 3€.. igrice definitivno nisu prave...tako odvratno mislim da se zvanični servis provajderi ne usuđuju da prihvate podešavanja, jer je u redu imati loš dan, ali ti ne mogu stalno...ali odustajem ne samo od ovog sajta nego i od svih, sajtovi su svakim danom sve beskrupulozniji...nisam pobedio ove godine, ali u proseku 100-150€ dnevno gubio sam.. nema smisla igrati, ljudi nisu zadovoljni sa mnogo miliona evra prihoda, nije zdrava želja za novcem među njima... ali ovaj sajt je jedan od najboljih 3 najgore na koje sam naišao, samo drugde sam stao na početku, ali ovde sam iz nekog razloga bio na gubitku od oko 1.500€ biće dovoljno da osetim... koliko god da platiš, ne možeš odigraj dobru igru
my problem is not that I didn't win anything, but that there are games that don't give the free game even after 1000 spins, which is normally given elsewhere every 200 spins max... sometimes it gives a little but then it can give nothing after hundreds of spins through... even when it annoys you that you don't do anythinggives, especially the free game, I can buy the bonus spin, but for example I bought 3×20 € recently, I gave a total of 7 € in exchange for the 60 € .?each game is set so that it gives a little until 10 spins, but then almost nothing.. last night I lost more than €800 on bets of 0.2 and 0.3 to enter the free spins in 2 games.. one gave 1.6 then the other and 3€.. games are definitely not disgustingI don't think official service providers dare to accept settings, because it's okay to have a bad day, but you can't do it all the time...but I'm giving up not only on this site but on all of them, the sites are getting more and more unscrupulous every day...I didn't win this year, but on average 100-150€ per dayI lost.. there is no point in playing, people are not satisfied with the many million € income, it is not a healthy desire for money among them... but this site is one of the top 3 worst that I have come across, only elsewhere I stopped at the beginning , but here for some reason I was at a loss of about €1,500it will be enough to feel... no matter how much you pay, you can't play a good game
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