NaslovnaForumKazinaBizzo Casino - opšta diskusija

Bizzo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od mcclane2020
57.736 pregleda 208 odgovora |
1...8 9 1011

So, it has a great outcome afterall. I'm glad for you. How long did it take at the end, and which payment method did you use?

Da li neko zna ko vodi bizzo? Na veb lokaciji piše Techsolutions nv, ali oni imaju veb lokaciju sa adresom e-pošte koja ne postoji. Ima li neko iskustva?

Vi ovde u Guru-u takođe kažete Kahnavake, ali mislim da to nije tačno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, the owner is- TechSolutions Group N.V. as you can see on their website so we have mentioned it as well in our review. 

Kahnawake is a license that the casino has received, and that is not the same thing. I also see the Curacao license which they also have according to our website. 

So why are you asking, are you in trouble here? 🤔


Ne, ali sam imao nekih poteškoća. 🥴 Samo me zanima. Bizzo više nema logo koji se može koristiti za validaciju licence.

Automatski prevedeno:

Have you managed to solve those difficulties?

Our data team checked the licenses, and they are valid according to our information.


Dobar dan. Hvala vam puno na podršci i praćenju. Situacija je rešena i uspeo sam da prikupim novac.

Veliki pozdrav!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day to you too!

It's cool to hear it all went well in the end! Perhaps you could remind me: how long did it take for you to get the money from the day you submitted the withdrawal request? Just to summarize it up. Thanks!

Ažurirano od strane autora

Da li to znači da su povezana kazina sa istim menadžmentom takođe sestrinska kazina u Bizzo-u?

na primer, da zajedno pristupite samoisključenjima?

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, it should work like you say, but unfortunately, many times we have witnessed some difficulties. That is why it is always best to check it out with the support of the casino, just to make sure how things are. Also, whenever you make this kind of conversation through the live chat, keep screenshots of those and save all the emails regarding it as well. It is just in case you'll need to show some proff in the future.

Have you had this kind of experience with some sister casinos, perhaps?


Zdravo Romi,

da, otvorio sam žalbu. Bio sam isključen iz nekoliko. I takođe od jednog koji je ovde naveden kod Gurua: Avalon78. Ne znam u kakvom su odnosu jedni prema drugima. A ostalima će to biti teško dokazati jer ne dobijam nikakve informacije. Težak slučaj! 🥲

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. I hope that our team will be able to get you some help with your complaint now. It is pretty complicated, as you said, but I am sure that they will do everything they can to get it solved in the best way possible.

I believe that these two casinos have the same management, according to our information.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.🤞


Zdravo Romi,

Baš tako. Oni se takođe povezuju kao partneri jer su članovi Plaiamo-a. A kad se kaže da ne znaju ništa jedni o drugima niti pristupaju jedni drugima, onda više ništa ne verujem. Ovo i dokaz o isključenju poslao sam Tomašu. Nadam se da će se pošteno završiti!

Automatski prevedeno:

I read it in your complaint, and Tomas will surely continue to investigate. Just, please give him some time to do that, as we work on many complaints right now. He will surely get back to you within the timeframe, as you can see the timer on your complaint "ticking."🙂


Znaš, Romi, jednostavno ne razumem. Žalbu treba odbiti jer ne postoji garancija da ćete biti isključeni iz svih njih. Onda uopšte ne razumem šta znači ista uprava kada mogu odmah da se prijavim na sledeću, iako tamo radi ista uprava. Za mene je to neshvatljivo i potpuno neodgovorno. Isključen sam iz svih 13 partnerskih kazina, iako tamo nisam bio registrovan. Nisam bio upisan u sve njih. Neke od njih uopšte ne poznajem, a ipak sam isključen i zabranjen iz njih. Onda se zaista pitam zašto ako ne rade zajedno?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I can understand your concern and you could be right here. Please do not hesitate to write it to Tomas as well, and express your concerns in the complaint thread. Hopefully he will be able to find out something more regarding this whole situation.

I really hope there will be a positive ending to all this and am keeping my fingers crossed for you.🤞

bizzo is one of my favorite casinos, they have fast withdraw and offer lots of deposit options.

moreover they have a rly kind vip manager service. at all this casino is pretty solid and definetly in my top 3


Hello, when you say that the casino has fast withdrawals, how quickly do you usually have money in your account ? What payment method do you use ? The same one for both deposit and withdrawal ? 😉

Samo podmetanje, stvarno tužno što skoro svaki kazino sve otrgne, to više nema veze sa kockanjem.

Automatski prevedeno:

Would you like to describe the situation at this casino, perhaps? Maybe we could even help somehow.

Dobro veče.

Moje ime je Celina.

Uplatio sam depozit i igrao igru, ali kada sam napravio povlačenje dobio sam odbijenicu.

Kada sam kontaktirao podršku, tražili su mi dosta dokumenata, izvoda o uplati i tako dalje i nakon slanja svega, popravljajući samo datum mog rođenja da sam promašio broj u kucanju, kaže mi podrška sajta ( gospođo Celina, sve je ok sada, samo izvrši povlačenje), uradio sam to, poslao sam na pik na svoje ime i CPF i šta oni rade? Oduzmu mi pristup AR-u, blokiraju me i zadrže ukupan iznos.

Gledaj, muka mi je od sajta koji ovo radi, za 320 reala.

Moramo se ujediniti da ovo zaustavimo, jer vidim mnogo pritužbi!

Mogu samo da zaključim da je ovo ružno. Ovo je krađa!

Automatski prevedeno:
1...8 9 1011
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