NaslovnaForumKazinaBruce Bet Casino - opšta diskusija

Bruce Bet Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Gambit123
23.370 pregleda 166 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Bruce Bet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Kazino krade sa sistemom! Isplate se poništavaju iza kulisa i ostaje vam da verujete da ćete nastaviti da igrate sa novcem bonusa iako oni onda ponište isplatu ne govoreći ništa - to je navodno bio dobavljač plaćanja... I onda odjednom vaš kredit nestaje i vi da ponovo bude ispunjen uslov prodaje. Savetovao bih nikome da ne igra tamo

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I see you've run into problems at the casino and I also noticed that you've managed to file a complaint

So the problem in this case is that you can't withdraw the money, yes ? I noticed from the complaint that you have accumulated some money, specifically 4000 euros. You got free spins, you managed to win some of them, but the wagering was applied to the 4,000, from which you could only withdraw 1,800, yes ? You made a withdrawal but it was cancelled by the casino. Did the casino also say for what reason this happened ? Was it because of the payment provider you mentioned and their problems ? 

You mentioned that the next day you could only withdraw 1200, does that mean you lost the rest or what happened to the money ? Do I understand correctly ? 

Please let me know if I overlooked anything or if I understood it correctly.

Da, dobro ste razumeli. Mislio sam da je 1800 € na putu na moj bankovni račun

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da sa rumom ionako neće biti ništa. Ali osećam se stvarno opljačkano

Automatski prevedeno:

Bruce Bet nastavlja da otkazuje isplatu i tvrdi da je to bio provajder plaćanja! Ali čim prihvatite ček besplatnih okretaja, na saldo će biti dodat uslov prodaje koji se mora unapred isplatiti... čista glupost

Automatski prevedeno:

That strikes me as utter nonsense. 

Nevertheless, did you upload your win that I described before without bonus or with bonus ? 

However, I think it was a good move to file a complaint and now we will have to wait how the whole situation will develop and where our team will get to. I hope everything can be resolved fairly. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

Bilo je toliko jasno da nije imalo smisla prijavljivati! Ne verujete mi ni... Hvala na trudu u svakom slučaju.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm but I didn't mention anywhere that I didn't believe you. I merely expressed my surprise that this seems like a strange situation to me. 

However, your complaint is still open and our team will try to help you, so there's no need to be negative. Let's see if they can resolve the situation. Take care.

5. januara sam podneo zahtev za isplatu mog dobitka i do danas je verifikuje, odmah će me zvati na proveru računa i navodno naredna 24 sata

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, koliko mogu da platim za uplatu? Imam ga već 4 dana i još uvek moram da platim verviju.

Automatski prevedeno:

5. januara sam podneo zahtev za isplatu mog dobitka i do danas je verifikuje, odmah će me zvati na proveru računa i navodno naredna 24 sata

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, your problem still persists and you didn't get your money ? Have you verified your account successfully ? 

Let me know if it is still the case that the casino has not paid you your money or if everything has been resolved in the meantime. 


Hello. So you are saying you're still waiting for the payment and the verification to be done, am I correct? I can understand that it could be a bit frustrating, believe me. We give casinos 14 full days to complete the verification and the withdrawal process for every player though. Do you have any information from the support what actually is going on with your case? Just try to be little bit patient here, and of course if anything happens regarding your case, please let us know 🙂.

Čekam na isplatu svog dobitka u ovom kazinu od 5. januara, platio sam bankovnim transferom, posle nedelju dana čekanja, delovalo je uspeh i posle sledeće nedelje nisam dobio novac na svoj račun, pa sam im pisao a oni su mi pisali da je dobavljač poništio uplatu i da će mi novac biti vraćen na račun. Moj nalog za igru ih još uvek nema do danas. Pišem onlain odeljenju za podršku i oni mi stalno pišu, sačekajte. Čekam od 5. januara. Pišem im i mole me da budem strpljiv i da čekam, koliko mogu da čekam?

Automatski prevedeno:

I honestly couldn't figure out whether the problem was about a lost deposit or a missing withdrawal. Luckily, your complaint helps us cover that question. I can't tell you how long you need to wait, but I can assure you that the Complaint Team will help, they just need some time to get to you. I'm sorry they have been pushing their limits for several months now. Just hold on, please.

Hvala na pomoći

Automatski prevedeno:

hj danas su mi prebacili 402 PLN na račun i trebalo je da vrate 1.751 PLN, podsećam da nisam imao bonuse u onlajn pomoći, pišu mi da moraju da objasne i moram ponovo da čekam i ne dirati u ovaj novac filefile Ovde sam poslao snimke ekrana svog naloga i razgovora sa tehničkom podrškom

Automatski prevedeno:

fileHave exactly same issue like Gambit123. After cancelling widraw they cancelled my cash due to a bonus even if I haven't got any active bonus. With I have confirmed it with them 2 days before

Ažurirano od strane autora

hj danas su mi prebacili 402 PLN na račun i trebalo je da vrate 1.751 PLN, podsećam da nisam imao bonuse u onlajn pomoći, pišu mi da moraju da objasne i moram ponovo da čekam i ne dirati u ovaj novac filefile Ovde sam poslao snimke ekrana svog naloga i razgovora sa tehničkom podrškom

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for the attached screenshots. Looks like it's going to take some time before you get your money back. But I'm glad that some of it has landed in your account. Now we will have to be patient and wait what the casino will say again, as I read from the screenshot. 

Be sure to let me know if you hear anything new.

I will be waiting. 🙂

fileHave exactly same issue like Gambit123. After cancelling widraw they cancelled my cash due to a bonus even if I haven't got any active bonus. With I have confirmed it with them 2 days before

Hi, did the casino explain to you why this whole situation happened and why your money was cancelled ? I would like to make sure, does cancelled mean that the casino took your money or just cancelled your withdrawal ? 

Let me know please. 

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